Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 314 Jia Ningxiao may be the breakthrough

Chapter 314 Jia Ningxiao may be the breakthrough

Mo Yan just took a deep look at Zhao Ye.

He didn't have the time to watch Zhao Ye showing affection in front of him, and he didn't have the time to listen to Zhao Ye say these romantic things.

But Zhao Ye suddenly said: "Mo Yan, I know you are worried about Han Xiaochen, but I am also worried, and my wife gets angry every day because of her.

Even the leaders of the base are worried, so many high-level abilities are missing!

What should the base do?If no strong and effective solution can be found now, this base may be wiped out in that zombie wave!

Everyone is anxious and trying to find a way to deal with it. As for you, you can only hold your breath and think of a way! "

Mo Yan frowned: "Zhao Ye, I've decided to go to the place where the leader's wife said those people might disappear!

I even think that we can rebuild that building in that place!
Then surround a place and treat it as a small gathering place! "

But Zhao Ye shook his head: "Mo Yan, I made a terrible idea about you!

How could that place stop the tide of zombies? It was a place where zombies gathered!

And there is no sign of trouble there, if you go there and wait, how long will it be!
Or take your time and think of a way?

But I think the opponent is absolutely strong now, maybe even we can't deal with it!
Rather than doing this, I advise you to practice hard, don't let that opponent come out at that time, we will be beaten by him without any power to fight back!
Don't say that Han Xiaochen and those people can't be rescued at that time.

Even we ourselves have to face that formidable opponent. "


Han Xiaochen lived in this castle for several days, and the more he lived here, he felt that something was wrong with the people and zombies here.

Although humans and zombies can live in harmony, it is obvious that humans seem to be getting weaker and weaker.

Besides being parent-child, that zombie is not bad to humans.

It seems that they are all staring at humans, yes, even if the zombie has human consciousness, he is still a zombie!

In ancient times, this person also said that people who are not of our race must have different hearts!

What's more, zombies and humans seem to be natural enemies?

Compared with zombies, human beings are too fragile, especially those with no or low abilities, as long as they are bitten by them, or gently scratched on the skin with their nails.

This person will easily become a zombie. Of course, even with that 1/10000 possibility, this human being may be a person who is prone to become a supernatural being.

It is extremely painful and debilitating in the process of easily becoming a supernatural being.

As long as this high-level zombie doesn't want you to become a supernatural person, as long as they swallow you in one bite when you just become a supernatural person, they can greatly increase their abilities, right?
Looking at this, Han Xiaochen felt more and more that the humans here seemed to be kept in captivity by zombies.

Especially the supernatural beings, who doesn't know that the flesh and blood of supernatural beings is a great tonic for zombies.

Eating an ordinary human zombie can only increase a little energy, but as long as it is a low-level supernatural being, it can equal 100 energy of ordinary people.

Not to mention, just like yourself, there are those advanced supernatural beings who are more advanced than yourself.

"Han Xiaochen, I also feel that my body is getting weaker and weaker, and ah, no matter how much I practice, this power just doesn't increase at all!
In the past, when I was at the base and even said the task of closing my eyes and resting my mind, I slowly practiced to let the energy flow, and this skill would also slowly increase! "

Bao Jingming really couldn't sit still now, mainly because he tried everything, but still couldn't get out here.

This place seems to be an ultra-small planet, and generally no matter how you turn around, you can't leave it.

And the weirdest thing is that although the day here is as bright as day, there will be dark nights.

But Bao Jingming has never seen the sun, or seen the moon or even the stars at night.

But this plant is growing strangely, and the human is very excited to eat it.

But what does this plant rely on to grow?I didn't even watch them spread any fertilizer.

I always feel that this plant is growing by eating the energy from human beings.

But if you want to say that the people in this castle or the leader of the zombies want to cheat you, they can pinch you to death with one finger.

There is no need to calculate this, or drag you out directly, and use up your abilities to make flower fertilizer, and you can do nothing.

Han Xiaochen also regretted deeply at this time: "Yeah, I am also like this, and I am also worried about what to do. I can't practice here at all, and this ability seems to be slowly declining!

I really didn't expect that I just thought that an ordinary task would be folded here!

It's also because I'm too big, why not hide in the empty space first, and then try to rescue everyone outside! "

Bao Jingming sighed: "Thousands of money are hard to buy, I knew it earlier, but I think it is impossible for these zombies and these human beings not to go out.

Let's live here forever, let's keep an eye on them to see if they can go out!
I think my ability is not bad, as long as we find a breakthrough, we will break through Chongwei and go out at all costs! "

"Hmm!" Han Xiaochen nodded, mainly because Han Xiaochen didn't know what he could do besides nodding his head.
I now have a lot of thermal weapons and explosives in the space.

Han Xiaochen worked hard to find a lot of methods, and successfully made explosives into many explosive bags
But now the zombies in this base don't talk about it, they just die.

But there are still so many humans, and so many team members who came with her on missions.

Han Xiaochen couldn't detonate these explosives by himself, hide in the space, and watch these people be killed, right?

So even though the weapon was found, the method used to break out of the siege last time was considered stranded.

But he is a zombie king, he doesn't know what to think, he hasn't come to Han Xiaochen's side recently, let alone he has any bad plans.

It seems that he, this guy, just wants to imprison all these high-level supernatural beings here.

Han Xiaochen now fully suspects that this taco is consuming the energy of most high-level supernatural beings.

But now Han Xiaochen felt that there was nothing he could do.

And waiting for rescue, but everyone seems to be isolated in a separate space, yes, even if there is rescue, where will she come to save you?

"By the way, Bao Jingming, have you heard of that woman Jia Ningxiao?
It sounds like Taco took something from her, and that woman is not dead, nor is she in the form of a zombie!
I think if we can find that woman, maybe we might have some breakthroughs when we go out.

You have a lot of people under your command, and I also know that you are very organized, why don't we try it! "

Han Xiaochen can be regarded as a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Bao Jingming nodded, I told people to go down and let them have a try, everyone can't be wasted here all the time, we can't afford to be wasted if we are here!

After Han Xiaochen returned to his room, in order to prevent the energy from being absorbed by him again, he swished into the space again.

I don't know if those people in the base are worried about themselves, and if anyone is looking for themselves.

This time, why is my mind so dull!

The only time I went on a mission with someone I didn't know well was that I totally lost myself here.

This is really...

(End of this chapter)

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