Chapter 322
At this moment, Han Xiaochen suddenly took out a * with very powerful attack power from his hand! !bomb.

this*! ! !The bullet is very small, only the size of a grenade, but its power is enough to destroy a small base.

And this nuclear bomb was given to her by Li Na just in case.

It is said that the base of this thing was developed with a lot of effort, and there are not many.

Of course, this thing is what this person uses to maintain his dignity at the most critical moment

But there are so many people here, and they don't want to use it unless they have to.

Han Xiaochen is also betting at this time, but the gambling tower is not enough to say that for such an oath, he will let himself destroy all the people and this place.

Han Xiaochen is still stuck, and the guess in her heart is that even if this is really Taco's space, so what?Who said that space cannot be destroyed.

And Taco may not be able to build this space. He used his own hard work, not to mention other things, just talk about those plants, especially those plants grown with Lingquan.

Whether it is for humans or zombies, it is a very precious and good thing.

It depends on Taco's reluctance, and even Taco, the zombie king, might not be wiped out by this bomb
But who is right, with such a great power, will it damage this so-called castle or space!
"Han Xiaochen, calm down, we can discuss everything."

When Taco Han Xiaochen just took out the bomb, he did it out of biological instinct.

Already faintly felt the power of this bullet
"Han Xiaochen, you are crazy, if you want to die yourself, you will die, do you want to bring everyone to die with you?
You don't even care about the people and zombies in my castle.

But don't you care about the life and death of the people in your group? "

Ta Ke really didn't expect that he would provoke Han Xiaochen so easily, asking Han Xiaochen to come and die with them.

At this time, the faces of the people also set off turbulent waves, but these people generally did not say a word as if they had discussed it.

Jia Ningxiao couldn't help but screamed:

"Your Majesty, don't be fooled by this little slut, this little slut, she is willing to die, she has room.

What about the ability to purify crystal nuclei? She went back, and Mo Yan, the unscrupulous man, held her in his palm and pampered her.
She's scaring you, she doesn't have the guts to kill herself.

By the way, the parents of this little slut are still at the base.

She didn't have the guts to implicate these people and die with her.

She must be worried that the family members of the people here will take revenge on her parents. "

But the people around here are ready to move. Although Jia Ningxiao said so, they are not stupid.

So many people really died in this bee place, who knows who killed them.

How can my family avenge myself?

However, Bao Jingming stopped his team members' plans to speak out.

He always felt that Han Xiaochen's move had some deep meaning, but even if Han Xiaochen really had this idea, he wanted everyone to die with him.

If these people are really born, it will not do any good except to increase the speed at which Han Xiaochen detonates this bomb.

"Hahaha! Jia Ningxiao, how do you know that I don't really want to die!

do you know me wellAlso know that my parents are also at the base.

You can still understand my background, you are really amazing!

Now that you know me, you should know.

I can't wait for my parents to go to suffer all kinds of sufferings, I can't wait for them to be tortured so that they have no way to go to the sky and are incompetent to the earth.

As for my ability, I would rather destroy it.

I also don't want to be controlled by others, to be someone's puppet, the newborn is cheap to enslave me.

Jia Ningxiao!Since you know me so well, you should know how it is possible for me to have any love for others!

Since I was born, no one has treated me kindly, so why should I treat others kindly?

Especially, if you die here with me, then I will be happier.

When we get to the bottom, let's fight hard again!

I also showed Mo Yan that Bai Yueguang, whom he had been thinking about for so many years, was finally blown up by me until there was not even ashes left.Hahaha! "

Han Xiaochen laughed arrogantly, in the eyes of these people.

It seemed that her mood was extremely unstable, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes in this wild laughter.

"Haha, Jia Ningxiao, once I detonate you, you will die for sure, but I may not die!

Don't you know that people can enter my space?
No!Surely you know that, right?

Ha ha ha ha!Taco, if you continue to persecute me, I will completely destroy everything in your castle.

I know you are very good, even if you run away, you can still make a difference, but it depends on whether you are willing or not.

But, let's try who runs faster, it's you!

Can you quickly leave this space, or can I quickly return to my space without being harmed?

Do you want to play?Do you want to have fun? "

Han Xiaochen's expression is becoming more and more neurotic and crazy, her eyes are red now, and she is even comparable to a zombie

This is going crazy, this is definitely the rhythm of going to death!
"Haha, Jia Ningxiao, how do you know that I don't want to die? Let me tell you, since I was a child, I didn't have much desire to live.

But it's a pity, I can't die after encountering so many things, especially you hired a top killer to kill me, but I'm still alive.

Hahaha!Do you want to try to see which of the two of us has a harder life, but I think my life must be harder than yours! ! "

Jia Ningxiao was suddenly frightened by Han Xiaochen and trembled all over, Han Xiaochen, the dead girl, went crazy, too!too terrifying
Jia Ningxiao couldn't help shaking her teeth, and she couldn't help stepping back
Han Xiaochen is a lunatic!This madman.

How did I treat a lunatic as a deadly competitor before?
"Han...Han Xiaochen, it's not what I want to do to you.

Why don't you make an oath? It's not about killing you. What are you doing?
If I hadn't made the oath, wouldn't I be fine all the time? "

Han Xiaochen glared at Jia Ningxiao fiercely in madness:
"You love to swear, it's your business, anyway, grandma, I never want to be led by the nose.

I don't want to swear, I don't want to post.

I had had enough long ago, this life of being imprisoned and being led by the nose.

But now that I am free at last, I would rather die if I were to live that life again.

But there are so many humans and zombies who want to die with me, and I will die without regret.Ha ha……"

Ta Ke frowned tightly, the red in his eyes became more and more bright red, more and more red dazzling, red bewitching

Suddenly Ta Ke laughed: "Han Xiaochen, I think you are reluctant to die, do you think this little thing in your hand can blow me up?

Don't be so naive, you don't even believe this kind of thinking, do you?
Don't think about that just in case, maybe I tell you there is no just in case.

I advise you not to do this, even if you burn my place to the ground.

But it's absolutely impossible to blow up here, you Han Xiaochen can't escape.

But if you don't want to swear, that's fine. Is it worth it?
Although I'm just a zombie, I also have the virtue of being good at living. I don't want so many humans and zombies to be turned into ashes together.

Since you are willing to stay here if you don't want to swear, just stay here, Jia Ningxiao is gone. "

(End of this chapter)

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