Chapter 327
"Miss, when did you come here!

Seeing how young you are, you must not have a boyfriend, right? "

This black, fat and tall guy has really been here for a long time, just looking for various topics to get close to Han Xinnuo.

Han Zhennuo rolled his eyes, and another water buyer came, and said while filling the water for others.

"Brother, then you are wrong, I have been married for several years!"

So what if the black, fat and tall man still doesn't give up on getting married? In this world, this so-called marriage has no deterrent effect on people at all.

"Really? That's unfortunate. Is your man still around?"

There are many men who are just ignorant and want their wives to support themselves outside!
As far as I am concerned, although the ability level is not high now, it can be upgraded slowly! "

Han Xinnuo: "No way, I just stay here and come out for a stroll when I'm bored.

My husband's power level is higher than mine!It's also the very aggressive ability! "

"Haha! Miss, don't lie. If your husband is capable, he will ask you to sell water?
Isn't it impossible to open the pot at home?If this wife is a water-type supernatural being, this is very precious, how can I let you come out and show her face.

In this way, if an adult like His Majesty comes to take a fancy to you, how can you say that? "

In fact, this fat black boy was trying to scare Han Zhennuo. After all, Ta Keke managed the place very strictly, but he was not allowed to have any infighting.

Han Zhennuo rolled his eyes in his heart, it seemed that this fat black boy was entangled with him.

But even a lowly person with no ability to be free will come out to show off his might because of a high-level zombie in his family.

Why does this black fat boy still want to rob himself of his family?

Just rely on him?
He deserves it too?
But when Han Qinuo was complaining, he accidentally found an acquaintance.

It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and all the kung fu is wasted!

Bao Jingming is looking at himself with a half-smile.

I don't know what the plan is, but Bao Jingming seems to be quite false this time!

Not only is his body weak, but his energy seems to have declined, and he is also a lot of vain!

But, after all, someone who can be the head of the first mercenary regiment has a good background.

But what have they experienced?

But what the granny said was right, even though Taco said he didn't force them to swear.

But as they are getting weaker day by day, their abilities are slowly being consumed day by day, and getting lower and lower is really not a problem.

"Jing Ming, come here quickly. I'm exhausted. I don't have a husband like you. I'm a slave every day. I didn't see my work, so I didn't even come over to help!"

Han Yunuo glared at Bao Jingming coquettishly.
Bao Jingming almost smoked because of this, Han Xinnuo counts you as cruel, even dare to say such a thing.

It seems that Han Xinnuo came here alone, Zhao Ye must have not come that time, or else.

How could this woman, Han Xinnuo, come out and show her face!
Even though he thought so in his heart, Bao Jingming, a showman, still put on a helpless look.

"My wife, I haven't been practicing well recently."

"Hmph! If you don't cultivate well, just ignore me. Don't forget that I am raising you now.

Hurry up and say hello, how many people have you seen buying water? "

Han Zhennuo was furious, not to mention just pretending to be like this in such a small appearance.

"Yes, my wife, I was wrong." Bao Jingming hurriedly begged for mercy.

As for this tall, black, fat boy whose expression was difficult to distinguish, he glanced at Bao Jingming.
Although Bao Jingming didn't reveal anything, there was a faint coercion on his body.

It means that Bao Jingming can strangle him to death with one finger.

Not to mention that Bao Jingming looks young and handsome, which is really much better than his own image.

The black, fat, tall boy pondered for a while, if his brother were to fight this person in front of him, whoever would win would lose.

But remembering that the Zombie King here didn't allow them to fight among themselves, if my brother really fights with this person, he may not necessarily have a chance of winning.

Thinking of this, he could only give Bao Jingming a bitter look, and walked away in despair.

Han Zhennuo let out a laugh while selling water.

"My wife, don't be too merry. Hurry up and let people drink water. If you don't look at it, you will be in the queue."

Bao Jingming felt grievance in his helplessness, pretending to be like this.

Originally, there were not many people buying water here, but after getting the news in such a short time, many people came to buy it.

"Hey, here we come!" Han Zhennuo hurriedly let him go.

This water ability has reached level 10, it is very easy to release water, and I don't feel tired at all.

But the water here is really valuable. How can we get so many advanced crystal nuclei in the base!
However, the human beings here are limited after all, and they are gradually decreasing in people's eyes.

Han Xinnuo acted as if he was exhausted, but this time Bao Jingming quickly and considerately supported her
"I'm sorry everyone, my wife's ability is exhausted."

"Oh, it's unlucky. Zhang Ting said that the water sold here is cheaper and clean. When I came here, it was sold out."

A young man shook his head and left very aggrieved.

"Yeah, yeah, I also heard the news, but after a while, people left." This is what a male zombie who abandoned his illness said.
It seems that he should have bought this water for his family.

"Sorry everyone, we will come here to sell water in two or two days."

While Bao Jingming apologized to the people around him, he gently and considerately supported Han Xinuo to go out.

Han Xinuo pretended to be weak and exhausted, and leaned on Bao Jingming's body.

But he couldn't stop complaining in his heart, Bao Jingming, you're taking advantage of my mother, wait until the destination and see how I beat you.

Now the level of my old lady's ability has been raised, and it's like playing with you if you want to beat you.

If Bao Jingming knew that Han Zhennuo thought so, he would be so angry that he would throw Han Zhennuo out.

Is he the type to take advantage of women?

What's more, he comes from a family, and he has never seen any top beauties before.

Even Dingtian like Han Xinnuo can be regarded as a side dish of porridge that is occasionally adjusted.

Anyway, it doesn't conform to Bao Jingming's aesthetic views on women.

Bao Jingming really dutifully helped Han Xinnuo to their gathering point in order to perform a full set of plays.

This closed the door to make sure, there is no monitoring before opening.

Thick, although they also felt that Taco might be able to monitor them with mental power here, and could clearly understand their every move.

But after all, there are so many people in this castle, it is impossible for Taco to notice everyone.

If it is really the word of God, there will be so many people bustling with each other in this next session.

Can God really take care of everyone?Can there be no unjust, false or wrongly decided cases?

Can it be peace that all people have the underground palace without touching it?Obviously impossible.

"Han Yinuo, why did you come here?"

This is a good place for Bao Jingming to live, maybe it's a high level, and he arranged a rather luxurious small suite here, which looks like it's 60 square meters.

"I came in to explore the way, and figured out how to rescue you.

By the way, that Han Xiaochen!Help me find Han Xiaochen's residence! "

Bao Jingming gave Han Xinnuo a blank look: "You woman, you are really big, could it be that you deliberately let them arrest you?

Do you think you can go out after coming here?

Don't be silly, we've tried everything we can, but we can't get out. "

(End of this chapter)

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