Chapter 364
For some reason, Han Xiaochen, who was trying to upgrade and cultivate, remembered what Xiao Ye said.

Han Xiaochen also wondered, he was far away from the threshold of the upper level, how could he suddenly reach the threshold?
It stands to reason that no matter what, it shouldn't be possible to upgrade now.

Is it possible that this is really the benefit that God bestows on me by doing good deeds?
Han Xiaochen thought about this question for a while.

He began to work hard to absorb the crystal nucleus to upgrade.

Although he has already encountered this upgrade barrier, he still needs to work hard to absorb energy to break through this barrier.


As soon as Li Na came here, she felt that the energy in Han Xiaochen's villa seemed to be much stronger than other places.

"Han Xiaochen, this girl is really lucky, she is about to upgrade again!
This is forcing me, I have to work hard to cultivate, no way! "

"Hehe, that girl is indeed blessed!" Mo Shen chuckled meaningfully.
"But, husband, I'm still very worried, this zombie is always besieging the city for us.

Even if there is enough food and grass, I think the people in our base will be panicked. "

Li Na said worriedly

Mo Shen shrugged indifferently:

"If it doesn't work, let's not come here, what are you worrying about?
This is the opposite!That's a definite number, but I think it's not as bad as you think.

It's been so long since the end of the world, and those people now have a much higher level of maturity than we imagined.

As long as you press it well, don't let some bad elements rob this base. "

"Husband won't take you so irresponsible!
No matter what you do, you snatched the position of the leader of this base, but in his position, you have to manage your own affairs, don't you?
But people in the last days really have a hard time.

I used to dislike the big gap between the rich and the poor before the end of the world, but now it is the end of the world!

The gap between people and people is even bigger!

Some people can eat delicacies from mountains and seas, all kinds of mutated plants, and mutated plants.

Still engraving the crystal nucleus is like taking drugs to upgrade yourself.

Some, even mutated potatoes and mutated sweet potatoes, which are more unpalatable than eating dirt.

I can't even afford it, and even if I can afford it, I have to figure out how to fill my stomach! "

Li Na sighed a bit, in this last days, one must either be supernaturally powerful, or have some inexplicable golden fingers.

This is really a sad life for ordinary people with no background at all, as well as those low-level supernatural beings, and those who are convenient.

Hovering on the edge of life and death every day
"The jungle society is like this, isn't it?
Well, what are you supposed to do yourself, I have to go outside the base to take a good look.

Surrounded by zombies outside, I, the leader, have to show up. "

Mo Shen patted her on the shoulder and walked out.

"Husband, you put away the protective things I gave you, don't let yourself be lax because you think you are strong in force and abilities.

That formation looks powerful, but who knows if it will be broken. "

Li Na worriedly told her, but when she said this, suddenly her eyes flashed.

"Husband, husband, I also have formations in this space, don't we also..."

"Honey, just stay here.

As far as the formation outside is concerned, I think it's fine.And these things produced in the space, it is better to expose them less.

That Mo Yan has the guts to show it to the outside world because he is only 10% powerful in force.

In addition, he must also show that he has a strong use value in our base.

Don't you love being a saint?Now you have so much grain in your space.

Let's see whether to go outside and sell it at a low price, or to help the poor and ordinary people! "

"I see, you are really annoying, if you do this again, I will go back.

You stay here by yourself, I have time, and I want to spend more time with the babies!
I just love to hear their little mouths call me mom! "

Li Na glared at Mo Shen

Mo Yan smiled lightly, ignored her and left directly.

This woman, as long as she has a child, she will focus almost all on the child.

Even he sometimes feels left out.

If it weren't for the fact that there are so many servants at home looking after the children, and his wife is over there and Shi Ye is here, he would still have to come here.

If this really made her a housewife, she would have to fall out of favor completely.

Li Na pursed her lips and decided to go out and have a look.

It's been a long time since I saw Zhang Yueying and his wife, and I don't know how the family is living now?
Just do what you say, Li Na came to Zhang Yueying and the others first.

Zhang Yueying couldn't get out now, so she was practicing alone in this mercenary regiment.

Of course, this is the single dormitory given to Li Na by the mercenary regiment for her sake.

"Nana, what kind of wind brought you here!"

Li Na just got here and Zhang Yueying stood up, obviously she didn't put much effort into her cultivation just now.

"Zhang Yueying, how is your cultivation going now?

Why is your ability only at level 4? "

Li Na looked at Zhang Yueying with a bit of resentment.

Zhang Yueying chuckled, "Nana, do you expect too much from me?

In fact, my ability is not low, you can't let me compare with those who seem to be cheating, those abilities!

Besides, although the purification crystal nucleus is cheaper than before, it is not so easy to find!

Those people who had crystal nuclei in their hands exchanged them for food.

It seems that it is not easy for us to find crystal nuclei!
I have to thank the base for this, so that we don't go hungry when we can't go out on missions! "

Maybe Zhang Yueying seems to have matured after experiencing many things

Li Na gave Zhang Yueying a blank look.

"You, don't make excuses, practice hard, anyway, you won't be able to get out recently.

Nuo, this is the crystal nucleus of the fire system, you can use it to practice?
Don't use these crystal nuclei for other purposes!There are also these crystal nuclei, they are not given to you for nothing, but you need to pay them back in future missions, you know? "

Looking at the pile of crystal nuclei in front of her eyes, Zhang Yueying couldn't help being stunned.

I wanted to refuse in my heart, but I still couldn't bear the temptation to cultivate and upgrade.

"Nana, thank you, don't worry, I won't be as stupid as before long ago!
As for these crystal nuclei, I don't give them to anyone and keep them for my own cultivation.

Anyway, now that you are the wife of the leader of the base, you don't have to worry about me not returning the crystal nucleus.

As for the crystal nucleus, you will deduct it from the mission I set out in the future. "

When Zhang Yueying said this, it seemed that the corners of Zhang Yueying's eyes were a little moist.

Li Na sighed, because Mao looked at Zhang Yueying who had matured in an instant, and always felt a little childish.

Could it be that he was protected too well by his husband?The days went so smoothly, so happy.

"Zhang Yueying, practice hard, don't think about those messy things.

By the way, you send these crystal nuclei to your grandma. Doesn't your grandma have water abilities?
I guess she has few crystal nuclei in her hand.

People who are a little older than this year have to practice hard, not to mention how much she has contributed, at least she can prolong her life.

You can still feed your grandma's big family! "

As Li Na said, she put some purified crystal nuclei from the water system on the table.

"Nana, thank you!" Zhang Yueying didn't know what else to say besides thanking her.

(End of this chapter)

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