Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 336 Why Can't You Get It Over?

Chapter 336 Why Can't You Get It Over?

It can also directly damage your health. Do you know that your internal organs are damaged to varying degrees.

And if this damage reaches a certain level, it will not be much better than dealing with the living dead.

Why!I don't know if we can use some method to release those people quickly, otherwise it will be too late.

It is estimated that it is not completely controlled by Taco, that is, if it comes out, it will be useless.

It's really like what my husband said, even if thrown into the research institute, they are useless people of no value. "

"But Li Na, I don't understand. If that's the case, why those high-level zombies and the humans inside belong to Taco.

It seems that they are all powerful, is it really the reason for that vow? "

Li Na shook her head: "I can't answer your question because I don't understand either.

Don't think of me as a god, I'm just an ordinary human just like you.

How is it possible to know so much?
As for you, just rest well and don't deal with this small villa without our notice.

We also let people block your small villa, and no one can come to your place.

You should retreat and practice hard by yourself, cultivate well. "

Li Na breathed a sigh of relief, packed her clothes a little, and left Han Xiaochen's small villa.

"Hello, Li Na..."

Seeing Li Na walking away without looking back, Han Xiaochen couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

I have come back, and I am even less free than in that space castle in Taco.

Li Na is also true, because she knows that she has spatial abilities, so she doesn't even keep some food for herself.

Although I don't lack that, I still feel that it is appropriate and ignored by them.

Forget it, let's quickly recover ourselves!
But what about those supernatural beings locked in the space by Taco?

What Li Na said had some loopholes, and even if it could really save those people.

This still requires Han Yinuo to use his own ability and bring those high-tech products to get those people out one by one.

Not to mention how difficult this thing is to make, I'm afraid Han Xinnuo is not willing to risk his life again and again to use his ability to save those people, right?
After all, most of those people were not very friendly towards themselves or Han Xiannuo.

Of course, the most important reason is that everyone is not familiar with them, especially Han Yinuo. It can be said that he hardly knows them.
Who would want you to go to that dangerous place just to save strangers!

As for myself, the spatial ability is still too weak now, maybe after a dozen episodes.

You can also use special technological means, coupled with the energy of your own space, but enter those alien spaces, right?
I have to say, Han Xiaochen's idea is too beautiful, but not everyone can get that golden finger that everyone envies.

What's more, she already has too much

"Husband, look at these crystal nuclei, and study them carefully!
These crystal nuclei were all exchanged by that woman Han Zhennuo in Tucker's space.

What Han Yinuo means is that the rules and regulations established in Tucker's space are more perfect than our collective.

It is simply a paradise that everyone yearns for. "

After Li Na went out from Han Xiaochen, she visited Han Xinnuo again, and the two chatted before coming out.

Naturally, Li Na didn't ask for these crystal nuclei from Han Zhennuo in vain, but brought most of the crystal nuclei from the base.

That's exactly what Han Yinuo needed and he used twice the amount in exchange for it!
"Okay, I'll let the research institute study it carefully, this time it's really weird.

If it wasn't for what these two people said in person, if it wasn't for what I saw with my own eyes, I wouldn't even be able to imagine such a magical thing in this world.

Taco, this space is really the life mustard space that forms a world of its own!
But such a space belongs to a zombie king.

It's really..."

Mo Shen regretted with deep complex emotions.

Since a zombie room can own this space of life mesons, why can't Moshen own a space of life mesons alone!
Do you want to operate this matter to see if you can find a way to snatch the life ring space of Taco, the zombie king!
Even if I can't use it for some reason, isn't there a wife who has a good affinity for space?
Isn't what belongs to his wife also belongs to him?
Mo Shen touched his chin, feeling so.

In particular, Moshen has sensed that Taco has led his puppet army composed of high-level human supernatural powers and high-level zombies to the imperial capital base.

It made his heart become more and more eager.

According to Mo Shen's visual estimation, there are over a million people, haha

Has this human being really become a weak person in the last days?

Han Xiaochen didn't enter the space after Li Na left, but fell asleep on the big bed in his villa.

It is true that this space cannot be cultivated, and there is no energy at all.

But he could only rest in the environment of the last days, Han Xiaochen sighed faintly.

I used to think that my space was very powerful, but now it is nothing compared to Tucker's.

And that woman Jia Ningxiao is really full of mysteries, but she still has a vague feeling.

If that woman Jia Ningxiao hadn't fallen into Ta Ke's hands.

Taco may not be so powerful that it can control the minds of humans and senior publics.

Hehe, just swearing an oath in that space castle can be firmly transformed into a puppet that can be controlled forever by Taco.

Just thinking about it makes me shudder! !

It's just that it's boring to be alone, and it took a while.

Han Xiaochen felt that he was hungry, starving to death.

She could only wave her hand to make the dry food in the space run to the bed, but she still lay lazily, grabbing and stuffing it into her mouth.

Now that the healing water in the space has been wiped out by him long ago, this medicine can only drink the very clear mountain spring water that she stored before the end of the world.

In other words, this water is really delicious, not much worse than healing water.

It's a pity that there will no longer be clear mountain spring water in this world.

Even if there is, there is no way to drink it!
Mo Yan is now alone in his villa, and has no plans to see Han Xiaochen
After all, it is not a very wise decision to ask Han Xiaochen about all these things now.

And now he has spent a lot of energy just to save Han Xiaochen.

Not to mention anything else, just say that these formations and the clothes that can hide his figure.

And most of the weapons with 10 points of attack power were contributed by him.

This trading system does not mean that you can get it for nothing, it will cost a lot of crystal cores, and even consume a lot of mental power of the master!
Mo Yan sometimes thinks, as the saying goes, if one step is wrong at that time, the whole game will be lost, so it must be the behavior now.

If I had been ruthless at the time, I am afraid that woman Jia Ningxiao would not have left alive.

And I won't let the good things in Jia Ningxiao's hands go cheap, Taco, the zombie king.

However, where did Jia Ningxiao get the spiritual spring water and the space in her hand?
(End of this chapter)

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