Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 301 Strange Harmony

Chapter 301 Strange Harmony

Taco is very humane, he touched his nose while walking: "If I wasn't the Zombie King, I would be one of the strongest among human beings with supernatural powers!

But it's a pity, I was fascinated by Jia Ningxiao's lust at that time!

In the end, she was the one who pushed me into the group of zombies, but he didn't expect that, not only was I not torn to pieces by the group of zombies, but I became the emperor among the zombies.

Even when I first became a zombie, I had human consciousness and thoughts!

So I thought at the time that I must take revenge, and I must let Jia Ningxiao know what would happen to her when she harmed me! "

During this conversation, they have come to a magnificent hall in the castle.

But Taco waved his hands at everyone: "Everyone is tired, how about you? Put this group of supernatural beings to me, and chat with Ms. Han for a while!"

The high-level zombies ordered to take away all the human supernatural beings.

Han Xiaochen just watched these artists helplessly, and the capable ones walked away with those high-level zombies obediently like a rabbit.

Han Xiaochen...

The humans and zombies are either the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or the west wind overwhelming the east wind.

It's clear that the zombies overwhelm the humans here.

"Miss Han, please sit down!" Taco made a gentle gesture of invitation.

Han Xiaochen glanced at the exquisite leather sofa in the hall.

I couldn't help but twitched the corner of my mouth
This taco is a zombie, why not enjoy it? This zombie can also feel it. Is it comfortable where to sit?
Although thinking so in his heart, Han Xiaochen sat on the sofa unceremoniously as a teacher
This sofa is really clean, it's spotless and doesn't even have the slightest bad smell!

"Taco, what are you trying to say to me? Tell me!" After such a short time, Han Xiaochen was no longer afraid of Taco.
Tako's scarlet eyes looked at Han Xiaochen with interest

"Han Xiaochen, both of us were killed by Jia Ningxiao.

But you are so lucky, you managed to save a life in the hands of her top killer Gu.

How can you not arouse my curiosity!
What's more, why did you become so powerful all of a sudden, do you have some god-level or fairy-level space like that woman Jia Ningxiao? "

Han Xiaochen just twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: "What do you think?

If I really had what you said, would the ability be at this level now? "

It's just that Han Xiaochen was very surprised when he said this just now. Although he could see that Jia Ningxiao had space in her real words, she didn't expect her level to be so high.

This is a proper heroine no matter where she can have that kind of magical space!
Aren't the heroines all the green tea whores with white lotus on the outside?
Or it's the kind of Mary Sue, everyone loves her, no matter how many hurtful things she does, she has no choice but to do so for good reasons.

"But what did you say just now? Jia Ningxiao has a magical space?

Oh my god! !
Then I was really lucky to have my life under the hands of such a woman whom God favors! "

Taco: "Hehe, you woman reacted so slowly, you managed to save a life!
As for me, although I am the king now, I am still a zombie!
The heart no longer beats, the blood no longer flows! "

At this time, Han Xiaochen's brain was twitching and he stood up. The two brothers patted Ta Ke on the shoulder.

"Taco, you are not bad, you are so powerful now, you can be regarded as an eternal existence!
Isn't this the pursuit of immortality from the day when human beings existed?

In a sense, even if you have obtained eternal life, as long as the human mind is there, isn’t it considered alive?Does the heart beat or not? "

Not only was Ta Ke not angry, but instead he looked at Han Xiaochen with a half-smile:
"What? Han Xiaochen, you envy me so much. If you envy me so much, then you should do the funeral too. I'll make sure you don't feel it, and you will become a zombie under the pain!"

Han Xiaochen suddenly teleported far away, shaking his head desperately.

"No, no, I don't want to be a zombie!

I haven't done enough yet, besides, how ugly the zombies are!

Not everyone can be a zombie king, maybe I have become a zombie, that is, the existence of wandering corpses outside!
If you really do that, I might as well just blow myself up! "

Taco didn't chase after him, and grinned: "Hehe...

Han Xiaochen, are you right?If I wanted to turn you into a zombie, I would have done it long ago?

Besides, do you think that with your little ability, if I have that kind of thinking, you can run away? "

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows: "Hey, you can't make such scary jokes, can you? Scary people will scare people to death!"

I am a young and beautiful little beauty, why should I become a zombie! !
You can't, if you're unlucky, you'll just treat me as unlucky, right? ? "


Are you being too kind?

Is it because I was too kind that that woman Jia Ningxiao dared to play tricks on her back?

But that was my performance. I was really too kind to that woman at the beginning, and I really didn't have any defenses at all!

: "Han Xiaochen, do you know why you lost so badly at the engagement ceremony?

In fact, it's not that you lost miserably, it's because you were unprepared, and Jia Ningxiao has long planned to win your position? "

Han Xiaochen shook his head with some injuries: "Taco, what you said is wrong, for me, there is no winner or loser except for the injury!

There is a difference between winning and losing, and that only shows that the two are on the other side of the competition!
As for me, I am destined to be stepped down, okay?
On the day of the engagement, I saw that woman Jia Ningxiao had exactly the same face as mine, so I knew what was going on.

Where in the real world would there be a fairy tale about Cinderella marrying a prince!

But I just believed it at the time, and I took Mo Yan as the savior who rescued me, a poor girl who is worse than Cinderella
Even in the end, I pretended to be affectionate and thought that he also liked me!
But the reality slapped me hard in the face, I was nothing more than a stand-in to Mo Yan!

Now that the original owner is here, there is no need for the double to exist anymore. It's normal for me to be kicked out!

It's just that I didn't expect Jia Ningxiao to be so unconfident that she was worried that my life would affect her.

I can't forgive you for finding someone to kill me! "

Han Xiaochen thought of his dreamlike happy time with Mo Yan before the engagement.

There was a sharp pain in my heart.

That's right, I am that street mouse that everyone shouts and beats in the eyes of the lowest rural people.

Where is this Cinderella? Cinderella is still the earl's daughter, or the prostitute, okay?
And what about myself?Are you a fart?

He didn't go to school when he was so old, he would tremble when he saw people, and he couldn't even speak neatly.

Although I don't want to admit it, I also know that I have a big psychological problem in my heart.

If it wasn't for the fact that his face looked exactly like that of Jia Ningxiao's.

Mo Yan, a prince in the true sense, can even be regarded as a king's man.

How can you look up to yourself?
We must know that even without the conditions behind him, Mo Yan is invincible based on his appearance, education, and emotional intelligence, okay?
As for the existence of himself, he definitely didn't even have the interest to take a second look.

Taco shook his head: "Han Xiaochen, you don't have to belittle yourself so much!
(End of this chapter)

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