Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 335 Too Delicate

Chapter 335 Too Delicate

Bao Jingming took a deep look at Zhao Ye, "Zhao Ye, I really envy you, both of you husband and wife have the ability to heal.

Alas, why didn't our official mercenary group find you two fish that slipped through the net before? If we found out, we would definitely find a way to recruit you.

Even if you are the head of a private mercenary group, we can't move.

But we can find a way to bring your wife here. There are two of you who have the ability to heal in one group. This is too extravagant and wasteful, right? "

Want to say why?Bao Jingming is so sour now.

The main reason is that there are no other people with healing abilities in this car now.

He is also extremely weak now, and his body is quite weak.

Obviously, he now needs to be healed by the healing powers to deliver some healing energy.

But Zhao Ye acted as if he hadn't seen him, so it wasn't really necessary to directly lose his healing ability to someone, okay?

You husband and wife want to show off your affection, so show off your affection, but why do you want to be angry in front of everyone, especially around Bao Jingming, who is in urgent need of healing ability? !
"Hehe, Bao Jingming, please bear with it for a while, and when you arrive at the base, someone will heal you and recover!

It's normal for a young couple to love each other. Although you feel a little uncomfortable, it's not to the point where you have to be treated, is it?

As a man, be generous! "

Mo Shen could only comfort Bao Jingming without the slightest sincerity.

Who asked Bao Jingming to bring out such a large number of teams, and even one of them who healed abilities was arrested by Ren Zhaoye!

"Don't go out for me after the two of you go back, stay at home for me, and block the news from me.

Otherwise, you two came back, so many people didn't come back, I can't explain it in the base.

If someone uses this as an excuse to rebel, everyone will have no place to cry! "

Mo Shen couldn't help exhorting when he was about to enter the base
"It's the leader, yes," Han Xiaochen and the others could only nod obediently.

Thanks to the fact that the leader of Moshen's base came back without any inspection, and entered the imperial base directly.

If not, the news of these two people's return really cannot be blocked.

"Han Xiaochen, what about you, hurry back to your little house, recuperate well, and don't let me wander around.

What was your house like when you left? What is it like now?

Bao Jingming, you should also go back to your residence, don't come out, when the time comes, I will ask someone to treat you, and I will also ask that person to block the news.

As for the others, we can only plot slowly. "

Mo Shen rubbed the center of his eyebrows wearily, and ordered.

"We know." Han Xiaochen actually understood.

After all, there were so many people, so I and Bao Jingming came back.

If the person who said he wanted the base once passed it on, what would happen?

But to be honest, it's really hard to save those people who are stuck in Taco Space and can't get out!
And Li Na also kept her word. When she entered the base, she really handed over the top-quality crystal core that can give birth to hidden abilities to Han Zhennuo
"Han Xinnuo, how about you, take a good rest when you go back, and I will notify you if everyone has something to do.

Don't worry, don't have any psychological pressure, don't worry. "

Han Qinnuo nodded heavily, she could naturally understand what Li Na meant.


"Li Na, why did you come in with me?" Han Xiaochen looked at Li Na in surprise as she also entered her small villa.

"Han Xiaochen, you forgot that we are friends, so naturally I have to care about you?

You go take a good bath and come back, I will give you treatment to recover. "

At this time, Li Na no longer hides the fact that she has the power of the light system.

"Li Na, my God, it's all right, I won't talk anymore, I'll go take a shower immediately!"

The climate is strange to say, it was extremely cold the past few days, but now it is as warm as spring.

And after Han Xiaochen finally washed himself and put on this pajamas, he came out.

I found Li Na sitting here with her legs crossed, waiting for her.
"Han Xiaochen, bear with me, this light treatment will be more painful than other healing treatments.

But it works very well, and you, don't expect the couple to treat you.

It's just that Han Xinnuo spent a lot of mental energy in order to come out just for the two of you.

Now that he thinks about it with his toes, he should know that Zhao Ye must use it to heal the disease as soon as he gets home, so that his wife can slowly recover her body! "

Not to mention that using this light-type medicine can heal the body, although the effect is very good, the treatment is also 10 minutes faster.

But it was indeed quite painful, and Han Xiaochen had to grit his teeth and persevere.

But she still opened her mouth with difficulty: "Li Na, then why do you think Han Xinuo brought me out? What is this..."

Li Na didn't want to provoke, and it was probably impossible for this girl, Han Zhennuo, to tell Han Xiaochen what was going on in the open.

"This is the most important result that my husband has researched at the base, but the price is too high, and now it can only pull you and Bao Jingming out.

And as you can see, Han Xinnuo is very lucky, and the spatial ability has reached more than ten levels.

That's why everyone cooperates with him, the most powerful space ability and the result of the base's huge research.

It took a lot of effort to get you two out.

And other people's bases also want to save, but they have to study it carefully.

Don't say that you can understand those people when you are inside, and you may not cooperate obediently in all aspects.

Even if they were willing, the base doesn't have more materials to research the kind of high-end technological products that can save you and Bao Jingming.

Who would have thought that such an expensive thing would be a one-off! "

This set of explanations is similar to what Bao Jingming said.

Naturally, it was also discussed with Han Xiannuo at that time.

Even Han Lunuo would trust Han Xiaochen.But I and my husband still don't believe it, it shouldn't be said that I still can't completely believe in Han Xiaochen!

Anyway, isn't there such a wise saying?
The reason why this secret is called a secret is that it cannot be known by the second person.

As long as this is leaked, there will always be a certain danger.

Don't say anything else, just say that he and Mo Yan are constantly arguing and confused, and they are still entangled in whether they can be together.

Everyone is not very relieved, let alone Bao Jingming is a very capable fighter in the base.

But it is undeniable that Bao Jingming is still a child of the family!
And the ability that Han Yinuo now has to enter other people's space.

Although occasionally there will be a little accumulation, but most people will definitely make up their minds, and even attack them in groups.

You have to admit that this is human nature, otherwise, the four words of "preventing one's sin" would not have been invented by the ancients in ancient times.

Li Na gave Han Xiaochen the power of the light system for an entire hour.

Han Xiaochen's body has only recovered more than half, of course the main reason is.

It is too painful to treat with the power of the light system.

Han Xiaochen felt that if he persisted for a while, he might faint.

"Han Xiaochen, you, you are too delicate, how can you do this, but ah, I am also very tired, you can take a rest.

There are quite a few cases where your body was injured in that place!

It seems that the space of Taco can not only consume all kinds of energy and physical strength of you in all aspects.

 Thank you, Zhang Yun, for stopping me in this civilized daily update
(End of this chapter)

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