Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 308 Absorb Vitality?

Chapter 308 Absorb Vitality?
Mo Yan frowned tightly, "Zhao Ye, are you sure you can't sense your natural ability at all!"

Zhao Ye just smiled wryly: "Mo Yan, you think highly of me too much, I'm not a god, how can I be omnipotent?
You forgot, I almost died last time, and you came to save me!

That being the case, let's go back to the base and discuss slowly!

I really can't find a clue! "

Mo Yan looked at the clairvoyant they brought again.

Mr. Clairvoyance also shook him back and forth, "Mr. Mo, I didn't find anything either.

As if there is really nothing here, I think my eyes have never made a mistake in all these years!
But this time I really can't judge! "

Zhao Ye pursed his lips: "Mo Yan, let's go back first, go back and discuss it carefully, I don't believe it, so many people can disappear out of thin air?

Don't worry about this matter, the Imperial Capital base is more anxious than us, most of the people brought out by that bastard Bao Jingming this time are the elites of the base!

Mo Shen and the base can't afford to lose it! "

Mo Yan rubbed his forehead, since he was a child, he has never been so passive.

"Okay, let's go back to the base first, the future will be long, I don't believe it!"


"Honey, is there any news about the group of mutated animals?" Mo Shen asked softly

Li Na shook her head with an unusually heavy expression:

"Husband, this is out of the question, and the mutated animals didn't find anything, according to what they said, it seemed that their couple disappeared out of thin air in this car!

I'm tmd this world is fantasy, isn't it? "

Mo Shen hooked the corners of his lips: "This world is already mysterious enough, could you have supernatural powers before? Could you have space before?

Have you been able to travel through space before?
Can't it?But don't you have it all now?

If you can, why can't others?Why do you think you are unique no matter where you go? "

Li Na's eyes widened, and she couldn't help taking out her finger, pointing tremblingly at Moshen's head.

"Old... husband, you mean..."

Mo Shen helplessly pulled off his wife's fingers. If someone else accused him like this, then no matter who he was, he would have died long ago.

"Nana, I didn't say anything, I just said my guess!

Do you think there will be one of them who has the same space as you or a huge space.

And the master of that space is like the god of space.

Then you can get a large number of people into his space, and then work for him or something?
Even if your imagination is a little more daring, is it possible that the owner of this space will bring humans into it!

Then this space absorbs the vitality of human beings? "

Mo Shen frowned tightly.
Li Na looked at Mo Shen in confusion: "Honey, I don't understand why you think that way, your unconstrained thinking is a bit too...

It's shocking, but how to explain that incident?That mutated animal is very powerful.

And they are overwhelming, almost everywhere! "

Mo Shen rubbed her head helplessly: "Honey, you can think like this!
Do you remember being sick and almost dying when you got space?

Isn’t that space just absorbing your vitality?

And it is true that only you can enter your space, so if there is another space, will it have the same characteristics as yours?

I don't think so, right?Won't you tell me you're still getting room for a stupid woman?

This space must be different from the space, and the size is also different! "

It was only then that Li Na suddenly realized, but she still didn't agree with her husband's statement.

: "Husband, what you said is just your guess, and no one can say what the specific situation is!
Maybe the situation you said may happen, but even if it is true, what can we do?

According to the shocking statement you said!
That person is in the space he owns, he is a god, and he can do whatever he wants?
But this space belongs to a different dimension, so where do we go to find someone?
Not to mention anything else, it's a person with space abilities, that can enter his own space.

I don't think it's in the dimension of this world, right? "

Mo Shen hooked the corners of his lips firmly: "Trust me those people won't disappear forever, they can't just move in space!
And there are so many people and so many high-level zombies. Where can they go? Can they go to other interfaces like you?
If so, why did they come back?

In particular, isn't that tower often active in our interface?
So that's a lot of fun!
And I don't think all those who have space can go to other interfaces casually, right?
If it's all like this, then it's not a mess!
Even if someone has it, at least there should be some rules, or prohibitions.

Like you aren't you?Except for you who can bring me here, who else can come here!
Doesn't this explain a lot of problems?

So my wife, let's stay calm and don't be impatient, and you, send some powerful mutant beasts

It's better to be able to fly, just hovering occasionally in the area where they disappeared, I think there will be some new discoveries.

I believe that the noses of these mutated animals are much more sensitive than ours.

With so many people and so many breaths, they will definitely attract mutated animals.

Of course, if the mutated animals didn't dare to go, there was something wrong with it, which meant that the gathered supernatural beings or high-level zombies were very powerful!

What do you say wife? ? "

Mo Shen smiled mysteriously at Li Na
Li Na nodded: "It seems to make sense, then well, I'll give them some benefits and let them keep an eye on me over there!

But husband, I'm worried, if it's really like what you said, what should I do if I'm going to be exposed?
It's creepy just thinking about it?

what can you exposeSpirit spring?
How many spirit springs do you have?And I think, your spirit spring was exchanged with that zombie crystal nucleus and that kind of precious jewelry in a certain sense!

I always feel that your spiritual spring is different from the spiritual spring that other people's spiritual treasures really appeared that day.

Now it makes my teeth itch, and I want to find out! "

The old god Mo Shen touched his chin, and said

Li Na curled her lips: "But that thing is a piece of junk furniture, what else can it do except buy me a little bit of spiritual energy in the space!
It can't even be used as a storage bag, this person can't recognize the Lord at all!

As for things like space, it seems to be the feeling that whoever God wants to give is whoever it is!

I'm just worried that something will happen to Han Xiaochen, but it's useless to worry, where can I find someone now!
We have done everything we should do, but there are no people at all, and there are so many elites in the base, if they all die!

That's a pity, it's not a matter of digging out personal feelings.

Not only did they suffer heavy losses to the base, but the common people in the base and these low-level supernatural beings may have struggled to survive!

There aren't that many high-level supernatural beings here to support us, so let's attack the two of us. This imperial capital base will have to be finished sooner or later! "

The more Li Na said this, the more frowning she became.

Mo Shen just laughed, "What are you worried about? At worst, we won't be able to come to this meeting!

We didn't belong here in the first place, natural selection, survival of the fittest!
Isn't this so-called end times just the reshuffling of nature?
Who has the ability to be the boss, in fact, no matter which world or era it is in, isn't it the same? "

(End of this chapter)

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