Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 310 Negotiation

Chapter 310 Negotiation
"This, this, our team managed to get it here, and we lost a lot of people."

The tall black man added a preface first.

Han Zhennuo glanced at him lightly:
"Stop pretending to me, you're taking me for a ride, if you give me a real price, I'll take it, if it's not real!

Then I don't want it!

How about this, I see you are a gold-type supernatural power user!
How about I give you a third-level crystal nucleus of the gold system?Just for your practice!
Of course, if you don't want to, then I will leave, and now these jewels can only be used as decorations!

If I didn't like it, these things would not even be worth a piece of bread! "

The main reason is that these jewels are too easy to get nowadays, and there are so many of them here that they can't slip away, and there will always be some leftover jewels.

"Here's a third-level crystal nucleus!" The tall and thin man wanted to say something more, but he saw Han Xinnuo was about to walk to the side.

"Yes, it's the price you said, but can you give me a glass of water, I'm so thirsty.

Especially this time I am really hurt internally, can you give me some..."

Han Zhennuo shook his head, and threw him a third-level gold crystal nucleus.

"Bring the cup!"

"Hey!" The tall and thin man happily handed over the cup.

Han Zhennuo filled the glass with water for him by himself, threw the thing into the space and walked out.

But as he walked, Han Xinuo's heartbeat became faster and faster.
To say why, because there was a small pendant among these things, she didn't throw it in.

Neither the emerald house nor the supernatural space accepts it.

Can Han Xinuo not be excited?It's not easy for her to pretend to be calm and walk for so long.

But what the hell is this thing?

It shouldn't cause any major harm to the body, after all, it feels very comfortable to hold this thing in the palm of your hand.

Han Yinuo's heart pounded even more when he thought of getting the emerald house before, and he hurried back to the mercenary group.


"Han Xiaochen, what do you think?" Bao Jingming had a serious face, and there was no trace of a smile in his peachy smiling eyes.

Han Xiaochen just shook his head: "Brother Bao, I don't know what to do!
I actually went to the place where the castle was just before leaving, and tried space teleportation.

But it turned out to be a pity, and I couldn't get out of the gate of this castle even after trying my best!
But after thinking about it, I'm not so frustrated. If I could get out so easily, that person wouldn't be able to set us free, would he? "

"Then what should we do? Some people say that they treat us like sheep with two legs.

When they get hungry one day, they will wash us up and eat us! "

Another girl who looks very clean and beautiful is also very anxious.

Her name is Li Jiejie, she is just 18 years old this year, she is an ice-type 6-line supernatural being, and she is younger than Han Xiaochen!
But the future is limitless, but who would have thought that he would be so unlucky to come here this time.

"Jiejie, do you feel that something is wrong recently?"

Han Xiaochen frowned and looked at Li Jiejie

Li Jiejie just shook her head in bewilderment: "I'm okay with this, I just practice when I need to, and I even feel that my abilities have grown very fast recently!

But I don't know why, I have clearly touched the threshold of level 7, but I have used countless Jing Ke, but I just can't make it!
I always suspect that this place seems to have some restrictions on me! "

"Jiejie, scaremongering is the most taboo thing at this moment."

A three-dimensional facial features said coldly to the stern man
This is a proper level 7 lightning-type power user, even if he talks to his companions, he feels so cold and dangerous.

"Fancy, do you have any good suggestions!"

Bao Jingming was a little frustrated, he really tried everything, but he couldn't leave here.

"No" Fanxi's words are always so concise
Han Xiaochen bit his lower lip: "Everyone, I think there are so many of us, and most of us are considered elites, so they disappeared for no reason.

This base should send people to look for us, right?

Do you feel it, as if something was wrong when we got into the car! "

The few people present here can be regarded as the most powerful in this team, so of course they can only discuss it together.

And some of those people actually thought it was a good place, and even found a job, rolled up their sleeves and started working.

Of course, most of them just shut themselves in the room, practicing silently, intending to leave here someday.

"Han Xiaochen, to be honest, I feel a little bit!
It's like sitting in the car, it's obviously cold, but my palms are sweating!
And I have the kind of body that I can't feel when it's cold, and I can't feel the heat when it's hot or cold, but when it's extremely hot, my palms will sweat a little! "

A petite, exquisite, dark and thin girl, Wang Lingling, said,

Don't underestimate Wang Lingling, even though she looks weak, she has a level 8 fire ability.
Those who are decisive in killing and killing outside, if they leave this mercenary group, they can organize their own teams to become captains outside.

Han Xiaochen nodded: "I also felt very strange at the time, obviously the weather outside is very cold now!
But I just feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what is wrong!

What about you now?How do you feel now?
How about my feelings anyway?Although the temperature seems to be dozens of degrees below zero like our base!
But I just have an illusion, that illusion, as if I am in an environment that is most suitable for human body temperature of 25 degrees!
I don't know if I'm crazy or what's wrong with me?Anyway, that's how I feel! "

"Han Xiaochen, do you have this strange feeling?" Fanxi's voice seemed even colder and more dangerous.

"En." Han Xiaochen nodded with certainty.



Fan Xi frowned instantly, which was very inconsistent with his usual cold face.

"Han Xiaochen, maybe you are not delusional.

Let's imagine boldly, will we just think that our environment and our temperature are similar to the base now!

I also feel that something is wrong here, if the temperature is so low, how did those flowers and plants grow!

Let alone mutated plants, even if they were mutated plants, it was impossible to grow so fresh and tender!
I suspect that the temperature here is really more than 20 degrees, which is very suitable for plant growth and human comfort! "

Bao Jingming raised his eyebrows, then shook his head: "Fanxi, isn't your imagination too big?

I don't quite believe Han Xiaochen's statement. If we want one person and two people, there will be an illusion, and it is possible.

So many people here, and so many ordinary people, don't they still wear clothes that are tens of degrees below zero?
Even if people have been mentally hinted, is it possible that so many people have been mentally hinted?

Even if it is true, why would the person who gave the spiritual suggestion go to such lengths!
So many people feel that they are living in a cold environment, but they are actually living in a very warm environment.

What good does it do that person?Not to mention, I don't believe that there will be such a powerful person

Even if there is, this matter is completely thankless, there is no need at all! "

 No way, the next one will be updated later!stupid author too sleepy
  It's daytime, I've been busy outside all day
(End of this chapter)

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