Chapter 315
Han Xiaochen was not idle when she returned to the space, she had a terrible sense of urgency.

Han Xiaochen took out almost all the mutated animal and plant ingredients that could be used.

Put them into the space kitchen continuously, let them be made into food, and then pack them up and keep them all.

Han Xiaochen had a terrible intuition that he might not be able to use this space to cook food for a long time.

It's not for anything else, but lack of time or something!
Fortunately, the kitchen in this space is fully automatic, and there is no need for him to do anything, otherwise he would not be able to do anything at all given his current flustered state.

Now that everything is set, Han Xiaochen is fine now, and looked outside.

Now Han Xiaochen is still in the organization of the attacking team!
But now this organization is very chaotic, and there are very few mercenaries in it!

Taking advantage of this gap, Han Xiaochen put on the same costume as the mercenary, and painted his face in the same camouflage as those of the soldiers.

I want to thank Bao Jingming's team for experiencing the feeling of being a mercenary, otherwise.

Han Xiaochen might pretend not to look like himself, but the mercenaries hired by this team seem to be found everywhere, and they are not very professional.

If Han Xiaochen had fooled these people, it would not be so difficult.

What's more, there were originally female soldiers among these mercenaries, but there were fewer people of yellow race.

Han Xiaochen has supernatural powers anyway, although he is not a person with spiritual supernatural powers, he still has some spiritual powers.

It may be difficult to confuse those supernatural beings in the last days, but it is relatively easy to confuse these ordinary people.

Han Xiaochen even walked out of the gate of this organization without any risk.

Of course, the main reason is that Han Xiaochen shaved them very cleanly.

They are also panic-stricken here, and many people have scattered like birds and beasts.

Han Xiaochen couldn't help laughing in his heart, but it was just a bunch of mobs.

But such a group of mobs made the local people miserable.

How many people were killed by them and their wives were separated, and how many people were killed by them.

Han Xiaochen didn't catch up with the car for the time being. After all, it's daytime here. If you want to make a car out of thin air, it will be a lot of fun.

But within a few seconds of walking, Han Xiaochen felt a heavy threat behind her, and she dodged subconsciously—a shuttle bullet flew past the edge of her clothes.

"What are you doing? Where did you come back to me!" A sinister male voice
Without turning his head, Han Xiaochen felt that there were several snipers behind him waiting for him.

Ah!I really think how capable I am, with my clothes, as long as they don't hit my head, nothing will happen to me.

"Little girls dare to run away. I don't know what to buy you for?"

Apparently Han Xiaochen was regarded by them as a special-purpose woman they bought from outside.

No wonder they didn't pay attention to Han Xiaochen's appearance at the beginning, they would only attack when people left the gate of this place.

Even just annoyed, why did you let this person go out through the gate?

Han Xiaochen just ignored these people and imprisoned them in one space, so they couldn't move.

Fortunately, there were only a dozen or so people, and it would be difficult to handle if there were too many of them. A few smoke bombs were thrown from the space and they quickly left here.

I don't know why as soon as I came to this interface, there seemed to be such a sentence in my mind, reminding myself all the time.

You can't kill people unless you have to. No matter what the reason is, if you kill people here, you will get a pretty terrible punishment.

This kind of punishment can even make you lose everything.

Fortunately, Han Xiaochen was not the kind of violent murderer.

Although it would not be a pity to kill these people, Han Xiaochen still walked away in order not to cause trouble for himself.

However, Han Xiaochen added some ingredients to the smoke bomb. As long as the person who inhales it, his physical strength will be only 1/3 of the previous one.
And attention and all aspects are not as good as before.

It can be said that these few mercenaries will be spent in the future, and it is completely impossible to become mercenaries again.

Not to mention that as soon as Han Xiaochen left here, there was an uproar here.

After all, there was no other way but an inexplicable female soldier came to receive her, and gas bombs broke into her lair.

I don't know what confidential documents were taken away, and they are still walking on the ground here, usually this has to be scary.

They suspected that their warehouse was lost, and all the guns and ammunition were related to this mysterious female soldier.

These people also immediately dispatched a large number of mercenaries to search, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find the mysterious female soldier.

Those people even arrogantly searched the surrounding hotels and other public places.

But it's a pity, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find Han Xiaochen.

Did Han Xiaochen enter the space?That's not true, Han Xiaochen just used teleportation to move himself to a very safe place without surveillance.

Then I changed my clothes again, and returned to the previous hotel carelessly
With a little mental strength, even if someone searched her, she could easily hide.

What's more, because of mental strength, the hotel owner thought that Han Xiaochen had never left the hotel!

It has to be said that Han Xiaochen has a very noble character, and he is unwilling to do bad things in this meeting.

Otherwise, with Han Xiaochen's ability, it is actually not difficult to become a hegemon in a war-torn place.

After finishing the things that should be done here, Han Xiaochen finished the formalities carelessly.

Pay a high price for the hotel staff to escort him to the airport and fly directly back to the country
Han Xiaochen went home and saw that his flowers and plants had grown lush.

That being the case, he can open a shop by himself. Before that, Han Xiaochen had already bought the shop in full, and the decoration had already been completed.

Naturally, at the beginning, I bought some goods for myself from some stores, and then hired shop assistants to start opening.

Han Xiaochen uses the most advanced monitoring technology in this country, which not only strictly manages the staff, but also prevents the loss of these precious flowers and plants.

You know, this is the monitoring technology used by the most advanced jewelry stores!

Han Xiaochen, who has wood-type abilities, doesn't have to do too much.

As long as you come here occasionally, the flowers and plants here will never die.

Naturally, she can make a lot of money, and she hired three young filmmakers.

The three worked three 12-hour shifts.

Each person works 8 hours, the salary is 3000 base salary plus commission per month.

This is relatively high wages in this area.

Han Xiaochen gave these three people some mental hints with a little mental strength, I never thought of harming them.

The main reason is that Han Xiaochen doesn't often wear it in this interface after all. If she doesn't care about it, Han Xiaochen feels that even if there is monitoring, these people may not do a good job, or evacuate her shop.

Not to mention this little hint, there was nothing wrong with those people, but it made them have a good impression of Han Xiaochen, the boss.

"Miss Han, your speed is amazing, you opened such a store so quickly!

Not bad, the boss is energetic, the shop assistants are also energetic, the flowers and plants are full of energy, no one will not like it! "

This store just opened and Li Jiachen came over
(End of this chapter)

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