Chapter 357
"Well, what do you want?"

Han Xinuo gave Li Haiyan a strange look.

I used to have a good relationship with her, but it's the end of the world.

Everyone is not familiar with the team gradually.

"Eggs, I want eggs!
As for my brother's child, he has been sick for the past two days and wants to get some good things to make up for it.

Do you have any?If you want, I will exchange Jing Ke with you. "

Li Haiyan's fiery eyes stared straight at Han Zhennuo

Han Zhennuo shook his head: "Li Haiyan, stop joking, how long has it been since the end of the world? Where can I find eggs!"

Li Haiyan didn't know why, but she decided that Han Xinuo must have eggs in his hand.

"Isn't that all mentioned in the novel? You space power users are very powerful.

They all said that your spatial ability level is very powerful, and you probably awakened before the end of the world.

Then if you get it, you will definitely collect supplies like crazy!Even at the beginning of the end of the world, it is very easy for you to collect those materials!

The eggs are not too difficult to collect, are they?
Can't the space of you space powers keep fresh? "

Han Zhennuo shook his head: "I don't know if there are any other space power users, but I don't have any here anyway.

And you know, I am also part of our mercenary group.

Even if we have it in our group, the price, I'm afraid you will...

But I really don't have it anymore, I haven't eaten eggs for a long time. "

"Han Xinnuo, then you can help me find a way, I don't want too much, just a few catties."

Han Xiaochen smiled: "Your name is Li Haiyan, right?

I want eggs!
Do you want fresh eggs?Still want that kind of salted eggs!
But this price, this egg, is the price of 20 catties of corn. "

"How much? The price of 20 catties of corn is only for one egg. Isn't this too dark for you?"

Li Haiyan screamed

But he turned his head and pulled Han Zhennuo tightly: "Han Zhennuo, we are such good friends, are you going to blackmail me?

You can't kill me even if you are familiar with it! "

Han Junnuo sighed: "It's amazing, I really don't have any eggs in my hand.

If other people have it, it has nothing to do with me if they want to sell it at a high price.

Didn't you see it?The corn today is also taken out of other people's space, not mine.

My space belongs to our mercenary group, and I can't make the decision myself.

What's more, we really don't have such precious food as eggs!
Listen to me, it's good to be full now, don't even think about eating those things.

But now we basically don't eat ordinary food, but eat those mutated animals and plants! "

"Han Xinnuo, leave quickly, you don't know it's dark and dangerous, why did the leader tell you.

Didn't I tell you?Be careful when you come out to sell goods, don't chat with people casually.

You forgot that the person who healed the supernatural ability was the one who was killed by an acquaintance. "

Han Xiaochen's words are very blunt, it's hard to hear
Li Haiyan blushed immediately after hearing what Han Xiaochen said.

Is it possible that I made a mistake in saying something, and that high-ranking spatial ability user just came to criticize and scold me like this?

What did she describe herself as?
Ha, space powers are amazing.

To put it bluntly, isn't it just a mobile warehouse?

Why!But as far as this mobile warehouse is concerned, even my team can't recruit it!
"I, I really want to exchange eggs, so can I exchange 10 eggs, just follow the price you said!"

Han Xiaochen nodded, and directly took out 10 eggs from the space.

In other words, the eggs happened to be very cheap at that meeting.

It was only 2 yuan and 3 kilograms. After Han Xiaochen learned of the price, he wiped out all the eggs in this farm that day!
"You really have it, come to give you money?" Li Haiyan was really happy now, but the amount offered really made her heart ache.

"Han Xinnuo, I'm sorry, I seem to have said something I shouldn't have said just now.

But I really have no ill intentions towards you, my little nephew hasn't eaten for three days, otherwise I wouldn't have bought him such precious eggs to eat.

It is even possible that my little nephew is only a few days old. "

Li Haiyan wiped her tears while talking.

Basically, this base will not let the common people starve to death, but it has to talk about medical conditions.

I'm sorry, there are too few people who can heal abilities, and even if this team brought it back from outside, the price of your medicines is extremely high and they are in short supply.

"Then what happened to your nephew? What's wrong with him? Is he a supernatural being?"

Han Xinuo's heart softened.

Li Haiyan wiped her tears: "My nephew has a bad cold, he must be frozen, right?
Our living environment is very bad, the house is very cold, and the food will be enough for food and clothing.

I have been coughing for a long time, and now I have a fever and it is very hot.

I managed to find cold medicine and cold granules for him to take.

But it still didn't work out, and a man who knew a little bit about medicine said that he could get some anti-inflammatory drugs for my nephew.

But this anti-inflammatory drug is not enough, those teams use it themselves, how can they sell it! "

"Li Haiyan, you are also a mutant! Is this anti-inflammatory drug so difficult for you to find?"

Han Zhennuo frowned, but she didn't have any anti-inflammatory medicine in her hand
"Then is there no wound on your nephew? Are you sure the high fever is caused by a cold?"

Han Xiaochen asked

"Yes, yes! Am I dying of anxiety?
My mother keeps complaining that I'm useless, but I'm just a mutant, how can I earn so much!

What's more, I can't go out for several days now. "

Li Haiyan has a bitter face
Han Xinuo opened her mouth but didn't speak. She didn't have the guts to treat Li Haiyan's nephew!

She also didn't want to fully expose the fact that she was a healer.

This person is only exposing a water system and space confinement, which is already envied by others!

"That's right. I have anti-inflammatory drugs here, but I don't know if your nephew can use them."

A box of cefaclor immediately appeared in Han Xiaochen's palm.


I don't have many crystal nuclei in my hand. "

Li Haiyan, Zhang Hong's face took out all the crystal nuclei left on her body.

But it's really good, if you don't follow the market price, you can't even buy a single anti-inflammatory drug.

Han Xiaochen kicked Han Xinuo who wanted to open his mouth to speak

"How about this, you give me these crystal nuclei first, life-saving is the most important thing.

As for this account, I will first record it on Han Yinuo.

You have accumulated enough crystal nuclei, so you can return them to her.

You should know which mercenary group Han Xinuo is in, and you can hand it over to the gatekeeper of their mercenary group when the time comes.

Just go to her directly.

Their management there is very strict, and no member of the group dares to hide Han Zhennuo's crystal nucleus. "

Han Xiaochen directly slapped the box of anti-inflammatory drugs on Li Haiyan'er's palm.

Li Haiyan wiped her tears, why didn't she know that she was helping her

"Thank you, thank you I know, I can't say anything else but thank you now.

Don't worry, the gold crystal nuclei have saved enough, and they will definitely return them. "

"Li Haiyan, why don't you hurry up? Your nephew's health is critical.

I'm also on a mission.

I don't have time to communicate with you, actually, I miss you a lot too, how good it was when we worked together! "


"Han Xiaochen, thank you, but you really have all the good things in your hand!"

Han Xinuo didn't think much about it, Han Xiaochen knew Mo Yan, a man with great powers.

I can't get any good things. In fact, she used to collect a lot of eggs.

Unfortunately, it was slowly eaten away.

(End of this chapter)

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