Chapter 333 is back

Mo Yan was fighting, and suddenly he smelled Han Xiaochen's breath
Sure enough, I had been worried for a long time, and Han Xiaochen was appearing alive and well, and on my side, he even joined the battle against the group of high-level zombies.

"Don't be dazed, go all out, just a few hundred zombies, all of them will be wiped out in a short time!"

Mo Shen shouted coldly

With his yelling, the other supernatural beings began to attack even more vigorously.

What's more, it has powerful firepower as an auxiliary.

Han Xiaochen also immediately discovered that the attack power of Han Zhennuo's space ability is much stronger than his own.

Confined in one space, even those high-level zombies had to pause for a few seconds, and then they were wiped out by our side.

Those advanced zombies also noticed something was wrong, they had never faced such a powerful opponent before.

Hehe, before this epidemic came out, it was to play with and abuse humans and mutant animals.

But I never thought that it would be played by people when it came out, and it would even be wiped out immediately.

But Taco ordered them to attack desperately, but he didn't say to quit or run away.

Of course, if Taco hadn't imprisoned them, with their high-level zombie IQ, they would naturally find a way to escape if they couldn't beat them.

Han Xiaochen didn't even think about this level, but Han Xiaochen didn't think about letting it go softly.

Even if they were humans for a while, they are now the enemies of mankind. If you don't destroy them, they will destroy you.

This is true whether it is the end of the world or the jungle society.

In fact, to be honest, these people who are mobilized now are not as powerful as those who were caught in Taco Space.

However, all the victories can cooperate to commit crimes. Besides, this wave of zombies is not enough, and the firepower is strong enough.

After 20 minutes, everyone has achieved a comprehensive chance of winning.

However, it seemed that a high-level zombie hadn't died yet, and Mo Shen frowned and asked Han Zhennuo to imprison him.

Then find a special rope to tie up the advanced zombie.

Han Xiaochen frowned, this senior zombie was none other than Dan Haoke's brother Zhan Chencha

It's just that Zhan Chencha is still in a manic attack state, and it's obvious that he doesn't have any ability to think independently.

To be more precise, now he is just Taco's controllable cold killing machine.

"Clean up, let's retreat quickly!" Mo Shen ordered everyone to retreat to the base without giving everyone a chance to breathe.

Han Xiaochen opened his mouth, but did not speak.

To be honest, she is very weak now.

That's why she often stays in the space and even goes there, and doesn't stay in this Taco space for too long.

Just this time, Mo Shen divided Han Xiaochen and the others into the car he was sitting in.

Li Na opened her mouth, just about to speak.

Mo Shen stopped her

"Wife, please don't talk, let's all recharge our batteries first, and we will talk about it when we return to the base.

By the way, Mo Yan will still need to rely on you to come up with more of those formations in the future.

As long as everyone enters our imperial capital base, use formations to surround the ground rescue base.

Don't let the people in our base go out for the time being.

And I will also announce to the public that the Imperial Capital Base will not be open to the outside world for the time being. "

Mo Yan frowned: "Your approach is also feasible.

Although you have banned people from going out to do missions 5 days ago, there are still some people who went out to do missions 5 days ago and have not come back. "

Mo Shen said with a cold face: "There is no other way, we have made a big hole now, if we feel sorry for those people, then the entire base will have to be buried with them.

It's better because the low-level relay is still solid now, plus your formation, and then we will use some other protective methods.

For the time being, it can stop Taco's zombie army.No, it can't be called the zombie army anymore, it should be called the killing machines led by Taco. "

"Mo Shen, I'm sorry, I'm the one who got everyone involved."

Han Xiaochen really felt sorry for hurting so many people by himself.

Mo Shen just shook his head: "It's none of your business, this is not the first time Taco has attacked the base.

When he attacked the ladder for the first time, I was also participating in the battle. At that time, I felt that the zombie army of his age was not easy.

Now that I think about it, this is the case, so whether you were assimilated by him, or you escaped.

Taco will always attack our human settlements again, and I will also notify other bases of this, but how they can protect themselves is not something I can care about or manage. "

Mo Shen has always been a hard-hearted man, of course if it wasn't like that.

Perhaps no matter in the last days of cannibalism, or in his place, it would have already turned into a pile of bones.

The way back was relatively calm, and the sporadic zombies didn't think that the supernatural being would be killed by direct fire.

Mo Yan's eyes flashed, he got the latest crystal nucleus detection machine.

They collected all the crystal nuclei that the team members had no time to dig out.

Li Na moved her eyes, as if sensing something extraordinary.

But in the future, Li Na, who is determined to see through and doesn't talk about breaking things, just curled her lips slightly and didn't say anything.

In the last days, these people have to rely on their own abilities.

Whoever has the ability can obtain greater resources, and I have a golden finger in my hand.

Then why can't others have it?

Perhaps in this cannibalistic end of the world, these people with golden fingers are really needed.

If this is the case, no one has golden fingers, not even humans can awaken supernatural powers.

So for human beings, it really is the end of the world, and it should not be peerless.

By that time, human beings will truly be extinct.

Although it may also open a new era, but as a human being.

I still hope that human beings can occupy a place in this world.

Even if they can't stand at the top of the food chain like before, at least this human being can survive in this last days.

After entering the base, as expected, Mo Yan took out a super-large or that kind of formation with strong protection, and enveloped the base.

And of course, Li Na made another mysterious protection in this, which is the current imperial capital base.

It was surrounded like an iron bucket, and it was really impossible for even a mosquito to fly in.

"Moshen, what are you going to do with this advanced zombie Zhan Chencha, who is in Tucker's space castle.

He was still talking to me like a normal person, but now it's..."

Han Xiaochen hesitated to speak

"How to deal with it?" A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Mo Shen's mouth.

"Naturally, it will be sent to the research institute for propaganda research. Don't worry, the institute will not eliminate it for the time being."

Let alone these high-level zombies, even some useless humans, as long as they were sold into the research institute.

Mo Shen will still let those people do research, don't think he is cruel, in fact, it is cruel.

But for human beings, if you don't study it thoroughly, how will you survive in this last world in the future?
Of course, if someone proves it, then the researcher is very unwilling, or in other words, has not done too many crazy things.

In addition, if the research value is not very great, Mo Shen is willing to give them a way to survive.

But, the people in this research institute are almost all those who have been seriously injured.

There are even some that were sold by family members.

This may be the reason. In the last days, it was originally a place where human beings should gather together.

(End of this chapter)

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