Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 334 Cruel Decision

Chapter 334 Cruel Decision

It can be seen by many people with supernatural powers that they were taken into the research institute by their families after being seriously injured.

Many of them are hard-hearted, and they no longer care about their colleagues and family members of ordinary people, and let them fend for themselves.

Some even got away from them.Although this supernatural being is also a human being, they are more likely to be harmed than ordinary people.

After all, most of the people who went out to fight were supernatural beings. How could they not be injured if they went out to fight?
After going out to fight and being injured, the family members thought it was worthless, and they sold it to the research institute to exchange for a certain amount of rations.

Maybe this kind of thing is reasonable for ordinary people. After all, as a newcomer, I can't help me anymore, why not make the last meager effort!
But how can this kind of thing make the supernatural being who is desperately working for his family not feel chilled?
Perhaps human nature is so dark and ruthless in the last days.

But as a supernatural being, he was much stronger than that as an ordinary person.

And it is easier for them to get rid of ordinary people, and by this time, the so-called moral kidnapping has no effect at all.

So it makes life more and more difficult for many ordinary people.

Because it is too easy for the supernatural being to get rid of them, and they will no longer provide them with supplies.
The second is to declare in this base that it has nothing to do with them.

And this kind of statement can play a certain legal role in the base.

As long as you declare it in the official place of the base, then you have nothing to do with these people.

This law was not enacted by Mo Shen, it was at the very beginning, when the base just appeared, there was this regulation.

Naturally, Mo Shen, as the leader of the base and also as a powerful person with supernatural powers, naturally must first consider the interests of being a supernatural person and the main force of the base.

"Mo Shen, don't you think it's inhumane to study human supernatural beings or advanced zombies with human thinking like a research institute?

Is this very inhumane?Have you ever thought about what if one day you are seriously injured, or your wife.

Then you also stepped into the research institute behind your back and carried out inhumane research. What should you do then?Do you regret your decision now. "

Han Xiaochen still disagrees with this approach.

"Hehe, Han Xiaochen, it's useless for you to tell me these great principles. If there is no research from the research institute, do you think we can come back victorious so quickly today?

Let me tell you, the weapons developed by this research institute are indispensable.

What's more, in addition to studying those who are seriously injured and almost incurable, my research institute also studies these zombies and even advanced zombies.

Do you know why Dongsheng Country is five or sixty years behind other developed countries?
That's not because a certain dynasty in this country made the decision to close the country hundreds of years ago.

There has never been a laboratory, and it is necessary to study the advanced technology of this human being or various aspects.

That's why when you look at this so-called humanitarian country, it has been attacked by so many invaders.

So put away your so-called sympathy, the research institute at this base is useful at any time, and it will also promote the progress of our mankind.

Do you know that there are many seriously injured supernatural beings who entered this research institute on their own initiative in order to obtain benefits for their families.

When they think that they are completely incurable and will soon lose their lives, they have to give their last energy for the people they love and care about. Do you still think this institute is inhumane?

I admit that some research subjects in this institute were indeed framed by others.

But it's also the fault of those people. I don't know people clearly, right?

What's more, if some people are really unwilling to contribute, the base will not force it.

After all, this base is composed of most of the supernatural beings, and the research institute of our base will not say that it will chill the hearts of most of the supernatural beings. "

Mo Shen said something even more cruel, but he didn't say it.

Mo Shen saw that Bao Jingming's ability level and the strength of the box body were all top-notch high-end abilities in the base.
After this came out, all aspects of the body, including the abilities, suffered such great damage.

How long did Han Yinuo not be forced to go?Several people come out!

In a sense, those people were also given up by Mo Shen.

Of course, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, and those people are not all broken, I am willing to hold hands to get those people out.

But that's all for now.

Han Xiaochen opened his mouth, and decided not to refute Mo Shen anymore, and he has been fighting alone.

It is indeed very different from the thinking of the leader of this base.

Otherwise, wouldn't Li Na, who is similarly soft-hearted and kind-hearted like herself, not say a word?It can be regarded as acquiescing to her husband's behavior.

Even I know that the research institute of this base has existed since the day the base was established.

"Han Xiaochen, don't think too much, the more rare we collectively take protective measures against those kind of supernatural beings.

Instead of finding ways to hurt them, drag them into the research institute for research.

There are even some studies that have their consent, and then the research institute will try to choose a situation that will not cause them pain or damage their bodies for research. "

Li Na smiled and patted Han Xiaochen's shoulder, which was also a reassurance for Han Xinuo.

"However, those with rare abilities should be more careful at any time.

After all, if it is too small, there are some that are too useful to humans, even if the base is willing to protect them, but there are too many humans with malicious intentions.

No matter what the purpose is, they will find ways to destroy them, and even say that they want to snatch the ability.

Although this ability does not mean that you can grab it if you want to.

This is not a problem for greedy and jealous human beings.

There is even a kind of thing that does not matter whether it is beneficial to oneself, but as long as it destroys others.

Don't let others be stronger than him, just feel the kind of perverted idea that you feel comfortable in your heart.

Is this the so-called harming others and benefiting oneself? "

Li Na sighed softly, the nature of human beings is selfish, not to mention the end of the world.

Maybe you can live today with more biscuits in your hand, but because he has less biscuits in his hand, he may starve to death in the last days!
Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible for you to ask these people to be kind.

"Hey! In this fucking end of the world, I don't know when humans and the species outside, together with their compatriots, will have a relatively peaceful day."

Han Junnuo also sighed leisurely, she used too much power.

Especially relying on the space key to enter other people's space, it is quite exhausting.

Now she is also exhaling more and breathing less, very weak.

Zhao Ye smiled while helping her convey the faint healing power.

"Maybe the situation you mentioned will happen in decades or hundreds of years.

But obviously, it is very difficult for us to realize your ideals now.

As long as today's human beings are preserved and not wiped out by those opponents outside, it is already very good. "

(End of this chapter)

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