Chapter 323
This taco went out, but it felt a bit like running away.

In fact, Taco really didn't feel sorry for Han Xiaochen that all the zombies or human beings here would be razed to the ground.

As a zombie king, he is not worried. After this place is razed to the ground, his own space will also be blown up.

Because he feels that this space cannot be so fragile anyway, and it cannot be blown up.

But Taco is not only the Zombie King, his ability level is unbelievably high.

It is because its level is too high, but it has touched some rules of heaven.

Knowing that if the killing caused by him is too much, what will be faced with him at that time will definitely be the result of being scattered and never reborn.

As a zombie king, you can kill, but you can't kill these 10 people at the same time for no reason.

As a result, he felt that he couldn't afford to gamble, and he even had a vague feeling that if Han Xiaochen died because of him, he would be punished even more by heaven.

This is different from the siege of zombies. Losing the siege is for hundreds of thousands or even millions of zombies.

Even that cause and effect cannot be counted on him alone.

But this is different, these people and those high-level zombies are all imprisoned in this space by themselves.

If these people died because of him, even if it was Han Xiaochen's hands, the debt would definitely be blamed on him.

When Taco finally walked out, Han Xiaochen couldn't pretend anymore, and the cold sweat immediately flowed down his body.Good risk, good risk.

No, I can't let Taco and these people here find out about my unlucky appearance.

Han Xiaochen got into the space with a thought, and decided to rest for a while

"Hey, Han Xiaochen, a dead woman, has slipped back into the space again. It's amazing to have space!"

A team member cursed secretly

Bao Jingming just frowned: "Don't you feel what you're doing? It's Han Xiaochen who saved everyone!

Now I am fully sure that if we dare to make that oath, this life will definitely be ruined! "


Han Xiaochen entered the space and sat down on the floor of the space.

Caizi was sweating unscrupulously, panting heavily.

Later, she remembered what the water with healing energy that Han Zhennuo had given her before.

Gudong gudong poured it into his mouth. After drinking for a long time, he was so exhausted that he felt a little better.

Not to mention that, she hurried to the bathroom to put a large pool of hot water for herself.

With a whoosh, he jumped inside to take a bath, preventing her from even taking off her clothes.

It took a while to react, and then slowly took off his clothes and soaked here.

The water was a little cooler, so she put some hot water in.

I don't know how many times the hot water has been added, anyway, it is only when all aspects of my spirit finally calm down that I can think about it.

What does Taco seem to be worried about?Does it mean that the weapon in his hand can blow up his space!

It seems impossible, if at all possible.

Zhao Ye won't be so calm, but it seems that this guy doesn't want to let all the people in this space castle accompany him to die.

But Taco doesn't seem like a kind person, it depends on his previous behavior.

It can be felt that Taco, the zombie king, doesn't take human beings or zombies seriously.

Originally, zombies were cold-blooded, so how could he have any scruples!
What the hell is he worrying about!

Forget it, don't think about it, I can't figure out what's going on even after thinking about it.

What a pity, why can't I contact people outside?
If I can get in touch, there are more people who can give me more ideas!

But there is really no way to do this kind of thing, right?

Distraught, Han Xiaochen decided to slip away and stop thinking about these things.

The point is that no matter how you think about it, you can't figure out how to save those people outside if they want to help and talk about it.

I have no clue at all, let alone myself, I can't even protect myself, and I don't know that my little life will be lost someday!
Han Xiaochen sighed deeply again.

Only then did he put on a large bathrobe for himself, climbed out of the jade, and prepared to get himself some food.

That's right, I have made a lot of delicious food with the space kitchen before.

Han Xiaochen didn't bother, he beckoned directly, and brought several large plates of mutated lean meat from the warehouse in this space.

There were also several plates of stir-fried vegetables, and I took a few big steamed buns made of mutated wheat and ground them into flour, and started to eat them.

In a short while, all these in front of her were wiped out by her.

Han Xiaochen didn't feel full at all, so he beckoned again, brought a lot, and stuffed them into his mouth desperately.

Han Xiaochen wasn't actually hungry, she was nervous, she was panicking, and wanted to calm herself down by eating food.

This time passed for a long time, and finally the stomach couldn't take it anymore.

Only then did Han Xiaochen shut his mouth. For this meal, Han Xiaochen ate several dozen catties of meat and vegetables from mutant beasts.

I even ate hundreds of that big steamed bun

It is also due to the fact that she is a high-level supernatural being, and she consumes this food quickly. If ordinary people, or low-level supernatural beings make it like this, they will definitely be exhausted!

Han Xiaochen stood up slowly, supported his lower back, and couldn't help cursing himself secretly.

Han Xiaochen!Han Xiaochen, do you know what you are?You're a big idiot in 24k solid gold.

Absolutely pure, without any impurities.

How can you be so stupid?What are you eating so much for?
It's not like there will be no tomorrow after eating today, the worst is not to go back, just live in that peaceful world.

Anyway, now you can stay in the peaceful world for 9 days every month, can't you?
You can stay for 24 days in 9 hours a day, which means you can stay with him for 216 hours a month.

And when you are at home, you crawl into the space, and you can wander in that interface for almost a month.

You have this degree of freedom, you have everything, what are you afraid of, what are you afraid of?

What are you doing with others to burn jade and stone together!
Han Xiaochen scolded for a while before he felt better.

But if it is possible, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I am not willing to do this most hopeless solution.


"Han Ruo Nuo, Nuo, this is for you. I worked so hard to get it."

For some unknown reason, Mo Yan gave Han Yinuo this strange silver dress with a hat and shoes.

"What is this for?" Li Na asked knowingly
Just this clothes, it's amazing, this person can not only hide his figure, but also hide his aura.

It can even have a little bit of that protective effect.

"This is what I got when I accidentally went out to explore, and it can hide people's figure and breath.

Now it's weak here, so naturally give it to her.

Li Na, I know, of course you won't need this dress.

The leader's wife is really amazing, able to awaken so many cherished abilities that are quite useful to him. "

Mo Yan's faint words seemed to have a meaning.

"What am I? Compared to you, Mo Yan, I'm just nothing!
I can feel it, you must not have a moment, let's come, there are several people, one of them will dedicate his whole body!

At that time, if Han Xiaochen can be rescued, maybe I can say something nice for you! "

Li Na turned on Mo Yan without showing any weakness.

Of course, what she said was just a few good words, but she didn't say that she would help Mo Yan persuade Han Xiaochen to return to him!

(End of this chapter)

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