Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 321 Li Na deliberately exposed part of her abilities

Chapter 321 Li Na deliberately exposed part of her abilities
Han Zhennuo's heart was shocked, why did he feel that Mo Shen's words seemed to be for himself.

Moreover, he seemed to know his abilities better than himself.

Is this person too scary, or what he said is true, there are really people with the same ability as him outside.

Zhao Ye just took a deep look at Mo Shen and didn't say a word.

No wonder he can be the leader, and he doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with this person?

But along the way, you can feel the gap between you and others as soon as you see them attacking zombies.

Not to mention people's brains, that's simply...

The main reason is that it doesn't matter if someone's wife is married, although I don't see any great ability, come on, but it is definitely...

Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, my wife is quite...

But Mo Shen didn't care about Zhao Ye's miraculous gaze, the old god smiled:
"I think maybe our base also has this kind of talent, but it's just that, they don't want to show their heads, they don't want to show it.

In fact, it's not a big deal. There are very few people with space abilities who can enter their own space.

Not to mention the kind of space that not only can be entered by oneself, but may also bring others into it.

But I think that kind of ability is born, we use our toes to think of a space that only we can enter, even if a person with that ability enters it, he will die.

That must be the generated space, and there should be absolute protection against outsiders and the absolute protection of the owner of the space. "

"Ah, be careful!" At this moment, several huge bees the size of pigeons flew by.

Mo Yan immediately wanted to fight, but was stopped by Li Na
"Mo Yan, don't hit me, this is my pet."

So everyone just stared at these cute little pets.

The big bees flew to Li Na brightly, and two of them landed on Li Na's hands.

Li Na, "Little [-] and [-], you two are so heavy, I won't be able to hold you back anymore, what good food have you all eaten!

Hurry up, come here to find out where there is a good smell again.

Also, get all your followers and let me patrol back and forth to see if I can find them. "

Everyone just looked at Li Na and gently stroked the big bee. The mouth was moving, as if talking about something.

Zhao Ye's eyes lit up: "I heard that a beast trainer appeared in a base in the south.

I didn't expect that a mentally handicapped woman like the leader's wife would have the talent of a beast trainer! "

Li Na just smiled slightly, neither refuted nor admitted.

Indeed, being able to communicate with animals is the first step to becoming an animal trainer.

As for myself, I am lazy, firstly, to communicate with them, and secondly, to use the contract of that space when I see more powerful ones.

But if you really want to tame a powerful mutant beast, it will require a lot of force and endurance.

Sure enough, everyone saw this group of little bees flying over.

This is a veritable little bee, which is about the size of what you saw before the end of the world.

Everyone wondered if these little bees were just born, but they only saw these little bees whirling around, but they didn't seem to find any targets.

It seems!It is not so easy to find the target so quickly!
Li Na waved her hand, and went to a quieter place where it was easier to display her skills.

Put it on the table, and some food and drink.

"Everyone, take a break, it's not a problem to stand like this all the time, I guess it will take a while.

There should be news, everyone has to recharge their batteries, don't you think so? "

Mo Shen nodded and beckoned everyone to sit down. Although there were many mercenaries outside, there were only a few of them inside.

Mo Shen actually didn't plan to come, but he thought he had just become the leader of the base not long ago.

It's not a big deal that this base has lost so many high-level ability users. As the leader, he has to show it.

Of course, the main reason was that his wife was pestering him and insisted on letting him come.

Mo Shen was so disturbed that he had no other choice, so he came to take a look. Of course, the most important thing was that he was worried, what if his wife was in danger here?
As for this group of people, in fact, they can’t even eat, and occasionally put some in their mouths, just to preserve their energy.


"Han Xiaochen, have you made up your mind? Do you want to swear!"

Taco felt a little impatient for waiting.But he didn't know why, out of an intuition, he didn't dare to do anything to Han Xiaochen.

If you really do it, Taco always feels very bad, very bad.

"Your Majesty, this bastard Han Xiaochen just toasts and refuses to eat fine wine.

What on earth are you thinking about, that's nothing more than a rat in the ditch that everyone in the country hates.

If Han Xiaochen, a little bastard, hadn't had a face similar to mine at the beginning, how could he have been honored by me and lived with Mo Yan for several years!

And who knows what great things this little bitch has in his hands!
Your Majesty, you believe me, I am a person who has obtained a fetish, and if anyone has a fetish on this body, I will be the first to feel it.

This lawyer Han Xiaochen is weird, if he doesn't want to swear, then let's deal with her!
There are ways to clean up a person, isn't there?
Do I need an idea for you?This one, am I the best at it? "

Jia Ningxiao stared at Han Xiaochen for a moment with her dark eyes, as if Han Xiaochen's cramps would be peeled off in the next second.

Bao Jingming frowned deeply, Han Xiaochen is no ordinary person!
Han Xiaochen is not a very smart woman, but she is definitely aware of current affairs, and she is still a slightly selfish woman.

Otherwise, you won't encounter extremely dangerous things during teamwork, and people will just hide in the space
But would such a woman be so stubborn with others because of a vow that can be made or not?
Everyone thinks it's no big deal to make an oath, but seeing Han Xiaochen's demeanor that he would rather die than surrender, there must be something wrong with it

There is definitely something tricky in it, it seems that if this oath is really made, it may make all the oaths you swear come true

If it is true, it would be terrible!

But this place is so weird, and it doesn't make sense for the Zombie King not to eat these people and improve his cultivation directly, but to be under house arrest like this

But in the end, all this is just speculation, so what should we do if this is the case?

Although I said that my force is not bad, but if I want to fight the Zombie King, if I fight, I will only be crushed to death by him.

Even if all the team members are fighting against the Zombie King together, at the beginning, there may be a little chance of winning

But now everyone's abilities are consumed a lot, and their physical fitness is getting worse and worse
This is a terrible signal. Everyone has no shortage of food and drink, but their abilities are getting weaker and weaker

I can't even think about these things. It's really scary.
Many people have said before that if this person is caught by a zombie, he will become that kind of low-level zombie that eats the flesh and blood of the same kind without a moment.

It might as well be wiped out directly!
But if it becomes a puppet that completely obeys others' orders and can't control itself at all, then what's the difference between becoming a bitten zombie?
It's even scarier than being a zombie who was bitten directly, right?

After all, everyone is a high-level ability user, even if they mutate into a zombie, they will be a high-level zombie from the beginning.

As advanced zombies, basically everyone has some human consciousness.

And the consciousness of this human being will become more and more full for a while as the ability grows, knowing that it is similar to a real human being.

If that is the case, in a certain sense, you are living in another form.

But if this is completely the puppet that he can control in his hands, is it more terrifying than letting you disappear completely?
(End of this chapter)

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