Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 338 Two Species Doomed to Opposite

Chapter 338 Two Species Doomed to Opposite
You said that they are all like that, that they are dishonest in that Taco space, and a group of people are still fighting among themselves and fighting each other.

I don't even understand. What do they want to do? They should all unite and fight against foreign enemies at that time. Think about how to get out and find a good way out?

And I also know that if those people want to be defensive or even resist me, I will have no way to bring them out.

And when I went there, Li and the others looked at me with strong defenses, and even said that I was very unwelcome.

In addition to finding fault with me, they just want to isolate me and just want to imprison me.

You don't know that when I went in, I felt so cold. If it wasn't for saving Han Xiaochen, I would have to come out by myself and ignore those people. "

"It's normal. If there are more people, there will be more right and wrong. Haven't you heard people say that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

What's more, in my opinion, Bao Jingming is either not capable enough to govern.

Then it was the method they introduced, which was originally a management method that was different from ours.

Maybe even if the strong are respected.

"Who knows, but I don't want to care about these people anymore, anyway, I am already very tired."

Why!I was so tired that I felt exhausted.

Without this kind of thing, I have already slept hard, and I still feel so tired.

Husband, what do you think I should do? "

"What can we do? Cold salad, anyway, the base is closed now, so you just stay here obediently.

Anyway, in this base, there are a lot of wood-type supernatural beings, and you have enough food in your space, so let's take a good rest now.

Thanks to your water system, even if there is a real shortage of food, you can still exchange it with water. "

"Now that I think about it, Han Xiaochen and the wood-type abilities are so practical. As long as there are seeds, people will never starve to death!"

Han Zhennuo looked at her husband helplessly.

"Okay, my wife, go to bed after eating, I have to go outside to see, it's not peaceful outside now!"

"Husband, what's going on outside?" Han Zhennuo tilted his head, looking at his husband with some puzzlement.

Zhao Ye smiled helplessly, took her big palm and patted her on the head.

"My silly wife, do you know that the outside of our base is now surrounded by tacos.

I estimate that there are tens of thousands of high-level zombies above level 6.

Not to mention that there are some supernatural beings coming to attack our base as well!

Is this what you envied before?Think Taco is a paradise? "

Zhao Ye helplessly shook his head.

"But this Taco does have tricks, I think his mind control or even that space is weird

It can also be said that they are very powerful and make people dread it! "

"Oh, my husband, did I cause trouble? In order to rescue Han Xiaochen, I caused such a big trouble for the base.

If he knew, no matter what, he couldn't kill so many people in the base just because of Han Xiaochen. "

Han Xinuo now feels deeply guilty in his heart.

Han Xiaochen is his best friend and doesn't talk about it, but he can't say it either. For the sake of his best friend, he disregards the comfort of motivating so many people.

Zhao Ye was silent for a while: "I can't blame you entirely, but our leader agreed to drag this person out to find out the truth?
They even sent elite soldiers to take a look and see how to rescue people?
And even if you didn't go to rescue Han Xiaochen, our imperial capital base can be regarded as the largest base in the north.

This taco naturally wants to conquer our place, which is normal!
But it is now that his conquest has been brought forward. "

Han Xinuo buried his head in the quilt no matter what, he also had deep regrets in his heart.

Originally, there were so many people in his space, and he felt guilty for only throwing out two.

But now that he has implicated so many people in the base, how can he feel better?

It's just that no matter how guilty and regretful it is now, what's the use of this matter has already been done.

But it seems that I have the ability, if I refuse to rescue my good friend, I will not be able to pass the test in my heart.

But if you know this, you should not let the people in the base find a way, but you should secretly rescue Han Xiaochen yourself.

Then, go outside, or let Han Xiaochen live in another place instead of returning to the base.

"My wife, don't feel bad, there is nothing you can do if you think about it so much.

You don't have to be so kind, I know what you're thinking?
Does it have something to do with you that those people who were brought into his space by Taco can come out?
You just treat them like this and go out to do missions, as long as the group is wiped out.

In fact, according to the intensity of the attack they encountered when they went out, wouldn't they be wiped out by the group?
As for Han Xiaochen, don't think too much about it. You have already rescued him, so what should you think if you make people Mo Yan like you?
Even if you don't move him, that Mo Yan will try his best to get Han Xiaochen out.

And your level of spatial ability is so high, whether it is Mo Yan or the leader of our base.

They will definitely come to you and ask you to help. After all, you have the highest level of spatial abilities.

Okay, don't regret it, just lie down for a while, and I'll go outside to observe it.

Anyway, the base has already sealed off the people in our base, at least they can't starve to death now.

Is there any other way?Think about it later, everyone!
We and the zombies are originally two species destined to oppose each other. Either you die or I live. There is absolutely no reconciliation between them.

Now I'll see if the leader, them or anyone can deal with those zombies.

Damn, but if those humans are willing to swear unconditional allegiance to him forever in that taco space.

Even if they beat us humans for this, those people would no longer be human beings, and deserve to die. "

As Zhao Ye said this, he tucked his wife in the quilt and went out.

Han Zhennuo sat up again, hugging the quilt, in a daze.

Yes, I used to think too simply, how could zombies and humans coexist?
The so-called coexistence is nothing more than being brainwashed by Taco.

I just don't know how the base will survive in the future?
Although it is said that sooner or later Taco will come to besiege the base, but now his aggressiveness does have something to do with him.

Forget it, let's find a way to improve our own strength.

Only with the strength, especially the strength to protect yourself, can you think about how to eliminate those monsters outside!
Thinking of this, Han Zhennuo took out the crystal nucleus that Li Na gave him.

Close the door of this room, put a sign of "Do Not Disturb", and slowly absorb the crystal nucleus in this room.

I hope this crystal nucleus can also develop the invisibility ability for myself, right?
If it depends on the clothes, maybe one day I will encounter some uncontrollable things, the clothes will break, and the invisibility will not work.

And as long as one has the ability in one's body, it can never be taken away by others.

"Hey, what are you two doing at this door? I want to find my daughter!"

Han Xinuo is at a critical stage of cultivation.

Han Xinnuo, Wang Zhihua, the restless mother, came over.

"Wang Zhihua, don't sip your daughter's, are you trying to kill your daughter?

I've said it all, your daughter is in a critical stage of cultivation, if someone disturbs her, she may go crazy, and may even damage her foundation. "

As soon as Han Xinuo posted the sign outside, two powerful mutants immediately stood at her door to undertake the security work.

Although they knew that the sign of Han Yinuo would also have a protective effect on the door, but basically this person couldn't get in.

But it's better not to have an accident, this is the leader's warning before leaving.

"Who are you lying to? I didn't encounter danger when I used crystal nuclei for cultivation. It's just my daughter, but it's just water and space.

Or is it that my daughter got a good Xinghe again and is developing new abilities! "

(End of this chapter)

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