Chapter 339 Donation
Wang Zhihua's eyes were shining, but he refused to leave.

There is a kind of rogue behavior that you don't give me a satisfactory answer, and I just hang around here.

Anyway, she has already thought of it, she is also Han Yinuo's biological mother no matter what.

Han Qinnuo would not ignore her no matter what, but she was dissatisfied because he gave too little.

These two gatekeepers really looked down on Wang Zhihua's virtue.

No wonder the leader's wife doesn't want to see him, and almost avoids her!

These two people are sure if the leader's wife is living with them.

If something happens to the leader's wife, the family will definitely sell the leader's wife first.

It's all said that the leader's wife is in the most critical stage of cultivation, so she dares to make trouble.

He really doesn't care about whether his own daughter is in danger, but only thinks about his little profit.

Thinking about it now, the leader's wife is pitiful enough to be attacked by those people outside.

Say what?It's not very good for my parents. Pooh, it's better not to have any contact with my parents like this!

"Hey, let me know, why don't you just find a way to get me more food, my son and I are very hungry recently!
This city is besieged by zombies, and everyone's life is hard. My daughter is the leader's wife or a space power user! "

Wang Zhihua was relentless.

"Fang Zhihua, you woman is vicious enough, that's your own daughter, are you going to kill her?

I'm cultivating, so I may not be able to hear what you said. If something goes wrong, who can you point to in the future?

Don't think that something happened to the leader's wife, you can sell him to the research institute at the base.

Now that the leader and his wife are married, you can't control this anymore. "

Those two glared at Wang Zhihua,
"What's going on? There is a rule in our regiment. No one is allowed to disturb during the critical cultivation stage."

Yu Congwen came over, but just glanced at Wang Zhihua lightly.

This woman Han Xinnuo is pitiful enough, it is said that she has been bullied and squeezed by this woman since she was a child.

Even though she had real parents, her life was worse than that of Xiao Bai Cai.

This is finally capable, and he was kidnapped by his own mother every day outside with various morals.

Now that his cultivation is at a critical stage, this mother still has to disturb her.

This is really...

"Wang Zhihua, try saying another word?"

Yu Congwen just looked at Wang Zhihua indifferently, but the threat in his eyes was self-evident.

This woman just saw that the leader had just left, so she came to make trouble with her own daughter.

That is to say, the leader never gave him a good face, or else.

This woman must have made more trouble.

"Yu Congwen, who are you? So what if you are the deputy head? My daughter is the wife of the head?
As long as your regiment leader sees me, he has to be polite, I'm his mother-in-law.

No matter what happens to my daughter, it's not your turn to talk, she was born to me no matter what. "

If it's about messing around, Wang Zhihua can do it too.

But Yu Congwen waved his big hand directly, and Wang Zhihua stopped talking, and found someone to drag him back.

"Han Xinnuo, practice hard, your mother has nothing to do, just let her sleep more."

Han Yinuo is indeed in a critical stage of awakening.

It was as if he heard something outside, but he didn't care.

She was just worried that some special circumstances would affect her.

In this room, she also placed a small formation from Mo Yan from the room.

Because she had problems several times during cultivation, she was frightened out of her nerves a long time ago.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the noise outside would really affect her
It was very easy for Li Na to awaken the ability that could be hidden.

But Han Xinuo is sweating profusely here, after all, not everyone is favored by God.

What's more, what Han Yinuo got now is enough.

This God is fair, and he will never let him get it so easily.

And Han Xinnuo, who had no choice but to grit his teeth and stand up, would awaken his supernatural ability.

If you can't survive this, your own abilities will drop, and your body will even be hurt.

It's just mom, do I really owe you in my previous life?
It killed me, is that so happy for you?

Han Xinuo gritted his teeth and persisted, his thoughts were somewhat influenced by his own mother.

Why!It can only be said that Han Xinnuo's reincarnation technique is really not very good

After Han Xiaochen just woke up in his villa, he found that his body had recovered a little.

But now that the base has entered a state of special alert, Han Xiaochen also discovered that the crowd outside is still full of high-level zombies, and an army of high-level supernatural beings is attacking the base.

Although this formation is powerful enough, the zombies, especially the advanced human supernatural beings, suffered some injuries, and even suffered some casualties.

But the majority of them still desperately rammed into this base formation regardless of their own safety.

Looking at all this, Han Xiaochen felt that his headache was about to split.

Just because of my own carelessness at the beginning, I caused trouble for so many people.

I really feel sorry in my heart, although I said that I was mentally prepared for this on the way back.

But now that I see all this, I still feel deeply sorry for everyone.

If he knew, he would definitely not come out with Han Yinuo?
Han Xiaochen shook his head when he thought of this, this human nature is selfish, and he never thought of sacrificing himself for that everyone.

Here is a chance to save yourself, who doesn't want to live, who wants to be trapped in that place forever.

But what should I do now?By the way, didn't I get a lot of weapons?They are also installed.

By the way, by the way, isn't there a lot of food in my own space?
Now that the matter has come to this, why don't you make some remedies yourself?

Han Xiaochen thought of putting on the protective clothing that can hide his figure.

But they contacted Li Na first, but unfortunately Li Na did not answer her communication.

Instead, he answered the phone that night.

"Han Xiaochen, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Ye said in a cold voice.

Han Xiaochen trembled: "Can you let Li Na answer the phone? I have something important to talk to her about."

Xiao Ye: "The wife of the leader is currently undergoing the most critical training, and no one can disturb her.

Just tell me if you have anything, you forgot that I am the deputy chief of the base.

And Li Na and I are one, there is absolutely no way I could betray her.

And I have also heard about your affairs, and I also know about your similar affairs.

But if you poke out such a big basket for the machine, don't you contribute some of the food in your space?

And naturally our base will not treat you badly, we will exchange crystal cores with you. "

In Xiao Ye's eyes, Han Xiaochen can be regarded as a lucky little thing

But it's just that it feels neither good nor bad, just treat it as an ordinary person.

"Then, what about our leader?" Han Xiaochen hesitated.

Xiao Ye, "Our leader naturally has more important things to do, so we don't have time to talk to you.

If you have anything to say, just say it, I'm busy here too! "

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth: "Well, I have a lot of supplies and some weapons here.

I know that I'm willing to donate it all because of the hardships I've caused the base.

Also, I'm an advanced wood-type alien, and I can also help the base spawn a large number of plants. "

(End of this chapter)

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