Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 344 Too Coveted Ability

Chapter 344 Too Coveted Ability

"Han Yinuo? Nuonuo, why have you changed so much?
How come your ability has risen so fast? Are you not afraid of damaging your foundation if you rise so fast?

And are you going to give birth to other abilities again?You don't want to die, don't you know that there are too many abilities, will it affect the upgrade? "

There was a strong relationship in Mo Shen's questioning.

Mo Shen didn't know what was wrong, when he was with Han Yinuo.

He didn't feel how important Han Yinuo was to him, and even felt that what had saved his life was a burden on him.

But this person didn't follow him directly, and went to follow her, the former brother together.

When Mo Shen was angry, he couldn't bear to part with Han Yinuo
This is especially the case that Han Yinuo's ability level is getting higher and higher, and this ability is getting stronger and stronger.

This person also became more and more beautiful and attractive.

He couldn't even be sure about himself, he had complicated feelings for the herdsmen Han Luonuo.

What's going on now?

"Thank you, Mo Shen, but maybe your ability level is a bit low, and you don't understand or understand it.

Although my ability has risen faster, the foundation is quite solid.

I have something to do in Area A, so I won't talk to you, I'll go first. "

Han Junnuo obviously didn't want to talk too much with Mo Shen, because he didn't want to provoke him.

The second thing is, this man is narrow-minded, and he doesn't want Guatian Li to cause any misunderstandings to his husband.

"What? Han Xinnuo, are you still so afraid of Zhao Ye when you have reached this level of supernatural powers?

Do you like him so much, are you so willing to be Zhao Ye's prisoner? "

Mo Shen looked at Han Xinnuo with a very unkind expression, why is this woman so stupid?
Han Zhennuo just smiled slightly: "Mo Shen, you can say whatever you want, anyway, I know that I love my husband very much, and it's enough that my husband treats me well.

Of course, people like you will not understand what we women really think.

Well, I'm really busy, I'm really busy, bye!
Oh, see you no more. These two words are not very suitable for the two of us. It should be said goodbye forever!

Forget it, I'm leaving, it's best not to meet again in the future! "

Mo Shen's face immediately darkened, but when he remembered something, he smiled wryly again.

What is he in the eyes of these women?

There are a group of women who praise themselves like emperors.

But there are still women who just cheat on their friends and treat themselves as garbage that can't be avoided!
Are you that bad yourself?Can't I even keep a woman who is almost useless from a commoner background?
If this is a woman like Han Xinnuo before the end of the world, I am afraid that if she is in a rush to wash her feet, she will dislike her, right?
But what's wrong with me now, why do I think about her in the dead of night.

"Nonuo, don't be fooled by Zhao Ye.

As far as you, water-type supernatural beings, were awakened at the very beginning.

For men, it is an excellent furnace!
Sometimes the level of this ability has increased, but it doesn't mean that your body is not in short supply. Do you understand what I mean? "

Mo Shen felt that what he said was like hitting his own mouth.

But not to mention that it felt as uncomfortable as a cat's paw scratching.

"Hehe..." Han Zhennuo just let out a hehe, and left Mo Shen in a teleport quickly.
Maybe what Mo Shen said at this moment is somewhat sincere?
But now I am very happy, and I know how to protect myself.

Could it be that I am so stupid and stupid in the eyes of outsiders?

Ha ha……

"Han Xiaochen, open the door, I'm coming to see you, you can't come out by yourself!

I can always come and see you! "

Han Zhennuo stood at Han Xiaochen's door carelessly.

Han Xiaochen frowned, and directly used the communicator:
"Han Junnuo, you fucking don't know how to teleport? Just teleport in?
Don't worry, I won't let my security system attack you. "

Han Zhennuo nodded, "Han Xiaochen, you're pretty much the same."

Having said that, Han Yinuo felt it with his mental strength to make sure that no one around was observing here.

It was only with a teleport that he entered Han Xiaochen's living room with precision.

"Han Xinnuo, I'm going to be envious and jealous, I hate you to death.

With this spatial ability, you have upgraded so quickly! "

Han Xiaochen couldn't hide the envy in his eyes, but it was just envy.

After all, Han Xiaochen has never been jealous of his friends.

Not to mention the strong golden fingers she has can make her feel no jealousy towards anyone.

"Hehe, good luck, I got a little chance in the base.

But he almost died because of it!But what about my aunt!

It is still considered a blessing, a great destiny, a great luck, and survived without any danger. "

Han Xinuo understated it, but even if he didn't hide Han Xiaochen's
This ability has reached her level, she also faintly felt the difference in Han Xiaochen
For example, Han Xiaochen's ability and space.

There are also some inexplicable things that can be sensed.

"Nuo Nuo, Han Qian Nuo thank you thank you!"

Han Xiaochen held Han Zhennuo's hand tightly and solemnly

"Really, Han Xinuo, don't refuse, my thank you is absolutely sincere.

But I also know that there is no thanks for the great kindness, but I will firmly remember this gratitude in my heart forever. "

How could Han Xiaochen not know, or how could he not sense it?
Han Xinnuo pulled himself out of the space of Taco, which must have awakened some extraordinary ability.

And even if the base has come up with more precious and good things, it definitely needs Han Zhennuo's help.

She even had a faint feeling, as if in a hurry, as if the so-called precious thing Moshen Li Na took was not that precious.

And Han Xinuo's ability is truly precious, but the more precious the ability is, the easier it is to be coveted.

This is also a ridiculous misunderstanding, the level of the master key is too high.

Han Xiaochen's real eyes couldn't see it, but he could only see that he seemed to have a new ability.

And that ability is something that almost all spatial abilities fear.

Although Han Xinnuo's ability is not omnipotent, not everyone can enter the space.

But it's also scary, okay?
It's even possible that Han Yinuo has taken a fancy to someone's god-level space, and maybe he can find a way to get it or destroy it!

Perhaps Han Xinuo is not as capable as everyone thinks.

But as long as that ability is exposed a little bit, there is no one in this group who will not feel uneasy.

Human nature is like this, and there is a lot of fear of the unknown.

And many people are willing to do something to make themselves feel at ease because of this uneasy fear.

Then how can you make yourself feel at ease? Naturally, if this variable is eliminated, won't everyone be at ease?
And this kind of danger, which can almost be regarded as facing annihilation, how could Han Yinuo not know?
But she knew it clearly, but for her own sake, she did not hesitate to risk exposure to save herself.

I'm afraid even Mo Yan can't do this kind of sincerity to himself.

After all, Mo Yan is a man with too deep thoughts, even though he has himself in his heart.

But for that man, there seemed to be something more important than himself.

And those things are really a lot, so except for the painful betrayal he poured on himself last time.

That's what I'm worried about.

(End of this chapter)

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