Chapter 319
Bao Jingming and the supernatural beings present also frowned tightly.
"I tried it last time, to follow the people who want to leave this castle.

But I don't know why, when I was going to get out with them, it seemed that I encountered an invisible barrier.

It bounced back to me directly, but they went out smoothly.

I don't know what method Taco, the devil, used. I also think that I can fight well, and I have learned a lot.

But this time I lost so badly, I really have no clue. "

"But what should I do?" Han Xiaochen felt that he was going to die of worry, and if he couldn't do it, he would have to hide in the space.

"Han Xiaochen, if it doesn't work, let's all look for it. That taco is really hard work."

One of the 7-series lightning-type superpowers said irritably

Bao Jingming walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Chang Chao, it's not just you who are anxious now, everyone is anxious.

Don't you feel it?As long as this Taco is in this place, his ability seems to be dozens of times higher than outside.

Taco crushed us, just like sticking an ant to death, here he is a veritable emperor, and we are veritable captives of his ants. "

Han Xiaochen bit his lower lip: "Why don't we find a way to negotiate with that taco?

See what this guy really wants? "

Bao Jingming frowned: "Man is a knife, I am a fish, even if we negotiate, what can we negotiate?

This so-called negotiation, even if it is not evenly matched, can only be negotiated when the capabilities of the two parties are not too different.

And ours can only be suppressed unilaterally, just like ordinary people, can you negotiate terms with the emperor? "

But they were discussing about Taco, but he just pushed the door open and walked in.

"Taco, although we are captives now, you should knock on the door if you come, right?"

Bao Jingming said very displeased.

Ta Ke heard the words but laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha, Bao Jingming, what you said is really funny.

Which zombies have you seen attacking humans?I also want to say to humans, am I going to bite you?
Which pork eater have you ever seen say to the pork while stewing, I'm going to stew you?
Does this require such indifferent politeness?Did you stop talking just now?Are you for the fish and me for the knife? "

Han Xiaochen clenched his fists tightly, forcing himself to calm down.

It’s true that nowadays people make knives and I eat fish. Is there any food that can negotiate terms with the person who is about to eat it?

"Tako, tell me, what do you want?
If you want to eat us, you should eat us on the first day, what do you think! "

Taco cast a displeased glance at Han Xiaochen: "Han Xiaochen, among so many people, you are the one I admire the most.

And when you see me, remember to call me master, you are all my slaves.

I want you to swear to the sky that you are willing to surrender to me forever, and I will always have absolute control over you.

I can always ask of you. "

When Han Xiaochen heard what Ta Ke said, he subconsciously wanted to nod.

But I don't know why, I just feel that there seems to be a trap in these words.

This swearing or something is just a game of deceiving children, who can take it seriously.

If you don't really raise your hand to swear, then all your oaths will be fulfilled, right?
But what's wrong with that?

Han Xiaochen didn't know what was wrong, but just when he wanted to swear and cheat Taco.

This head hurt like a pinprick, as if he was trying to stop himself from something.

Moreover, although this Taco is a zombie king, his IQ is higher than that of a human being. How can he play such a game that children don't believe in?

No, no, there must be something tricky about it.

Bao Jingming frowned and didn't speak.The other members of the regiment followed his example.

Bao Jingming didn't express his opinion, so the other team members also didn't speak.

Taco frowned tightly, there really isn't a single idiot in this group of people!

If they swear an oath outside, naturally this oath cannot be fulfilled

But if you swear an oath here, then this oath will definitely come true.

They will become puppets who are truly thoughtful but will absolutely surrender to themselves and will not have any thoughts on themselves

Just like anyone in this space, even if they go out, I can still control them
Even their own thoughts have the idea of ​​going back on this oath.

But they can't repent even if they want to, and they will definitely be punished considerably

Because this is your own space, in your own space you are God
As long as these mortals swear that this god accepts them, all the oaths will become true, and they will form a kind of invisible but tangible bondage to them.
"Han Xiaochen, I know you are the most knowledgeable about current affairs, you should be the first to start!"

Han Xiaochen just glanced at him lightly.

"No, I don't swear, I've always been a spit and nail in my mouth.

I don't want to surrender to you completely, I don't want to be your puppet.

Even if I die, I don't want to. "

Yes, if this oath is really fulfilled, then I might as well just die!

Zhao Ye's eyes were getting redder and redder, obviously he was quite angry.

But I remembered how many times I wanted to attack Han Xiaochen directly, but for some reason, whenever I thought about doing it, I felt like I would lose something that was very important to me.

Before Taco became the prince of zombies, he didn't believe in this kind of bloody intuition.

But now he believes it. He believes in many things, and there are definite numbers in the dark. There are many things and many people that you cannot do.

"Han Xiaochen, what do you think you are, it's just that you have slightly better luck than those other supernatural beings.

Don't talk about you, even Jia Ningxiao, the woman with the magical space, was taken down by me, and became my puppet?"

Han Xiaochen just looked indifferent and didn't speak, but in fact she has been closely connected to the space now.

As long as Taco came over a little bit, she immediately ran into the space.

Even if I live in the space for a lifetime, I must never become the puppet of this zombie king.

"Haha! Han Xiaochen, you are such a stubborn duck.

Don't worry, you are such a lovely little beauty, how can I be willing to hurt you, I will wait for you to take the initiative to beg me.

I don't believe it anymore, your physical fitness is getting lower and lower here, and the level of abilities will also be getting lower and lower. Let's see when your energy consumption will last.

Such a perfect skin, such a strange space ability, haha, can purify a large number of crystal nuclei 100% in an instant!

The ability is simply too much ability!Hahaha! "Tako said that the human mind has not degenerated, but zombies are zombies.

cruel enough, arrogant enough
"Master, are these people still unwilling to submit to you?"

Han Xiaochen raised his head abruptly, and it was Jia Ningxiao's voice.

Yo, Jia Ningxiao doesn't know what's going on, she's almost 40.

She was actually wearing a light white skirt covered with lace. The skirt was so short that it could only cover her buttocks stiffly.

It really is the legendary short skirt.

As for the top, this key part seems to be leaking, let alone other places?
What kind of pretense is this? It seems that Yu Momo said to himself before, what kind of fun is it?
And Jia Ningxiao's delicate and soft voice, she almost got tired of her.

Especially those places on the body, that color...

This human is used as a tool for zombies
It's just too heavy

(End of this chapter)

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