Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 356 Acquaintances

Chapter 356 Acquaintances
"Han Xinnuo? You are too mean. It turns out that you are a space power user, and you didn't tell everyone before!"

Grain was being sold in full swing, and Han Xinuo also ran into old acquaintances.

And of course, now that Han Xiaochen has changed his appearance and expression, he will not be recognized by those people.

And the one who spoke was Li Haiyan, who had a good relationship with Han Yinnuo before.

"Is that you, Li Haiyan? Are you also here to buy food? Long time no see!"

Han Xinnuo greeted Li Haiyan warmly.

"Yes, yes, are you selling this corn?
The price is not bad! "Li Haiyan said this, but she was still planning not to take the scriptures outside.

"Hey, let's walk aside, we are waiting to buy food!"

a burly man cursing
But he also directly threw these two level 10 water system crystal nuclei to Han Yunuo

Han Zhennuo glanced at the burly man in surprise.

"Tch, master, this crystal nucleus is hard to come by, isn't it?
Hurry up and get the grain here, is it okay to just give us 1000 catties of corn? "

Han Xiaochen smiled with the corners of his mouth open: "Naturally no problem, a rising tide lifts all boats!

Although it is two grams, I also know how difficult it is to hit other crystal nuclei at such a high level. "

Wang just waved his hand when he heard the words, and a few people came here to carry the grain.

"It's not easy for a supernatural user of this water system to cultivate to level 10 or above!

Ladies practice hard, this base is still waiting to drink your water! "

Wang Zhigang took a meaningful look at Han Yinuo

"Hee hee, thank you!" If Han Qinuo didn't know that it was this big man who wanted him to practice hard.

It would be too stupid to exchange such a precious spirit for food.

It's just that this person is too selfless, right?

"Haha, we don't have water-type abilities in our team, and we can't use them at such a high level.

As far as this base is concerned, who knows when the tide of zombies will dissipate.

From now on, I will have to rely on you water and wood supernatural beings to live!
You are all so selfless and willing to take out this food.

After helping the common people in the base to tide over the difficulties together, we are also willing to part with these two high-level galaxies. "

Look, even though they are both in a business relationship, this big guy insisted on describing the two of them as selfless and good people.

"Tch, Wang Gang, don't you like these two girls?

You should know that the ability level of the two of them is so high.

There is definitely someone behind this, and it's not something you can get your hands on!

If you really want to be impartial and selfless, wouldn't it be good to give this food directly to everyone? "

There will always be discordant voices.

Han Xiaochen smiled and didn't say a word. Fortunately, there are treasures here who have been patrolling, otherwise someone would really have to come and snatch them.

As far as what I just said, the guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks is not a good thing!
"Quickly pull it down, if it's free, who is it for free? For you?

Get out of here quickly, there are dozens of people in our team, still waiting to eat and survive!
Little girl, you are lucky enough, where can you find such good corn!

But do you have corn alone?Don't have some other food? "

This burly king of Han just let people put his honesty in logarithms, so he said cheerfully
"We can't be the home of this, this, this thing, let us sell whatever we want!"

Han Xiaochen didn't give him a practical answer, so he went there to buy food by himself, and he bought whatever was the best thing to buy.

Who can tell?

"Han Yunuo, promise this is the crystal nucleus, and we also want 50 catties of corn."

Wang Haiyan became anxious seeing these people scrambling for corn.

He directly gave the crystal nucleus to Han Yunuo: Well, Li Haiyan's bag is exactly 50 catties, so you can move it away.

But can you move it yourself?

"Of course it's fine, you see I have a companion here!"

Li Haiyan'er pointed to the unattractive second-level earth-type supernatural power beside him.
"Hey, who is Li Haiyan?"

While Han Yinuo answered correctly, those customers asked curiously
Why does it look like Li Haiyan has an unusual relationship with this earth-type supernatural being.

Li Haiyan's face seemed to be a little red, "Han Xinnuo, you are so noble and forgetful!

Don't you even know Zhang Shulin?He still worked in our factory!

Later, when I took office, we met again, and then we were together. "

"Oh! Zhang Shulin, I seem to have a memory, but I can't remember it."

Han Junnuo smiled, it took only a short while.

Han Xiaochen's corn is almost sold out again.

It seems that there are so many people with crystal nuclei in this base!
"Little girl, little girl, don't be so busy talking, give my wife 100 catties quickly."

An old woman with silver hair also came over with a bag of crystal nuclei.

"Good old grandma! Our corn is weighed directly in a 50-jin bag. You can take two bags and go!"

This old lady is not simple, at such an advanced age, she turned out to be a power mutation.

The old lady quickly took the corn bag into her hand and felt it.

"Little girl, you two are good, and the business is very generous!"

The old lady opened her mouth and showed 8 white teeth when she smiled. It seems that the old lady is living a very good life.

"Hee hee, it's only natural for the old lady to do business with integrity.

It's not easy for anyone these days! "Han Zhennuo smiled.
"Han Xinnuo, where did you two get this food? So much.

It's better to be a space power user, I really envy you guys. "

Li Haiyan didn't know why the food was bought and she didn't leave.

"Yo ho, these two little girls are powerful spatial powers."

There are always people with bad eyes staring at Han Zhennuo and the others.

Han Xiaochen shook his head, but looked at the provocative man with a smile: "Yes, our spatial abilities are very powerful.

How do you want to see the extension methods of our space power users? "

The man shook his head and threw out a handful of crystal nuclei, which was just enough for 50 catties.

"Don't be a heroine, I can't afford to mess with you. I'm just kidding, I'm here to carry food."

The man picked up 50 kilograms of rice and ran back.

"Haha," Han Xiaochen laughed

The management of this base is indeed strict enough.

It is said that those who dare to be a little surprised by the attitude of the space supernatural powers are arrested by the base and will be punished.

"Don't laugh, little girl, we want corn too, me too, me too!"

It's true that so much corn is not enough for these people to grab and sell out in a short while.

But Li Haiyan hadn't left yet, but Han Xinuo saw that her boyfriend had already moved the food away.

"Hey, do you still sell your food today? Is there any more?"

There are also some customers who came late and asked reluctantly

"Sorry, it's getting late now, do you want to sell it? It depends on the opinion of our leaders!

But it should still be sold, right?Don't worry, there are plenty of food reserves, and there is no shortage of them. "

Han Xiaochen smiled and said to these people, after all, it is really late now.

"Okay then, okay!"

Those people didn't give up, but the high-end supernatural being patrolling the base came over.

I'm really afraid that they will do something harmful to this advanced ability user

In this space right now, the status of the supernatural beings in the base is even higher than that of the giant pandas before the end of the world!
"Han Xinnuo, do you have any good food here? I want to exchange some good food with you."

The people had almost dispersed, and Li Haiyan came over and said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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