Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 307 This castle turned out to be Taco's space

Chapter 307 This castle turned out to be Taco's space

Han Xiaochen couldn't drive the car for a while, it was too messy after all, and it didn't stop at night.

However, these mercenaries looked at Han Xiaochen's highly protected armored vehicle.

No one dared to step forward, after all, with this equipment, they felt that they would be dead if they stepped forward.

This is thanks to Zhao Ye. Han Xiaochen used to have armored vehicles, but he didn't have such good equipment.

This thing was gifted to her by Zhao Ye's friendship!
Otherwise, Han Xiaochen wouldn't have the guts to come here and pretend

Han Xiaochen found a dark place without any lights!

After entering the space with people and a car, she moved along to the organization's residence.

Sure enough, there were a lot of mercenaries guarding it, but Han Xiaochen didn't care which country it was from, he just knew it wasn't a good thing.

Han Xiaochen opened all his eyes of reality, and arrived at their warehouse with a few moments of teleportation.

This warehouse, if you usually have great ability, you can't open it, but now it's all coded locks, especially the weapons.

Han Xiaochen looked at these weapons, smiled slightly, waved his hands endlessly, and put them all into the space.

"Huh? What kind of emerald and diamond is this?" Han Xiaochen chuckled. These people would really enjoy it, but now, it's all theirs.

It's just that if this thing is taken away, it won't be easy to get rid of it at that time.

It doesn't matter, anyway, can't we keep it for these people so that they can buy weapons and harm the common people in the future?

"Who?" There was a cold shout outside.

Han Xiaochen directly entered the space
My wife's space ability can teleport, what can you do to me?

Sure enough, several people came in here. They looked like high-ranking mercenaries.

"Should this be what's going on?

"A mighty and majestic white mercenary head with a scar on his face.

yelling angrily
And the other one was also pale with fright: "Oh my god, my God

How is this possible, how is this possible to disappear!
We have a lot of handles here, as long as there is a slight mistake in the fingerprint and password, the door will explode! "

That person was yelling too.

"My God, this is not God's punishment for us!

This is impossible!It's not science! "

Another fat black man was also scratching his head in boredom.

In this way, he still felt that he couldn't vent, so he slammed into the wall with his fist.

For a moment it appeared that his hand had left fluid, possibly blood.

But this man looks too dark, even if he is bleeding, you can't see clearly.

Han Xiaochen was drinking the red wine sent from them in the space, while watching these people go crazy with a smile.

But this red wine is really good. I saw it with my real eyes, but it was all top quality wine!
But ah, it's all cheap now baby!
But these people are really rich, and there are so many gold bars and banknotes in this warehouse.

Not to mention this full of treasures.

But their money is all innocent people...

Han Xiaochen decided to donate a large sum of money to this country after returning safely this time, which can be regarded as his heart for the people of this country.

But this is not the only warehouse here, and there are many good things in other warehouses.

Now that I'm here, I'll let them do it myself.

Anyway, I can get used to it in the space, and I can see the outside scene from the space.

Han Xiaochen looked at a blind spot about 20 meters away from here, and there was no one there.

Han Xiaochen hastily teleported there, and swished into the space again.

Han Xiaochen patted his chest fiercely, it was dangerous, these people actually planted bombs here.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and didn't touch the place where the bomb was placed.

But it's not far from here to that warehouse, and you can teleport there directly.

It's just that it's so chaotic outside now, the alarm is sounding, and there are many people running around.

As for the warehouse I was eyeing, someone checked it out and locked the door after confirming it was safe.

Han Xiaochen curled his lips and waited for this moment.

Han Xiaochen teleported into the warehouse, and used the fastest speed to hook all the things here into the space.

Fortunately, I have upgraded my space ability this time!

I have to thank those people for the space crystal nucleus, otherwise I wouldn't be able to throw these things into the space so quickly.

Just like before, throwing them in here one by one, how can it be so easy!

However, this space is limited to me, and it is impossible to throw a lot at one time if I want to throw it to that interface.

But it doesn't matter, it should be enough to use these just in case to deal with Taco's zombie king.

Han Xiaochen looked at so many weapons in his infinite storage space, and felt at ease in his heart.

Who said that weapons are useless, this wooden weapon will be very useful in the last days, but there is a shortage of many materials, so it is very difficult to manufacture.

After all, you are capable, and those zombie mutant animals and plants outside are also amazing!


Taco watched Han Xiaochen silently in his room. The room was empty.

But even then, he still has the confidence of a god and feels that Han Xiaochen can't escape from his palm

His castle has formations, even space teleportation with space abilities.

It is absolutely impossible for this person to teleport out of this castle, and this castle has always been under his nose.

No one can get out without his permission.

No one would have thought that this big castle is actually the space of Taco.

Yes, Taco also has a space, but it is not a space difference, it is developed by the heirloom passed down to him by his family.

But it's a pity that this is just a big castle. Apart from the fact that people can live and plant here, there really is no benefit.

After all, even that planting is only in line with the slow growth of nature.

Otherwise, Taco wouldn't have been calculated by others at that time, and Yi would have turned into a zombie.

But it doesn't matter to be a zombie, he can still use this castle, and he can keep people and zombies he thinks capable here as his weapons.

But now his space is stronger than before. After all, he has caught Jia Ningxiao, another woman who has space or Lingquan space.

That's why Taco was able to provoke so confidently without being afraid of being wiped out by the crowd.

After all, they are in space here, so how could this irrelevant person be found?

As for why some people can go out, they can also come in.

That's because Taco marked those people and zombies, as long as they come to a specific place, they can enter the space as soon as they are triggered.

Taco is okay, those people and the zombies gave hints, making them think that they just entered a secret castle, not a different dimension.

I have to say that even Han Xiaochen was deceived by Taco!
The only thing that this tower doesn't remember is that Han Xiaochen can travel through space and time.

This Han Xiaochen went to another interface, what else can you do with it?
And are you sure?Can you be invincible all over the world by becoming the zombie king?

This zombie king was wiped out by supernatural beings, how many people took the crystal nucleus and absorbed it?


"Mo Yan, don't make it difficult for me, I really can't find it!
How long have we known each other? How could I hide this kind of thing from you!
Really, I can't see any clues at all, so I've gone tmd wrong? "

Zhao Ye cursed and casually killed several zombie animals that rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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