Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 312 The Power of the Jade Key

Chapter 312 The Power of the Jade Key
Zhao Ye glanced at Mo Yan lightly:
"Okay, don't talk about my wife, I think what my wife is doing now, you don't like her, right?

This friend has an accident, and it is normal to contribute money and effort, but I have no way to help, and I have found the relationship that should be found, what else do you want?
Don't forget, when we go out, my wife also wants to go with her. Whoever refuses to let her go, thinks she is holding back!

Mo Yan, do you know what you look like now?

You are like those double-standard dogs that my wife said!
You said that you insisted on abandoning Han Xiaochen at the engagement ceremony and offering that bitch as a jewel!

Even though you are capable, you don't check out what's going on with that bitch's inner core!

Later, I found out that it was impossible, so I turned my head to look for Han Xiaochen, look at you, you came here to make such an affectionate look!

Just how much trouble it caused Han Xiaochen, as if he was sorry for you if he didn't follow you!

And my wife, my wife provoked you!
What happened to Han Xiaochen, what my wife did was wrong, right?
My wife hides in her room to practice because she looks cold when she sees you coming here all the time, okay?

Dude, we're almost done with our work! "

Mo Yan glanced at Zhao Ye meaningfully, "Zhao Ye, I didn't see it, you are still a lover!

That silly girl Han Xinnuo is really lucky to be able to marry you!

Since when did you start to change the heart of this little game into that sincerity! "

Zhao Ye just laughed: "Mo Yan, you don't understand, you don't understand this emotional thing!"

It's just that before he finished speaking, he felt that the air around him suddenly became very strange.

It seems that all the energy around is rushing towards his wife's room.

Zhao Ye patted himself on the head, what stupid thing did this idiot Han Xinuo do?
How can you absorb all types of energy when you have a water system in space? Isn’t this courting death?

Zhao Ye quickly jumped up, and rushed to the bedroom.

Mo Yan quickly grabbed Zhao Ye's arm to stop him.

"Zhao Ye, if you interrupt her now, it will kill her even more!

How can I estimate that the current posture looks like your wife is awakening some new ability!

Do not……

This is not right, it shouldn't be like this if you awaken new abilities! "

Mo Yan frowned tightly.

"We can't do anything now except guard her outside her door!"

Zhao Ye gritted his teeth and leaned directly outside the bedroom door.

It's true that I was a little too anxious just now.

And it seemed that the surrounding energy was still frantically rushing towards Han Zhennuo's bedroom.

It seems that today's Han Yinuo needs a lot of energy. "


Han Zhennuo is really uncomfortable in the room now. Han Zhennuo has no social experience, but he usually reads a lot of novels!

It was in the shape of a key among the pair of jewelry she bought outside that couldn't be stored in the space.

That pendant was only the size of an adult's thumbnail.

Han Yinuo felt that this thing was definitely weird, and even felt that it might be like a space-like fetish
After all, the emerald house here is very easy to buy, so you can go home and try it.

I didn't expect it to merge with my own space and become my permanent refuge.

Can Han Xinuo not be excited?Let me first tell everyone that I want to practice in seclusion, and lock the doors and windows.

I started to test the key, but it couldn't fit into the storage space, Han Qinnuo tried another drop of blood, but it still didn't work.

Then, tossing about all aspects of his own water system ability is still not enough.

In the end, take your own space and slowly wrap the key, or try to absorb it, and see if it works.

But I didn't expect that this attempt to absorb the absorption was broken. I don't know if it was the effect of the previous blood recognition or something.

Han Zhennuo felt that if it was slowly absorbing the surrounding energy, any kind of energy would be absorbed.

Han Zhennuo felt that this matter had something to do with it, so he grabbed the crystal nucleus and wrapped it with his own spatial ability, if he was still slowly absorbing the energy here.

Unexpectedly, this key can transform all the energy around it into space energy, allowing her to absorb it.

Her space ability grows so fast, even better than those space crystal nuclei.

Han Zhennuo felt that his spatial ability continued to grow upwards, because the growth was too fast, and his body couldn't stand it anymore.

If it weren't for Han Xinnuo's own healing ability, he would have to plummet and die now.

And even so, if this one is still crazily absorbing the surrounding aura.

Even the bracelet on her wrist has changed at this time

It has become more and more crystal clear, and it seems that it is still sorting out these auras.

It was only at this time that Han Zhennuo felt the extraordinaryness of her bracelet, and she could even feel that the aura in the bracelet was more shocking and peaceful.

Hold on hold on hold.

Han Zhennuo knew that no one could help her except himself, and she didn't want anyone to know these secrets about her.

Finally, after Han Qinuo vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and pressed down hard, the spatial ability reached level 9.

Today's space ability is more powerful than before at level 9, whether it is attack ability or teleportation, it can travel far.

But this key is still desperately absorbing the surrounding energy, emitting a huge light, and the whole room is illuminated as brightly as a laser
Han Zhennuo was very scared now, he didn't dare to open his eyes, for fear that the bright light in this room would hurt his eyes.

She still feels that something is wrong, as if the energy is not enough.

Because it seems that this light has a tendency to weaken, as if it is implying that it needs energy, a lot of energy.

Han Zhennuo gritted his teeth and threw out all the crystal nuclei stored in his own space.

And the bright light of the jade key was even brighter, but it suddenly turned into a more intense sunlight, and directly searched along the space energy emitted by Han Zhennuo, and got into her supernatural space.

Han Xinnuo was in severe pain right now, even his own healing ability couldn't save her
And this space ability is increasing on the Internet, and it will not rise until it reaches level 10 or 11.

If this is done slowly through cultivation, the higher the level of supernatural power, the more comfortable it will be for people, but not now.

Han Yinuo felt that all the capillaries in his body were bursting.

And finally the jade key was honest, and he stopped being a monster, and stayed in the space obediently.

Han Xinuo finally couldn't bear it anymore, and passed out
Even outside the bedroom door, Zhao Ye felt the strange danger in the room.

But he also knew that he couldn't go in, and he couldn't help if he went in.

But when everything in the room was finally quiet, his nose smelled a strong smell of blood.

Zhao Ye kicked the door open with one kick, and the room was in a mess, as if everything including the bed had been reduced to ashes.

And Han Zhennuo was covered in blood, lying unconscious on the ground.

"Mo Yan, quickly take out your healing elixir."

Zhao Ye first stuffed the healing elixir in his hand into his wife's mouth while ordering Mo Yan
Mo Yan...

Mo Yan ground his teeth and took out a small bottle of healing medicine

"Zhao Ye, quickly feed her.

What stupid thing did this woman do again?It's my responsibility to hurt myself like this, otherwise this woman will be useless! "

Mo Yan felt that he was inexplicably at a disadvantage when he came here.

(End of this chapter)

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