Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 345 Sensing Good and Evil

Chapter 345 Sensing Good and Evil
"Xiaochen, don't do this, I will be embarrassed if you do this!

Are we friends?Although I have known many people.

But those who are really good to me, I also regard them as true friends, there are two of them.

This one is your other one!
It's Li Na, and of course Mo Mo is also good.

It's just that Momo is too busy and doesn't stay with us.

I am usually straight-talking, cowardly and unlovable.

It is also rare that you can be so sincere to me.

As for me, I have nothing else but that.

That is, I can feel whether this person is sincere or false to me.

It seems that many people say that my husband has bad intentions for me and has used me in many ways.

I just trust my husband, because I can feel my husband's sincerity towards me and he has no malice towards me.

In Mo's, I can survive and live for such a long time. This should be the only thing I rely on? "

"Han Chunnuo, it's done!
I won't say anything, we are best friends!
And will be good sisters for life, forever and ever. "

That your friend is willing to take great risks to save you is worth a thousand words, isn't it?
"Han Xiaochen, in fact, I used to be sincere to many people.

But there are many people who, when they needed me at the time, just talked sweetly and flattered me.

You don't need me anymore, just pretend that I don't exist, maybe it's because my personality is really unpleasant?

You are different from Li Na and Mo Mo, you have always been so sincere to me.

Really, I really cherish the friendship between us.

But if you want to say that the person I can desperately rescue is only you.

I don't know why, but I have a special feeling for you, but it's not a relationship between a man and a woman.

I just really hope that you can live a good life and be happy.

Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore!
Saying this seems to me too provocative and false. "

Han Zhennuo covered his mouth and smiled as he said this.

It's just that Han Xiaochen's clear eyes have the inexplicable brilliance of water
"Nono, I know, I know everything!
In fact, your shy and introverted problem sometimes needs to be corrected.

You are kind-hearted, but sometimes if you don't tell others, how can others understand?

It's fine if you treat me, but I still want to tell you that this is the end of the world, people can't be too kind, otherwise it's really..."

But Han Zhennuo interrupted her immediately

"Okay, okay, don't look at me like that, I'm not as stupid as you think.

Otherwise, in that taco space, I would have to risk my life to get out of so many people.

At that time, maybe those people have not had time to betray me, and I will be killed by him! "

Han Qinnuo sniffed, "Han Xiaochen, you don't know, it's just that Mo Yan is not a good character.

But in terms of the good things and the means and strength of the enemy, is it really a first-class player?

As the leader of our base, Mo Shen is powerful enough, right?
But I don't know why, but I just have an idea, this is talking about two captains, it's not sure who will win and who will lose! "

Han Xiaochen smiled lightly but obviously didn't want to talk about this topic about Mo Yan.

"Nonuo, I made some delicious food for you, do you want to try it?
When you leave, put more in your space. "

"Okay, okay!" Han Chunnuo smiled happily but didn't ask the source of these good things.

No matter how good a friend is, even a caring couple, there is always something that people don't want to know about.

Just like my own emerald space, just like my own master key of this space.

But this doesn't mean that you are not sincere enough to your friends, it's just that everyone has things in their hearts that they are most unwilling to reveal to the outside world.

Not disclosing this can be regarded as a protection for oneself.

Han Xinuo was still in deep thought, while Han Xiaochen got busy.

Sure enough, after a while, Han Xiaochen waved out a lot of delicious food from the space.

"Wow wow...

Han Xiaochen, you are too good, this garlic pork ribs!

West Lake vinegar fish, and steamed hairy crabs.

God, God, there is this big lobster, isn't this big lobster too big?
It's a pity that I don't have any energy on my body, but the taste is really good! "

Naturally, Han Junnuo would not be as polite as Han Xiaochen and start eating a bowl of white rice.

And Han Xiaochen saw that she was eating so deliciously, so he couldn't help eating two more bowls of rice.

"Han Xiaochen, my God!
Whoever wants to marry you as a wife in the future will burn eight lifetimes of high incense.

Not to mention anything else, your skill is not too good, but my cook is good enough, right?
But compared with you, it's nothing short of a big deal.

When did you cook the food?How long have you been doing this? "

Han Qinuo was exaggerating, chewing the food, and couldn't help but praise Han Xiaochen

But this praise is definitely sincere, mainly because these meals are really delicious.

Han Xiaochen shook his head, maybe the one who married him was the most unlucky one!

It's like I have original sin, like my mother wants to kill herself one day when she sees her.

After all, to her, her own existence was a damage that could never be repaired.

"Nonuo, don't worry about eating, come and taste this soup, this soup tastes good too.

I can make soup with the seeds of the Tianshan snow lotus! "

This is true, Han Xiaochen bought the Tianshan snow lotus seeds at a high price on that plane.

And this is also the result of her slowly stimulating with this wood-type ability.

Who said that plants stimulated with wood-type abilities will lose their medicinal effects!

If there is, it is also the power that those wood-type powers can't control themselves.

Because after all, woody energy itself is a good substance that can nourish the human body.

We can only see how the supernatural person combines the two together.

Obviously, the Tianshan Snow Lotus gave birth to her very well.

Even if this supernatural person eats it, it will definitely be of great benefit to the body.

"Yeah, Han Xiaochen, I'm here with you, I can't bear to leave, this soup is too fresh and delicious."

The soup that Han Xiaochen brought here was lukewarm, just right for the mouth.

Han Xinuo also drank it in big gulps, it tasted really good.

It's been a long time since I had such a happy meal.

These two high-level supernatural beings were wasting their training time like this.

It took a full two hours to finish this meal.

"Han Xiaochen, it's really cool, it's really cool, it's been a long time since I had such a good meal."

Han Xinuo finally had a full meal.

He just patted his stomach without any image, and a very indecent Ge You came to lie on the sofa.
"Han Xiaochen, you don't have any good things in this space, I'll give you some."

You can't just take advantage of this among friends, especially how precious food is in these last days.

Just as Han Xinuo was about to wave his hand, Han Xiaochen stopped him.

"Han Yinuo, what are you doing?

I invite you to eat these to tell you that there are plenty of such good things in my dimension.

I also had a small opportunity to fill this space to the brim. "

After all, Han Xiaochen didn't say to the outside world that he could hold as many good things as he wanted in his space.

"Then what do you want to do?" Han Junnuo didn't care, after all, he was a person with space abilities.

Naturally, basically most of them will not be starved by themselves. Of course, those with little room for awakening later, those with supernatural powers can't say it well.

(End of this chapter)

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