Chapter 363 Upgrade
Girls go shopping, that is, shopping is inevitable.

As long as Han Xiaochen sees something he likes, he will buy it all without asking the price.

Even when she passed by a cake shop, she bought all the cakes she liked, and those people helped her put them in the car.

Of course, once back in the car, Han Xiaochen will directly say that it is in the space.

There is also this famous KFC, although it is said to be junk food.

Although it may be said that the taste of the kitchen in the space will be better.

But Han Xiaochen loves it to death, and bought a lot of that flavor.

Of course, not to mention the underwear that women have to wear for a long time.

Of course, there is also a pharmacy. Han Xiaochen went to the pharmacy and bought all the medicines he could buy that could be regarded as healing.

Of course, there are more medicines for treating fever and cold, and I bought a lot of them.

Of course, Han Xiaochen carefully selected these, and he was also optimistic about the production period and shelf life.

If this was bought in the last few months, it would be fun to take it to the bedroom, okay?
while walking.

Han Xiaochen remembered what he had gone to, a place that sold large solar energy equipment.

It must be, so I ordered several sets and asked that person to send them directly to the warehouse.

I think this thing, the base will be used in the future, and, she also feels that the weather in the base seems to be getting hotter every day!
"Chen Chen, is that you Chen Chen?"

Han Xiaochen was having fun shopping, when he met a very haggard looking woman.

The woman seemed to be looking at her in surprise.

Han Xiaochen frowned: "Auntie, did you recognize the wrong person?"

This person seems to be some kind of cousin of that Chen Chen!
But they hardly ever communicate.

Han Xiaochen thought for a while, it's better not to make trouble for herself, and not to recognize her.

What's more, the real Chen Chen has already passed away, hasn't he?
I didn't occupy this woman's body, so it can't be said that there is any relationship with Britain, right?
"Chen Chen, why don't you recognize me? I'm your cousin.

Chen Chen, you are shameless, you don't even care about your uncle and aunt after killing your brother-in-law?
Don't forget, we were also kind to your family back then. I see your crazy shopping posture, it seems that you are getting rich again, right? "

Chen Weili looked at Han Xiaochen unswervingly, of course, there was more jealousy in her eyes.

Han Xiaochen smiled slightly, it's all about cats and dogs.

"Auntie, you've got the wrong person, I came back from abroad.

My family runs a big company, how could there be a cousin like you! "

Han Xiaochen has an elegant attitude and a noble temperament, although the tone of his speech is still gentle.

But the voice was not small, and several people were attracted at once.

"Chen Chen, it's impossible, how can there be two people who look so similar in the world?
You are Chen Chen! "

Chen Weili's voice immediately became sharper.

"Security, security, there are people making trouble here!

Some people misidentified relatives!What is going on with your domestic citizens, why are they so uneducated! "

Han Xiaochen frowned, and called the security guard in disgust.

"Hey, what's the matter with you girl!

That young lady is from a good background at first glance, how could she know a country shrew like you! "

The security guard hadn't spoken yet, but the spectator spoke first.

"Madam, please don't pester our customers here."

The security guard was not so polite when he spoke, one was a rich lady who spent money without blinking an eye.

One is a rural woman who looks impoverished at first glance.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you know that there is no relationship between the two.

Even if it is true that the girl is the golden phoenix that flew up the branch, but this golden phoenix does not want to recognize you, you are so poor before, you still have nothing to do, can't you?

"Chen Chen, it's impossible for you to be shameless, you are Chen Chen.

Chen Chen, I've been with you for a while now, and you've spent millions of dollars in just walking around, right?

I don't need to practice too much. If you give us 1000 million to raise you in our family, I'll forget it. "

Chen Weili is really not a fool, she knows how to follow up first.

Han Xiaochen laughed: "It's not just me, I just spent nearly a million dollars, and the car I drove is worth tens of millions!

Then do I also want to give you this vicious woman who will blackmail me when I meet you!
Although I usually like to do some good deeds, it doesn't mean I'm willing to give money to you.

For no reason, she misidentifies her relatives and misappropriates her money as soon as she arrives.

Security guard, please take this woman away. This woman has seriously affected my interest in shopping.

This can be considered a high-end shopping mall, why do you put all kinds of customers in it! "

Han Xiaochen smiled contemptuously, turned around and walked away.

Chen Weili was angry and cursed, but she saw the security guard's vicious look.

And it seemed that he had to contact the police, so he immediately gave up.

"Bah, what's so great! You just drive a luxury car worth hundreds of millions.

Buying his tens of millions of clothes is still despised, mistress, mistress! "

But Chen Weili didn't expect that she was actually sent to the police station by the security guards.

This blackmails customers in high-end shopping malls, and insults if the blackmail fails.

It has had a very bad impact on this shopping mall...

Chen Weili felt that she was wronged today!
But even though that woman Chen Chen was a green tea bitch, she was always very humble and cowardly.

Chen Weili had also blackmailed Chen Chen before, and her tone was slightly worse each time.

Chen Chen would give her the money in a hurry!

After knowing it for a long time, Chen Weili was still wondering whether she really admitted the wrong person or something?
No way, these two people look so much alike, how can there be people who look so similar in this world?
The most important thing is that Chen Chen has been missing for so long, where did she go?Not a single contact with former friends and acquaintances.

How could there be any contact? This person has been dead for a long time, okay?
Naturally, Chen Weili couldn't affect Han Xiaochen's good mood for shopping.

Han Xiaochen bought a lot of edible things that she thought were novel and edible.

It wasn't until he received a call from Li Jiachen telling him that the warehouse had packed all the things she wanted, the person had been evacuated, and even all the monitoring systems had been dismantled.

Han Xiaochen just drove to these warehouses. Of course, she checked them with real words first, and there was no surveillance at all.

Only then did Han Xiaochen rest assured that the goods here were received into the space.

Due to the limited space, this collection took a long time.

When finally Han Xiaochen was exhausted, he drove back to the villa and entered the interface of the end of the world.

Phew, Han Xiaochen sat on the bed and exhaled several times.

So tired, so tired.

This controls ordinary people, even with spells.

It made her feel physically and mentally exhausted, but fortunately, the effect was good.

All of a sudden, all the surrounding energy revolved around Han Xiaochen.

Han Xiaochen was overjoyed that he was about to upgrade.

Han Xiaochen immediately placed a small town method that Mo Yan had given before in this room.

Then he laid out all the crystal nuclei of the wood system and space system that he had purified, and began to absorb them.

It's not easy, this ability has to be upgraded again.

I didn't expect that traveling between the two worlds consumes a lot of mental power, and there will be such a good benefit.

Although Han Xiaochen was very tired, he was very happy, and decided to send the food to the base after the upgrade.

(End of this chapter)

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