Chapter 337

No wonder?No wonder?On the day of her engagement, she was slightly confused by Jia Ningxiao.

In addition, the woman Jia Ningxiao was the Bai Yueguang in his mind, and even Han Xiaochen was chosen because Han Xiaochen looked exactly like Jia Ningxiao.

If it's not like me who is very organized and principled in doing things, and has a very cold heart, I can't be led by the nose.

How could it be possible to do such unreasonable things at the engagement ceremony?
Now that I think about it, it was not only me, but also many big bosses who could dominate one side.

I am fascinated by this woman Jia Ningxiao every day.

This is unscientific in the first place, Jia Ningxiao is just an ordinary woman no matter how beautiful she is.

And most of these bigwigs who can achieve certain achievements in all walks of life are already in supernatural powers.

In other words, one can practice ancient martial arts from the day of birth.

How can people like these be attracted by an ordinary person who is just beautiful, and they will lose their minds!
It seems that the weirdness should be the space owned by Jia Ningxiao, right?

But it's not right, just take that woman Jia Ningxiao's vigor, if there was room before, she should do things more ostentatiously.

Could it be that she didn't recognize the owner of the space at that time, but because the energy emitted by the space can make Jia Ningxiao confuse these big bosses, it's almost her?
I can't figure it out, I really can't figure out these things, where is the problem?
Mo Yan shook his head in bewilderment, but after a while, he laughed at himself in a self-deprecating manner.

"Hehe, what does this mean, I can't just push all the problems on that woman Jia Ningxiao.

To put it bluntly, I still couldn't forget Jia Ningxiao at that time. To put it bluntly, I was still too confident at the beginning, even to the point of conceit.

He thought that as long as he wanted to look for Han Xiaochen someday, Han Xiaochen would definitely come back to his arms obediently out of his dependence and love, right?

As for the truth, he slapped himself hard, because he was too narcissistic!

Otherwise, it would not be in such a passive situation. "

Mo Yan sighed faintly, forget it, don't think about it, and take a good rest.

Anyway, it is impossible for my own formation and tower to enter this imperial capital base.

And his own base is still thousands of miles away, there is no need and no reason for Ta Ke to lead his large army thousands of miles away to destroy his own base.

But I just don't know who will be unlucky this time, and I don't know if the poison that Mo Shen researched and put on the formation is really effective?

what!This formation was originally an invisible thing, but poison was added to it.

It would be incredible for anyone to hear this.

But this is what happened.

Sure enough, in the last days, there will be a large number of capable people and strange men.

If I hadn't been cautious, maybe I would have been played to death by someone.

The end of the world is really a reshuffle of human beings, and it is also a great opportunity to improve yourself, isn't it?


"Honey, are you still feeling bad?" Zhao Ye looked at Han Xinuo who was lying on the bed after Li Na's visit and had slept for two full days and two nights with distress.

Han Zhennuo just shook his head and leaned into Zhao Ye's arms:

"Honey, I don't feel bad anymore, I feel like I've recovered, right?

But somehow it's very lacklustre! "

Zhao Ye chuckled, cooled the bowl of porridge in his hand, and fed Han Zhennuo himself
"Honey, let's have some porridge, you went to that hellish place, and then your internal organs were injured a little bit later, but it was very slight.

Although it is considered to be cured for me now, it will take some time to recover.

The space of that taco is so evil, it's almost terrifying to the point of heinous. "

Han Zhennuo glanced at Zhao Ye in surprise, it was so terrifying that these words could come out of his husband's mouth.

This also shows that my husband really feels a deep danger to the Taco space!

"Hehe..." Zhao Ye naturally knew what his wife was thinking.

"My wife, do you know that I knew and even had a relationship with Taco before, it's not too bad."

"Huh?" Han Qiannuo was even more surprised now.

"Before he became a zombie, Taco was that Jia Ningxiao's real licking dog.

What's more, Taco is vicious and cruel from the bottom of his heart.

And because of his extremely selfish reasons, basically he has no real friends since he was a child.

Such a person has become a great threat to human beings since the day he easily became the zombie king.

That's not enough, there is also his space castle as big as his backing and assistance, and it can also brainwash humans and advanced zombies.

The future of this human is really worrying! "

Han Zhennuo frowned: "But what should my husband do?
do you know?Now I feel very guilty, very guilty, for not getting all those members out.

At the critical moment, I realized that I was so selfish.Except for the people I care about, I really don't want to care about the lives of others.

But now that I'm back, it seems that I can't bear the deep condemnation in my heart. "

Zhao Ye didn't speak, there was a deep silence

: "It's normal, everyone will have your situation, you don't need to feel guilty about this matter.

If there is a way, everyone will find a way to rescue those people.

Just by you alone, it is impossible for you to get so many people out.

When the time comes to scare the snake, then Taco might get annoyed and kill you and those people immediately.

You think you are capable, but if you are with Taco, you are like a little ant, and you will be crushed to death by it at any time.

Look at how capable this Han Xiaochen is usually. Look at this person who is about to die when he comes out.

The key is that Han Xiaochen was able to enter people in his own space, so it is estimated that he has also entered his own space to recuperate, and this is still the case!

Not to mention how good Bao Jingming was before, not to mention that he can be ranked No. 1 in the base, and he can definitely be ranked in the top 5.

But look at how serious Bao Jingming's loss was, no matter his physical fitness or other aspects would be corroded and abolished.

Otherwise, why do you think he is so honest all of a sudden? It's because his body is too weak. This ability is consumed by that space, and there is only a star and a half left.

If you didn't catch up and throw it out, and stay there for a few more days, I think this person will be useless.

I even wonder if the stronger the ability, the greater the damage there will be! "

Han Xinuo just shook his head. "Husband, I don't understand, I don't understand these things.

At that time, it was because of these considerations that I got Han Xiaochen out and quickly slipped away.

The group members who went in were not united at all, and they were not in the same mind.

There is no way to rescue them. Even if they are rescued, I am afraid that some people will betray me if they turn their faces.

Even if the real base is suppressed by the leader Mo Shen, I am worried that Mo Shen will not be able to suppress those people.

(End of this chapter)

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