Chapter 331

"Hey, little bitch, who do you think you are, you can show off your power with a higher level of power?
You don't even look at you, it's only you, and how many of us there are! "

This woman, Mu Yafang, was still jumping, but she was dragged back by the people around her

It turned out that this woman was very strange, with such a high level of abilities.

It's still directly in the head's room, who doesn't know that the key to the head's house is specially made.

Except for the leader, no one else can get in by any means!

What do you mean, it means that the group leader likes that unknown woman very much!

But it's just this woman of unknown origin, why does she look a little familiar?
Among them, some members bowed their heads and pondered
Some people's minds are even more active, maybe this woman in front of him has a way to save everyone.

Of course, there are some people who have turned their minds to surrender to Taco.
Han Zhennuo let out a deep sigh of relief seeing these people finally leave.

Immediately afterwards, the door of this room was closed and locked with a special device.

I finally felt that I couldn't hold on and went into the space and fell asleep

Although my own space has no other function except for sleeping.

But Han Xinuo is also very contented, just because he has space, he has so much confidence to take the risk to come here to save Han Xiaochen.

Otherwise, even if I have this master key, I don't have the guts or confidence to dare to break into the Zombie King's space!
But Taco, the Zombie King, is really powerful!
There is such an awesome space, and this space can accommodate so many people, and it can also be planted.

My God, isn't this a small world?
This is not only a small world, but also a shining paradise!
However, all of this is secretly weird, revealing a danger that seems to be nothing.


After Han Xiaochen finally woke up, looking through the space, it seemed that the group members were whispering.

"Old Zhang, you said that our group leader hasn't come back yet, but let that unknown woman occupy her room. I always think it's unreliable."

"So what do you think is unreliable?
That woman's water system can be written over level 10, do you think you can beat that woman?
I told others that if this space ability reaches level 10 or above, it will teach you a lot of inexplicable but extremely powerful attack methods.

The same is true for the water system. If the level is low, it really has nothing to do, and it can only be used as a bucket.

But it won't be like that after level 9. You don't know how terrifying the attack power of this water ability is if it reaches level 9 or 10.

You haven't seen it, but I have seen it. This water-type supernatural being can absorb the water from the surrounding zombies or connected humans and plants.

Fortunately, that water element expert didn't do anything to me at that time, otherwise I would have been a mummy long ago, and I would not even have the qualifications to become a zombie. "

An earth-type supernatural person said in fear after 10 minutes.

"Damn it, I don't know what's wrong with this world, let a little girl of eighteen or nineteen teach the ability of breathing, and every ability level is so high.

But we experience our survival on the tip of the knife every day, but we have only raised our abilities to this level. "

This woman, Mu Yafang, came out again and was aggrieved.

Han Xiaochen's eyes flickered slightly, what kind of woman is this?Dare to domineeringly occupy Bao Jingming's room.

And the key is where did Bao Jingming go?

Also, how could this female supernatural being imprisoned by the water system and space to more than ten levels appear inexplicably.

Is this a captive taken by Ta Kexin?

What did Bao Jingming come here with this prisoner?
Han Xiaochen frowned, always feeling that something was wrong.

She also sighed, forget it, eat first, and go to have a look after dinner.

These people can talk like this here, it seems that they are safe again for the time being.

Han Xiaochen ate breakfast in this space, washed up and changed his equipment.

After looking around in the mirror, checking carefully, and seeing that I missed nothing.

Just flashed out
"Hehe, Han Xiaochen, you still have the face to come out, I thought you were going to die in your space for the rest of your life!"

Han Xiaochen just came out and happened to meet Mu Yafang who was disgusting to the point of nausea

"Mu Yafang, auntie, I can stay where I want, it's none of your business.

Why do you want to fight! "

Han Xiaochen never gave her a good face towards Mu Yafang.

A dead woman who barks her teeth and claws every day relying on her own attack ability and the ability is relatively high.

Tian Tian's is very annoying, if everyone falls into such a desperate situation, she is not honest, and she is still acting like a demon every day.



Han Xiaochen, what's so great about you, do you think this is the base of the imperial capital?
If you can come to the Christian base, you have an affair with the leader of the base and Zhao Ye of that mercenary group. Those people are willing to help you protect you.

Now that you're here, who cares about you?

Not to mention that our team leader is not here anymore, let me tell you, the little girl our team leader got is younger than you, prettier than you, and has higher abilities than you.

What are you dragging, don't you know that you have become the public enemy of our entire regiment now?
You fucking want to make fun of our entire regiment's life, I can't wait to tear you to pieces. "

Han Xiaochen heard Mu Yafang say so many words that were extremely insulting to him, but he didn't get angry, just watched Mu Yafang quietly

Mu Yafang is so aggrieved by this woman, she should just surrender to that Taco and swear.

Is it worth looking for it with Zhang Yawu?
That is to say, I am too lazy to talk to her, otherwise, if I really want to do it, with this little ability, I can crush her to death with one finger

But why did Bao Jingmingsuo sound so familiar to Mu Yafang?

Also, Bao Jingming is a man who almost always guards his team members.

Where is this man now?

How could she stay out all night and put a newly brought woman into her room?
I feel that many things are very strange.

Could it be that the woman came to instigate these league members and asked to swear quickly?

But since he is not here now, the danger is temporarily relieved. If Taco threatens them, wouldn't it be easy to swear immediately?

"Han Xiaochen...


What are you looking at?I really don't know what to say, I hate seeing you when I leave. "

Mu Yafang pointed at Han Xiaochen with trembling fingers, no longer afraid of anything.

The most ridiculous thing is that this woman ran away after saying this

"Hehe, Mu Yafang is not a stupid woman who bullies the weak and fears the hard.

He really dared to annoy himself, and let him not even have a corpse. It is not easy to deal with her, as long as he meets her, she will pull him into the space little by little.

So wouldn't this woman, Mu Yafang, disappear forever? "


Han Zhennuo took a deep sleep in the space, and peeked out from the space. This room is still a good place to play, and no one has touched the lock.

Only then did I stretch myself out of the space after eating and drinking enough.

After all, I have to wait for Han Xiaochen to come out of the space!
I just don't know when this dead woman Han Xiaochen will come out of the space?
While slandering indignantly in his heart, Han Zhennuo used his mental strength to probe out, but suddenly froze.

I'll go, this girl Han Xiaochen is finally willing to come out!
And this casual look is obviously heading for me
Han Xiaochen is not stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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