Chapter 326
"That's good, grandma!" Han Zhennuo turned off the healing ability of the water system, and directly helped grandma to fill up these bottles.

"Grandma, do you know any interesting places around here? I haven't been out here yet."

Han Zhennuo asked while handing the water to the grandmother.

"A fun place? Does the trading market count? Our trading market is similar to yours!

The food you humans eat is fairly priced.

There is a lack of water here. Of course, the price of crystal nuclei is quite reasonable. If you exchange it with water, you can get a lot of crystal nuclei!
It's also easy to go this way, you go straight, turn left when you get to the end, you can see a lot of people trading there. "

Grandma thought about the wording for a while, and still felt that their high-level zombies and humans should actually be regarded as one category, and they could all be regarded as humans.

At least here, she thinks everyone is human!
If it is really high-level, high-level zombies are more advanced than humans.

After all, His Majesty here is also the absolute controller here, but he is the real Zombie King!
"Grandma, thank you, I'll go there and have a look, hee hee"

Han Zhennuo foolishly followed her grandmother's writing backwards, and then walked forward.

The granny shook her head, "It's a pity, no matter how powerful this girl is, she won't be able to fall in love with my son who is not a person with supernatural powers.

It's just such a tall one, I don't know if His Majesty is saving it for charging!

It's still used as a pet!

This little girl looks pretty good! "

Han Zhennuo, who has good ears and eyes, naturally listened to the grandmother's muttering.

But he didn't care, just smiled and walked to the place pointed by grandma.

Anyway, I have something to rely on, and if I am really in danger, I can hide. I have tried it just now, and I can still hide in the space even here.

What's more, I can leave here and go outside with a single thought.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, Han Qinnuo found that the old lady hadn't lied to her.

The trading market here is very lively, and there must be many trading crystal nuclei.

Han Zhennuo raised his eyebrows, and just sat here selling water.

She also knows the price just now. After marking the price, I want a bottle of supernatural water, and I want to buy a level 5 crystal nucleus

Despise yourself a little bit, where is it so expensive in the base.

But this mineral water should not be very easy to buy, after all, this zombie doesn't need to drink water.

Drinking is only a few humans here.

But this small business, although not many people buy it, there are still some.

There is a zombie who walks stiffly and looks rather scary.

But it's pretty good to come here to buy that zombie.

This may be the power of level suppression, after all, a dozen or so level supernatural beings can suppress a level 7 zombie.

Isn't that just like playing?Even if a water-type power user has reached a dozen levels and wants to kill a zombie of level [-] or [-], it is still a matter of moving his fingers

The only thing that makes people unhappy is that they didn't see this group of people coming to this trading market.

Is this under control, under control, or under control?
But no, if this is really under control.

That grandma went to report it immediately when she saw her. After all, everyone is a group, isn't it?

Then these people can move freely here, but their abilities are consumed, which is really a headache to hear!

Han Xinuo, you have to stop and stop.

Feel free to sell water here and always find some clues.

"Little girl, you are also a new member of the group!

You are a good little girl, and you know how to benefit our castle and sell water, which is much better than those people.

What's so bad about living here? Our Majesty's life is not so comfortable! "

This time, the person who bought the water turned out to be a tall and fat human boy.

This person has a third-level fire ability, and he is two meters tall in black and fat.

It didn't take long for him to start talking with Han Xinnuo!
"I wanted to come out before and they wouldn't let me out.

But these two days, if they are honest, they will ignore me. "

There seemed to be grievance in Han Zhennuo's voice.

"That's right, your water skills make them willing to let you out, so many people have to drink water.

I'm afraid there are not many gold boxes in the hands of those people, right?
If you refuse to swear, and if you refuse to smile, His Majesty will naturally not consume energy all the time.

No matter how high your ability level is, you have to be honest here.

Now in this castle, if it is a dragon, you have to coil up, and if it is a tiger, you have to nest here.

Girl, I think your skill level is quite high, right?
You are only a water-type supernatural being, and I can feel the faint danger.

Can you reach level eight or nine now? "

The fat black boy looked at Han Zhennuo with scorching eyes, obviously he fell in love with Han Zhennuo
Han Zhennuo smiled a little shyly: "It's not very high, it's only level 11."

Han Zhennuo didn't want to hide his ability level, after all, it was a little bit higher than his own, and he could tell at a glance.

Of course, the most important point is that a high level of ability has a deterrent effect on many people and even zombies.

The fat black boy quietly gasped.

"I rely on the boss! You little girl looks so humble, I didn't expect the power level to be so high!
You are about the same level as my elder brother, but my elder brother is a high-level zombie.

I'm also called an adult here, my brother has lightning powers, and now he has reached level 10.

Thinking that the level 10 lightning ability must be much higher than your level [-] water attack at this time, right? "

The meaning of this young man is obvious, his ability level is not high, and he can't suppress this little girl, so he let his brother, a senior zombie, suppress her

It's been here for a long time, and it's not easy to find a little girl who has supernatural powers and is pleasing to the eye to be his wife.

If there are some women with low abilities here, they will all be taken over by those high-level zombies.

I can't even grab it myself. Occasionally there are a few who don't have special abilities, and I still don't like it.

The little girl in front of me is just right, the attack power of the water-type ability is not strong, but fortunately, the level of the ability is high.

If he got him to be his wife, he could go outside and show off.

Of course, the most important thing is that not only can you show off yourself, but you can also get many real benefits.

How valuable is the water with this water system ability!It's been a long time since I took a shower.

It's good here, but well, people have never thought about purifying water for ordinary people.

Even if it is so purified that you can't drink it and you can only take a bath, there is no such thing.

And after all, the proportion of humans here is much smaller than that of zombies.

Isn't it convenient to buy water?There are water zombies, but if they drink the water they make, they will become zombies.

Although my brother is a high-level zombie, I never thought about becoming a zombie.

After all, when my brother was at level 9, he was attacked by a group of zombies and was injured by a higher level boss.

Only then did he easily become a high-level zombie.

If a low-level person like myself turns into a zombie, maybe it's the most low-level monster that doesn't have any thinking at all, but just eats the same kind of monster that drinks human blood and eats human flesh!


Bao Jingming, who was depressed, really couldn't think of any way to deal with all this.

Thinking of being able to move freely here anyway, I thought it would be better to go out for a stroll.

But as soon as he arrived at the trading market, the pupils of his eyes dilated.

But immediately suppressed it quickly, and recovered himself.

(End of this chapter)

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