Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 340 Under house arrest in disguise

Chapter 340 Under house arrest in disguise

Xiao Ye nodded knowingly: "Well, don't come out, I'll come to you, just give me this thing.

As for the crystal nucleus you cultivated, I will bring it to you. As I said, the base will not take advantage of you.

If you want to give birth to a job, you should give birth to it here, if you want to show up now.

It would be bad if this aroused public outrage. After all, the people in this base don't know that you caused the zombie siege.

But it's a good thing that you are so enlightened. Many things in this world are predestined.

If you do more good deeds, it should be beneficial to your future cultivation.

But your ability level is still too low now, you can't sense it now, and you should be able to sense it later.

Otherwise, if you look at your good friend, it's because he has a kind heart and never causes trouble for the partners around him.

So the good opportunities in this body, this is one can find her again and again. "

Xiao Ye hung up the phone right away without waiting for Han Xiaochen on the other end of the phone to answer.

Han Xiaochen...

Damn it, Xiao Ye is really a weird person, and sometimes he even feels more terrifying and mysterious than the leader and Li Na!

Why does it sometimes feel like she is not human?


"Han Xiaochen, go to the yard and release your things. I'll take them after you let them go."

Apart from giving Li Na an occasional smile, Xiao Ye is like ice cubes to everyone else.

Han Xiaochen curled his lips and waved towards the yard after a batch of supplies appeared.

Xiao Ye also moved his eyes slightly and the supplies disappeared.

Han Xiaochen was a little surprised, maybe this space is now a mainland product, and everyone has one.

Also, it seems that Xiao Ye should have a lot of space.

Seeing this, Han Xiaochen waved out a lot of substances.

If she really got it out, the house disappeared immediately.

In the end, Han Xiaochen really didn't get out the meat and plants of the mutated animals in his collection that were good for cultivation.

And the rest were all taken out by Xiao Ye.

Then even with these weapons, in addition to saving some for self-defense, they were also given to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye didn't even cast an extra glance, as if Han Xiaochen had known about Han Xiaochen's possession of such a huge amount of supplies a long time ago.

"Han Xiaochen, these are all high-level crystal nuclei, either wood-type or space-type. You should practice hard?" Xiao Ye directly threw a large bag of crystal nuclei to Han Xiaochen
Han Xiaochen accepted it unceremoniously.

"I'm not mentally strong right now, but in fact there are still some things in my space, and maybe I can give you some in a few days."

Xiao Ye just nodded lightly: "Just let me know when the time comes to pick it up, remember, don't let me go out.

Those guys outside can't get in, but if there is chaos in this base, you will be to blame for death. "

As Xiao Ye said this, he disappeared like a gust of wind.

Han Xiaochen blinked, did he see it wrong?Is this guy also a space ability?

No, I understand the energy of the space ability, so what's going on?

What did Han Xiaochen remember?He patted his head hard.

"Forget it, don't think about it yourself?
How do people shut themselves up? Everyone has their own destiny!

But this Xiao Ye is also powerful enough, no wonder he can become the deputy leader of the base.

It's so powerful, so mysterious, no wonder it can assist, no one has any doubts! "

Han Xiaochen sighed deeply, although he said it was safe here, but to be honest.

I don't know what evil I committed, no matter where I am, it seems to be imprisoned, and I can't go anywhere.

In this case, why don't you come to practice honestly?

Han Xiaochen first took out these crystal nuclei to have a look, damn it!

It's really all high-level crystal nuclei, either wood-type nuclei, or a small amount of space-type nuclei.

These people are really powerful enough!
Han Xiaochen first took the crystal nucleus and went there to purify it.

Just placed a large number of orders online, ordered a large amount of food and a variety of food that can be eaten and preserved for a long time.

Han Xiaochen is also a big customer now, and he directly set the rules for that factory, and they are not allowed to be honest, and these cans and the like, to get any logo.

As long as they send it over, of course, this one has to be half-made first, otherwise no one will give it away.

Han Xiaochen thought for a while and called the chilled meat manufacturer here.

But she didn't want to buy the fresh meat now, just buy the stored meat.

Han Xiaochen asked those people to send it to the warehouse she designated immediately
In order for these people to hurry up, she paid an 80% deposit first.

Those people were really fast enough, not to mention that the reserves of this meat have always been large.

Especially the previous reserve meat is as much as possible.

When Han Xiaochen drove to the warehouse, the meat delivery person had already arrived.

"This is the payment for the goods, I'll type it in for you right away, and you can just put it in the warehouse and move it for me.

Someone will come and pick it up soon. "

After Han Xiaochen said this, he typed the rest of the money to those people through the QR code.

But it may be that those people have too many orders, and they don't care about the use of your meat.

Anyway, as long as you give money, they can sell you the meat.

Han Xiaochen: "How about this, you will send me this much meat at this time tomorrow."

"Well, what about you, Ms. Han, actually, these reserve meats are pretty good. Although they have been frozen for a longer time, they don't affect the taste much.

Now these people just can't think about it, but they have to spend dozens of dollars to buy that fresh meat, but they don't like this reserve meat. "

The man sighed and responded quickly
Han Xiaochen just nodded lightly, and after those people left, he entered the warehouse and locked the door.

With a wave of his hand, the meat was taken away.

However, Han Xiaochen never thought of ordering too much meat from this manufacturer.

It wouldn't be good if there were too many people to suspect, and he just paid for this warehouse to be an hour later than this time tomorrow.

At that time, the tenant of this warehouse will also change. Where can you find out who bought this thing?
Even this bank card was specially issued by Han Xiaochen.

It's still the kind of bank card that will never be found out.

Although it felt like nothing would happen, Han Xiaochen thought it would be good to be more cautious.

And after she stopped by and drove back, she went to her flower shop to have a look.

Fortunately, these flowers and plants are quite spiritual.

Instruct the clerk to take a good look and then go to the warehouse behind to look at other flowers and plants.

It seems that those flowers and plants are not very clever. After a group of wood-type supernatural powers, those flowers and plants are as fresh as hormones.

But these mortals with naked eyes can't find the clues if they don't look carefully. Even if they look closely, they will think that their eyesight may not be very good just now.

As long as he used the wood-type ability, even the flowers and plants outside were more or less benefited.

I want to make money every day, and I want to have a long-term channel for making money.

You have to come over occasionally every day and stare at it.

"Miss Han, our turnover this month is very good, and this money has also been brought to you. You can check this account."

The store manager handed over the account to Han Xiaochen respectfully.

"Okay, then I'll take it back and have a look, I have received the payment, and it's about the same as I imagined.

How about this, tomorrow I will send some other flowers and plants over. "

What Han Xiaochen was referring to was the ones that looked like they were going to die from his villa, but now they are under his care.

(End of this chapter)

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