Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 330 Contradictions

Chapter 330 Contradictions
The more Li Na thought about it, the more she felt chills in her heart, don't bother with these two girls, they are all in it.

Han Xinnuo, a silly bastard, if he did something wrong with good intentions, he would involve himself in it.

Mo Shen obviously knew what his wife was thinking, so he stopped him lightly, and his wife patted her on the shoulder before looking at Bao Jingming

"Bao Jingming, please tell me in detail, what happened after you met Han Zhennuo? And what did you two talk about?
The more detailed the better, knowing that it is actually better for you to rest first, but after all we have so many people there, so many lives in it. "

Bao Jingming absorbed several crystal nuclei in a row, and felt better.

To be honest, he wanted to take a good night's sleep now, but he also knew that now was not the time for him to rest immediately.

"The leader is like this..."

Bao Jingming explained these things in detail.

Only then did Mo Shen nod: "So that's the case, if this is the case, you should rest first, it's fine.

There is a bed over here, you can cover yourself with a quilt and have a good rest.

By the way, wife, you give Bao Jingming some more food from the space, let him eat and drink well before resting.

Since the end of the world, Bao Jingming has suffered such a big loss and suffered such a big crime? "

As the leader of the imperial base, Mo Shenke has always been willing to buy people's hearts at any time.

"Thanks... Thank you, leader! Thank you, leader's wife!"

Bao Jingming watched the leader's wife Li Na bring out a lot of steaming meals for him, and he knew these meals as soon as he smelled them.

They are all made of mutated animal meat and mutated plants, which are very good for his body!

"Bao Jingming, don't keep saying thank you, we all don't have to be so polite, we are all our own people.

After eating, take a rest and recharge your batteries! "

Li Na smiled

That's okay, if one can come out, one is one, and Li Na has figured it out.

Han Xinnuo must be thinking about the plan to quickly get Han Xiaochen out when he comes out.

After all, this is the fastest and most effective way.

However, Han Xinuo's stuff is really easy to use
Bao Jingming was such a formidable supernatural being, but Han Xinnuo threw him out before Bao Jingming could react.

One must know that the so-called drug-enchanted is only capable of obsessing a supernatural being like Bao Jingming for two seconds!
It's just that those members were not suppressed by Bao Jingming, so I don't know how many mutinies there were.

It is estimated that the mutiny swore to Taco, so I can only treat them as if they were killed in battle.

After all, they have become Taco's puppets, and they can let Taco control their minds at any time, so these people.

How different is it from those mindless zombies that attack humans everywhere?

After throwing Bao Jingming out, Han Xinnuo sat on Bao Jingming's bed, thinking about the way out.

Still alive with mental strength, always watching when Han Xiaochen will come out.

Han Xiaochen would really enjoy it, hiding in the space and not coming out.

But you won't be really frightened and afraid to come out!
Wait here for a few days and try it out. If it really doesn't work, I will find a way to look at the members here and see which one is more reliable to fascinate them.

How many can get out is how many.

But it depends on the performance of these people to see if it is worth risking oneself to save them.


But Han Xiaochen, who didn't know it, was busy working in the flower shop during the day, and was busy with investing in novels and filming TV.

You are so tired that you are dying, and now you are hiding in the space and sleeping soundly!
Hou, Han Xiaochen, come out quickly, if you don't come out, your good friend will leave if he can't afford to wait!


"Hey! You woman, why do you look so familiar to me, who are you?

And what about our head, what did you do to our head?
Why are you sleeping in our captain's room? "

Han Xinnuo was thinking about whether he should go back to the space to sleep or directly sleep in Bao Jingming's room.

Then came the group members under Bao Jingming knocked on the door,

But when they saw Han Yinuo, they were not very friendly.

"Bao Jingming? Bao Jingming left first?
But he brought me here, otherwise how could I enter this room. "

Han Zhennuo's endless words made the female member even more angry.

"Who are you, you have such a foxy look at such a young age.

Even though he is a supernatural being, he doesn't want to fight outside, so he wants to come here as a prisoner.

Yo, I see that your ability level is not low!

It's even a little higher than me, but the high level of this ability doesn't mean you can fight it!

As soon as I smelled your breath, I knew that it was absolutely impossible for you to have an attack ability! "

"Auntie, you are so smart, am I just a water-type ability, but my ability has reached more than 10 levels.

Are you sure you have an absolute chance of winning if you fight with me with your level 7 fire ability?

Don't you know that water is born to put out fires? "Han Zhennuo smiled contemptuously.
"Heh! Woman, I think you owe me a beating, so get the hell out of here."

Mu Yafang, the fire-type supernatural being, immediately got into a rage and called several other supernatural beings.

This seems to have a feeling of wanting to kill Han Yinuo immediately.

"Hey, Mu Yafang, I advise you to stop making trouble, when are you still making trouble now?

But little sister, where is our leader now?Why put you here alone. "

The person speaking is a big man of the eighth level of the soil system
Han Zhennuo pouted aggrievedly, "Bao Jingming didn't tell me where he went, he just asked me to wait here for him."

"No, no, there is something wrong with you woman. Why is your ability level so high, it seems that your physical fitness is better than ours.

It's as if the place didn't hurt at all! "

That Mu Yafang is not an idiot either, she directly pointed out what she suspected.

Han Xinnuo laughed mockingly, "Don't worry, I have a name, okay?

Besides, what kind of eyes do you have?What do you mean by that.

Do you have to tune in if you are in a hurry to urinate?Your physical fitness has deteriorated, so do I have to become as poor as you?

What kind of person is this? They can't see anyone well. "

Mu Yafang was so angry that she wanted to go forward and beat Han Zhennuo
Han Zhennuo glanced lightly at Mu Yafang who was flailing with claws
"You woman is sick, if you really want to beat me, are you sure you can beat me?
You don't know that we have a rule here that no one is allowed to fight?
I think you woman is not only incompetent and blind, but also mentally ill. "



Mu Yafang's angry fingers tremblingly pointed at Han Yunuo

But seeing that none of the other team members were willing to support him, he had no choice but to give up.

"Since you, woman, are in our head's room, it's not easy for us to drive you out."

The main reason is that they don't have the qualifications to throw Han Xinuo out.

"But, we don't have to pay for what you eat for yourself. You can eat for yourself."

This is what a black, fat, tall man with a gold-type 7-type superpower said

"Okay, I didn't intend to let you raise me!
It's nothing, you go out, I'm going to rest, I'm so tired. "

Han Zhennuo yelled at these people impatiently.

What kind of quality these people have, but compared with the quality of the members of the mercenary group under the mercenary group of my husband Jian Li, it is much worse!

Bao Jingming's vision is not very good, why are these self-righteous reunions!
No wonder it was so miserably calculated by others, no wonder Han Xiaochen was unlucky to follow them!

(End of this chapter)

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