Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 318 Restrictions

Chapter 318 Restrictions
Li Na and the others set off at 9 am.But before that, Zhao Ye stole a lot of powerful weapons and ammunition like explosives from Mo Yan.
"Wife, come and put these in your space, if there is an emergency, you can use them to save your life.

And by the way, Mo Yan, I think your car looks similar to mine, but its performance is much better. Get two and give one to me and one to my wife. "

Mo Yan took a deep look at Zhao Ye who regarded this space as his own home.

But Zhao Ye said such a sentence from the old god.

"Mo Yan, there is an old saying that if there is a gain, there will be a loss, and if there is a loss, there will be a gain.

We won't ask you for these things in vain, maybe you will get unexpected benefits or unexpected surprises! "

Mo Yan took a deep look at Zhao Ye, "It's my bad luck, I promise you.

Han Xinuo, you have to add all these things, be careful.

Especially you have to keep this thing well.

It's like this thing that looks like a laser pointer. In fact, if it explodes, it's not much less powerful than an atomic bomb.

And these, too…”

Han Zhennuo glanced at Mo Yan strangely, the things Mo Yan possessed were so strange.

But I can't feel what it is, but it shouldn't be something like space, if I can sense something like space.

And if you want an independent space, you have the master key of the space in your hand

You can even fully sense what's inside him.

"Wife, why are you so dazed, pack this thing up quickly, and put it where you can access it most easily.

By the way, I still have some weapons here, you can put them in your space, they are all very useful. "

"Husband, thank you, Mo Yan also thank you for being so good and so many weapons.

If I have a way at that time, even if I risk my life, I will find a way to rescue Han Xiaochen.

But, I declare in advance that I have nothing to do with you to save Han Xiaochen, it's because the two of us have a good relationship, and it's also because of the beginning of the end of the world

If Han Xiaochen hadn't been as good to me as ever, I might be in a miserable life now, or I might have died. "


"Han Xinnuo, you are powerful enough, the level of this ability has been upgraded so quickly!"

As soon as we met, Li Na looked at Han Yinuo in surprise.

After all, she has identification skills, and she can know the tricks on Han Yinuo's body with just one identification skill.

However, the spatial master key is indeed interesting.

However, Li Na is not afraid of her, after all, her space is apart from her and her husband.

Any living thing coming in is death, and if Han Yinuo really wanted to come in with the key, it would still be death.

Han Zhennuo nodded shyly: "I don't know why it went so smoothly this time, and I can cultivate so freely."

Han Xinuo already felt that Li Na also has a very powerful life space.

However, Han Xinuo felt frustrated immediately, her so-called master key couldn't enter Li Na's space at all.

This Li Na's space seems to have a very strong protective barrier, making this ability of mine ineffective against her

But I just don’t know if Han Xiaochen can really save him
Zhao Ye just held Han Zhennuo's hand tightly without saying a word.

Sitting in the car, Mo Shen seemed to have noticed that there was something wrong with this couple, especially Han Zhennuo.

Li Na smiled and sent a voice transmission to her husband.

"Husband, I just said that this little girl Han Xinnuo is very lucky! She actually recognized the master key of this space.

Although it is not completely omnipotent, even if it is a space like mine, even if he enters it, he will be dead.

But as long as the level of the space is a little lower, anyone can be brought into the space by the master.

With this space key, this little girl can enter in a certain place.

You said that this world is not magical, mysterious or unreal! "

Mo Shen's eyes are still as invisible as the sea of ​​stars.

"My wife, why don't you have any idea, take this master key away."

Li Na: "Husband, don't be ridiculous, if this space has already merged with her supernatural space.

How do you take it down?Even if you kill it, this dimension won't come out.

You forgot about those children's space power users, even if you take out the space crystal nucleus of those people, there is nothing in the space crystal nucleus.

It seems that the things in that space follow the owner's soul and disappear into which dimension they don't know.

The same is true for this master key!
Instead, I now feel that in the dark, many things are definite.

And something like this against the sky seems to belong to whomever God arranges for it. "

Mo Shen didn't agree with his wife's thoughts, but he didn't want to do anything to Han Zhennuo either.
"Wife, you are too kind. Your idea of ​​being indifferent to the world is not good. If you really think like you, why are most people fighting so hard? Just wait for God to drop the pie." .

But as you said, it is definitely not easy to take that kind of thing, and it is true that you will even be severely punished.

But this woman, Han Xinnuo, is indeed very lucky. She can get such a heaven-defying good thing without going out on any dangerous missions.

It is also directly fused by the space, instead of existing like those space storage media. As long as the owner is killed and snatched away, it will belong to whom. "

"Mo Shen, let me talk about your opinion, don't be so high, you can't do it coldly."

Mo Yan is actually quite helpless, he used to be cold and unreasonable, but he never thought that this Mo Shen, with his unfathomable strength, pretended to be even more ruthless than himself.

"Mo Yan, don't you think we should recharge our batteries? I guess, there will definitely be a fierce battle in a while.

And haven't we already understood everything we should understand? "Mo Shen glanced at Mo Yan lightly.

Mo Yan is also the leader of one of the bases, but he has to stay in his own base.

Really looking at Mo Yan, this guy is like a stick in his throat, how can he allow others to sleep soundly under this couch!

Even if I don't stay in this base for a long time every month, that doesn't mean I can tolerate it.

People like Mo Yan stay here for a long time, but well.

He didn't want to stay here if he really wanted to, but he definitely had to leave enough benefits for himself.

This Mo Yan is a bit interesting, he can produce a lot of things from the cultivation world, and he can even produce things that are far higher than the technology of this planet
It really has some history!Just what the hell is it?Like the same space as my wife or...


"Bao Jingming, we've been stuck here for half a month, right?
I also feel that as long as I stay in this interface, I feel that my ability is slowly degrading.

I think it won't be long before my skills may drop another level. "

Han Xiaochen was very depressed at this time, if it weren't for the fact that there are still many humans here, and many brothers who came out of this base together.

I really want to get it from that place, and let it blow up all the things that can explode.

See if you can blow up the castle, and then run out by yourself.

But no, there are too many people here.How could I hurt so many innocent people for my own survival!
What's more, even if he took the risk of doing that and killed so many innocent people, he might not be able to get out.

(End of this chapter)

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