Chapter 317 Shocked
"Honey, I'm going to help, really, it's because I have my support.

After this space ability upgrade, for some reason, I got an incredible ability. "

Han Zhennuo looked at Zhao Ye with burning eyes, but his palms were already soaked.

After all, such a heaven-defying ability will really turn father and son against each other, and lovers will directly swing their knives at each other.

Zhao Ye thought in his heart that it was indeed so, he suppressed the turmoil in his heart and asked:

"What kind of ability is a wife? Are you like those people? There is a spiritual spring in this space that can be planted."

Han Junnuo couldn't help shaking his head with a smile: "Husband, what are you thinking? I always think that no matter what happens in this space ability, it is impossible for him to appear a spiritual spring, right?

Shouldn't this spiritual spring be something from the cultivation world?
Okay, I won't play tricks on you anymore, Han Xiaochen is still waiting for me to save his life!
To tell you the truth, one of my abilities is...

How should I tell you?so to speak? "

Han Zhennuo saw Zhao Ye staring at him incredulously, so he smiled again.

"Husband, don't you think I can enter my space by myself? And someone counts that there are many people's spaces, and the owner of this space can enter.

There are even exceptions, his space can bring others in.

As for me, I have upgraded such an ability right now.

That is, I only need to find a trace of energy exposed from their space at the place where they enter from the space.

I can go into their space to see how their space is, and then I can come out freely.

The owner of that space has nothing to stop me from going in and out.

But the only regret is that I can only enter their space at will, instead of taking their space as my own.

It's like I have a master key in my hand, and I can enter the doors of all houses at will.

But even if I can go in and out of someone's house at will, that house cannot belong to me.

Of course, it can only be done if the space of that person is not restricted except for the owner, and the owner of other people can also bring it in!
And just like my space, except for myself, there is a kind of restriction that no one can enter, so I have no choice. "

Zhao Ye desperately suppressed the turbulent waves in his heart, he stepped forward and came to Han Zhennuo's side, holding her hand tightly

"Wife, is what you said true? Do you really have such ability?

Or it's because you've been too tired from practicing recently and have hallucinations. My god, these abilities are too heaven-defying and terrifying.

You are more terrifying than those with spirit springs in those heaven-defying spaces! "

Han Xinnuo looked at Zhao Ye with unbelievable excitement, but there was no greed in his eyes, so he was a little relieved
Forget it, in the last days, the more your ability hides the possibility, the worse it will be.

Just like those space power users who hide their space power.

You hid it at the beginning, and everyone who broke out later will suspect that you are hiding in the space.

And because you hid it at the beginning, you missed a lot of opportunities.

After all, those who have space abilities at the beginning, whether they are in the team or in the base, will treat you as a priceless treasure
Even, whether it is materials or crystal cores, they will be given priority to you, the space power user.

Therefore, as long as the spatial powers are revealed at the beginning, except for a very few unlucky ones who are killed by others.

Most people's spatial abilities are very fast.

On the contrary, those who hide in the later stage can no longer use the primary crystal nucleus to upgrade the space.

And there are too few real space spirits, so their space ability is still in its infancy.

Accepting that the space can only hold a small amount of items, they still haven't awakened the attack ability of a little bit of space power.

Zhao Ye was a little excited for a while, but quickly calmed down.

"My wife can't expose this ability to the outside. If I expose it to the outside, I'm worried that I won't be able to protect you.

Wife, think about it, once your ability is exposed, those who have room to enter will have to kill you and hurry up! "

In Zhao Ye's eyes, Han Xiaochen's position is slightly better than passers-by.

To put it bluntly, if there is no relationship like Mo Yan, Zhao Ye will control Han Xiaochen's life and death!
"Husband, I want to rescue Han Xiaochen, or you can help me find a different way!
I'm really worried about Han Xiaochen!Also, think about it, my husband, there are many people with various abilities nowadays.

Although I am a bit strange, but what is not so coveted is that everyone kills and then quickly, right?

As you said, there are spiritual springs and other places. I don’t know if there is such a space that can be planted.

But even if there is, that level of defying the sky is much stronger than mine, right? "

Zhao Ye frowned: "No, you asked me to think about it, it involves too much, but it's not as simple as you imagined.

Also, no one can reveal your ability, including your parents and that Han Xiaochen, do you know that? "

Zhao Ye exhorted very worriedly
Han Xinuo is very anxious now: "Husband, I am really worried about Han Xiaochen, and I am still worried about so many people

I'm really worried, I think God suddenly gave me this ability, in fact, it's for me to save them, right? "

Zhao Ye shook his head: "Honey, your thinking is too simple, even if you can enter other people's space, are you sure you can escape unscathed?

No one can say what is going on in other people's power space.

Do you understand the space of others, or do you understand the space of others.

If you go in and someone finds out, wouldn't it be easy to kill you?
Those people who disappeared with Han Xiaochen were not first-class experts with supernatural powers, but in the end, they all fell into the trap of others. "

"But my husband, I'm still very worried about Han Xiaochen, but what you said is also reasonable, let's think of a way to get the best of both worlds as soon as possible?"


Zhao Ye had a lot of worries here, but Mo Yan couldn't wait.

Especially today is a good time, "Zhao Ye, let's go to that place again, the leader of our base, Mo Shen, and the leader's wife, Li Na, will also go with us.

At that time, we can still think about the solution, right?
Take your wife with you too, your wife is now the highest level supernatural power user in our base! "

Zhao Ye glanced at Mo Yan with a half-smile, Mo Yan, now you don't dislike my wife as a burden, don't you dislike her as a hindrance?

Mo Yan: "I was thinking that your wife's level of spatial ability is so high now, maybe there will be some windfalls.

I'm thinking that everyone has space, maybe your wife will have some ideas, just like our leader's wife, Li Na, can find the difference in that place? "

"Husband, let me go with everyone, I promise to be good, maybe I can find some clues too!"

The idiot Han Xinnuo also came out, and he couldn't wait to try the skills he had learned.

Zhao Ye sighed, "Okay then, wife, let's go together, but you must obey me obediently!"

It is true that my wife has such a high level of space ability, so everyone will look for her if there is anything?
And my wife is not that stupid, no one would want to give her life away.

Even if it's for your best friend.

(End of this chapter)

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