Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 311 System?luck? ?

Chapter 311 System?luck? ?

However, Fan Xi just said these words coldly from his thin lips: "Boil the frog in warm water!"

Bao Jingming frowned but still disagreed:
"I don't believe it, I don't believe that person has such great ability to give psychological hints to everyone here!
But if he wants to be so capable, wouldn't it be better to make these people obey him directly with this psychological suggestion? "

"Hey! I still have a little different opinion.

Have you noticed that there seem to be almost no mutant animals here.

Anyway, I haven't noticed it all the time, could it be that they were all eaten by them?

Don't forget, although our base does not allow mutant animals to enter!

But there will still be a lot of people who will raise one or two small mutant animals of that kind to play with!
And it seems that there is no smell of mutated animals here, just standing in the gate of the castle, and there is no mutated animal outside!
Like the people in power here?
I can't say well, why is this? "

Han Xiaochen shook his head fiercely and said these specious words, because he felt that something was wrong, quite wrong.


"Meng Qing, your news is very true. You said that there will occasionally be spiritual energy leaking out of this place?"

Li Na and Mo Shen drove to a big abandoned bank.

Looking at the rather frightening big blue bird in front of him in amazement

Meng Qing kept nodding her head: "I always thought this place was strange, occasionally, some aura would leak out here!

But too little leaked, those low-level inductions can't come out!

But there are some strange things. Occasionally, some high-level mutant beasts and high-level zombies will be attracted here!
I have been guarding here for several days, these existences of them will soon disappear, or die a miserable death!
It's also the kind where the energy on the body is exhausted, the crystal nucleus is dug away, and it becomes a mummy! "

Li Na frowned and looked at her husband.

"Honey, have you noticed anything weird?"

Mo Shen just shook his head helplessly: "Your husband, I am not a god, and I can't find anything either!

But since Meng Qing said so, then I will find a way to install some surveillance here to see if I can find some clues! "

Li Na nodded reluctantly: "It seems that this is the only way to go!

It's been a long time, so what's going on!

Is it possible that there is really a very powerful person with a god-level or fairy-level space who entered the space from here?
But no, if there is such a thing, this person should also find a hidden place, right? "

Mo Shen smelled something different

: "My wife, let's go quickly, I feel this place is very evil, and you told Meng Qing to leave here quickly, we just need to install surveillance here!"

Li Na also seemed to feel a little uncomfortable here: "Meng Qing, you go first! These are for you, you should practice hard!

I also feel that this place is very evil, you'd better stay away from here.

I feel that the environment here has a very bad influence on both supernatural beings and mutated animals, but I can't say what is bad about it. "

Li Na got into the car with Mo Shen as she said this, and hurried back.

Mo Shen: "Recently, it is better not to be impatient first, I have to arrange the security work of the base well and then strengthen it!
As for you, I think you should go back first, this child cannot live without you when he grows up.

And at home, you also need to do some digging! "

"Well, okay, then I'll go back first, let me know when you're done, and I'll pick you up."

Li Na nodded

Naturally, Mo Shen, after going back, told the senior management of the base and Mo Yan and the others the clarification and discovery information.
Mo Yan just kept silent and didn't say a word, but he still believed in the information Mo Shen gave him.

However, Mo Yan went to the system to search for a long time, but he couldn't find the carrier that could break the space barrier and enter other people's space at will.

Yes, Mo Yan had an interstellar trading system in his mind at the beginning of the end of the world.

This system has produced many high-tech products thousands of years later, and even sells some things about the cultivation world.

After all, after thousands of years, the spiritual energy in this world has recovered, and a large number of practitioners have appeared.

It's just that what Mo Yan got was a low-level system.

Such an advanced trading system that can destroy space barriers and travel straight through space is also difficult to appear, and it really has never appeared in history!
And the technology for making the space ring and some of its core materials were all obtained by Mo Yan from that system.

That system is like a tiger with wings added to him.

Coupled with his own ability, he will quickly establish a base and become the actual person in charge of that base.

Coupled with the mental control of those upper-level figures, he has been away from the base for so long in the first period, and he will not feel that his position as the leader of the base will be taken away.

Zhao Ye shrugged his shoulders, as if feeling a little regretful
"To be honest, I really don't really believe that there will be such a miraculous existence!
But even if what he said was true, those people wouldn't hide forever in that space that remembers the aura!
These people will always show up and come out. As long as one of them comes out at that time, we will be caught and interrogated severely, and there will always be some breakthroughs! "

Mo Yan rubbed the space between his eyebrows, this matter is too difficult for him

"Zhao Ye, that woman of yours is really big!

If it weren't for Han Xiaochen, that woman of yours would have been ashes long ago!
But she actually went to practice at this juncture! "

Zhao Ye sneered: "My wife is not going to practice, what to do, so many people are not recruited!
Didn't you say it back then?Don't let her go out. Apart from causing trouble for everyone, she went out to deliver food to the high-level zombies outside.

And my wife said that her spatial ability might rise to level 8 this time, so naturally I have to let him hurry up and practice! "

"Level 8? Spatial powers?? Hehe, Zhao Ye, you woman is really lucky. I don't have much talent or brains!
But this luck is against the sky! "Mo Yan looked at Zhao Ye meaningfully.
Zhao Ye bent her lips: "Yes, my wife has always been very lucky, why? What do you want to say!

I advise you, it's best not to have those thoughts that you shouldn't have. Although my wife is lucky, she also relies on her strength to improve!

People's natural aptitude is there, which is something that many people can't even envy.

But I won't be jealous, it should be you, aren't you and my aptitude much better than my wife?
Also, what did you want to say, Mo Yan?
What are you trying to hint at me?

My wife has a few catties and a few taels. I know very well in my heart, put away your thoughts that you shouldn't have.

And what you want, she has never had it, and of course even if she really has what you want, it belongs to me and has nothing to do with you! "

The irony in Zhao Ye's words became stronger and stronger.

Mo Yan frowned: "Zhao Ye, let's stop arguing, I don't have any unspeakable meaning!
It's just that I sigh your wife's good luck. I have never smelled a trace of aura on your wife!
But her luck is also really good, the spatial ability awakened in her body is still the kind to hide in for refuge


(End of this chapter)

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