Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 324 Finally Got In

Chapter 324 Finally Got In

Mo Yan glanced at Li Na lightly, this is the leader's wife, and she is so shallow.

And he, Mo Yan, is it so easy to take advantage of it?

Han Zhennuo listened to his throat and spoke again: "Mo Yan, at least you have to dig yourself out twice.

You also know that my spatial ability has reached such a high level now.

Maybe, I can sense if there is any space entrance here.

It is even possible to climb in along that intersection!

If I crawl in, how can I bring Han Xiaochen out?

People can't see me wearing your clothes now, but they must be able to see Han Xiaochen, right?
I don't want more, you want two more, Han Xiaochen and Nana are one.

As for the men here?Whether you want to give it or not is up to you, or rather.

When it's all right, you can have a duel and see who has the ability to wear your clothes that can hide your figure and breath. "

Mo Yan involuntarily ground his teeth, staring straight at Zhao Ye
That means, Zhao Ye, don't you care about your own wife?
you see...

Zhao Ye smiled: "It's true, Mo Yan, how can you hide something if you have good things? We are now comrades in arms in a big ditch! .

How about this, do you think I am worth it for this little thing? "

Zhao Ye paused after saying this, and looked at his wife with a bit of condemnation.

"Honey, don't talk like that anymore.

You brother Mo Yan has always been very generous.

No matter what, I won't be so stingy, Mo Yan, I'm right! "

Mo Yan looked at the blatant robbery and acted like Zhao Ye took it for granted

That is a regret in my heart!How did I become friends with this person in the first place?

So should we break up now?I was so stupid back then, why did I bring so many people to rescue Zhao Ye, a heartless bandit?

But he forgot that the reason he rushed out in such a hurry was to save Han Xiaochen.

And Zhao Ye and that group of people are just in the light of Han Xiaochen.

But even so, Mo Yan decided to admit defeat this time.

He waved his hand and made two more sets

It's not that he's stingy, but that he has to pay a lot to exchange for this kind of clothing.

"Forget it, I'm unlucky, but you men don't need it. I have two extra sets. Do you think this thing is Chinese cabbage? It's so easy to find."

Li Na drew the corners of her lips, smiled, and took a set.

Don't use this thing for nothing, right?Although I don't need it myself, I can use it for my husband.

It's just that Zhao Ye is pitiful, it doesn't matter.

Doesn't Zhao Ye's wife have a set?What's more, he and Mo Yan are like wearing a pair of pants

How are the brothers in private?Who knows!
It's not sure, Mo Yan has a lot in his hand, but he just doesn't want to show it in front of everyone

After all, everyone knows the truth about not revealing money.
Han Xinuo happily checked another set of clothes and put them into the space.

"Han Xinnuo, I think you should put it on first, and work will be done in a while.

Don't worry, none of us here can betray you. "

Mo Yan didn't talk nonsense with Han Zhennuo anymore.

Han Zhennuo took a look, Zhao Ye, Zhao Ye just nodded to her insignificantly

Let's not talk about anything else, let's just say that Li Na was clearly picked out.

Mo Yan is so smart, there is really no need to hide it anymore, let alone come here.

Han Xinuo just wanted to use this ability to see if there was any way to rescue Han Xiaochen, or to find out if there was a way

In other words, this Han Xiaochen's luck is good enough, if she is in danger.

My wife's spatial ability has risen rapidly, and she has awakened that ability.

Could it be that they came here specifically for protection?

If this is the case, then this thing is not fun.

However, my wife's powers have improved, and she has more abilities, so I can protect myself anyway, and I feel more at ease with her!
"Han Xinnuo, be careful in everything, you have to remember that you can save others only when you protect yourself.

Both you and Han Xiaochen are my best friends, and I don't want anything to happen to either of you.

It's a good thing that this friend has something to do, but it doesn't mean that he can recklessly risk his life regardless of the consequences.

If you are in danger, you should quickly hide in the space, but you can't be a hero with Han Xiaochen anymore.do you know? "

Li Na looked at Han Xiaochen and said it quite seriously.

Han Qinuo also nodded solemnly:
"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. It's not for myself. I just want to see my husband in the future. I will also take good care of my own life."

Li Na just smiled: "Today, this matter is too urgent, and we don't have time to practice.

Han Xinnuo, let me tell you, I still have a top-quality special crystal nucleus that can stimulate invisibility in my hand!

I will keep this crystal nucleus for you. "

When Li Na said this, she blinked at Han Zhennuo.

"Li Na, thank you, I know you are doing it for my own good.

Keep this crystal nucleus for me, I'm back at the base, and I'm about to awaken this invisibility ability.

Thinking about this skill is amazing, especially since I have spatial abilities!
It feels like I can kill the rhythm of the Quartet right away! "

Speaking of which, Han Zhennuo really had to put on the invisibility suit first.

One benefit of this costume is that with a little bit of energy around it the costume will do its job.

There is a button in it, you just need to press it and it will show you your body.

If you close this, no one will be able to find you.

"Hey! Look at the energy fluctuations over there."

Li Na informed several people softly, and they walked over calmly.

Han Junnuo also quietly pressed the button, and the body was immediately hidden.

Sure enough, several high-level zombies appeared out of the air.

Li Na and the others acted first, but they also showed weakness to lure away those high-level zombies, but did not make the first move.

The main reason is that they are afraid of accidentally hurting Han Yinuo

And Han Xinnuo felt the space fluctuations, wrapped the master key of space with mental power and recited it silently in his heart
Sure enough, when Han Zhennuo opened his eyes, he had already arrived in an inexplicably strange castle.

It's just that where can I find Han Xiaochen!
Han Zhennuo was worried now, this so-called space was too big to be the size of a base.

And the surrounding scene, looking at it is really surprising and makes people want to scream.

Why is this advanced zombie talking and laughing with humans?

But looking at Han Zhennuo, he was almost moved to tears.

If this is really Taco's space, then this is really a paradise where humans and zombies can live together!

After the outbreak of the end of the world, most of the previous human beings easily turned into zombies.

At the beginning, it would be disgusting to fight zombies by yourself, and you would not be able to do it.

After all, these are the same kind as myself, they just became infected with the virus and became like walking dead.

Although I know that this low-level zombie is just like that, except for infecting and attacking humans, it is a disaster for the environment.

But those high-level zombies knew without thinking, they had a sense of autonomy.

It's just that Taco is really powerful. How did he manage to let zombies and humans coexist?

In fact, these high-level zombies are not necessarily bad, but...

Han Xinuo shook his head vigorously.

 The next chapter will be updated later.

(End of this chapter)

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