Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 368 Also Suffered Betrayal

Chapter 368 Also Suffered Betrayal

Han Xiaochen didn't say a word, just really, and left here as if Ouyang Meiling didn't know him.

Han Xiaochen knew that he was cruel and indifferent.

Because when she was in the most difficult time, even when she had a memory, she was often bullied and laughed at.

And among those people, except for Han Zhennuo who occasionally secretly helped him, no one, no one had expressed kindness to himself.

Those who have not experienced this kind of experience will not be able to imagine how hopeless the mental and physical torture Han Xiaochen suffered at that time was.

"Xiao Ye, do you think I'm too much? Or do you think I'm the person Ouyang Meiling said?" Han Xiaochen said in a low voice

The corners of Xiao Ye's lips curled slightly, as if he wanted to outline a smile, but the smile was a sneer.

"So what about cruelty? What about indifference, or what is too much and what is not too much.

Is that person related to you?Now is the end of the world, everyone is an independent individual, and who has a relationship with it.

It didn't say which person it is, which person's life must be borne.

Anyway, I have never had this kind of thought, Han Xiaochen, do you know my experience? "

Han Xiaochen froze for a moment, but shook his head.

"I only know that you and Li Na have a very good relationship with Mo Shen, it seems...it seems!"

The two walked to a bar. The bar was deafening, and there were many people dancing and having fun.

It's as if this is before the end of the world, even more lively than before the end of the world.

After all, there are so many tricks played in this post-apocalyptic bar, you can't imagine what they can't do.

The two of them also found a quiet place to sit down.
"The waiter brought us a bottle of red wine and two glasses." Xiao Ye directly gave the crystal nucleus to the waiter.

Yes, even in a place like a bar, bartering is a thing of the past.

No matter what you consume, you will be billed at that time!

"It will be delivered right away." The charming waiter immediately trotted to get the red wine.

"Han Xiaochen, in fact, there is nothing wrong with my experience, I was known by others.

I don't care about it at all, and my experience from childhood to adulthood is not much better than yours. "

Of course, what Xiao Ye was talking about was the story of the original body.

The waiter immediately brought over the red wine and opened it in front of them.

Xiao Ye waved his hand and the waiter left immediately.

She personally poured half a glass of red wine for Han Xiaochen and handed it directly to Han Xiaochen

Han Xiaochen took it subconsciously and took a sip of the red wine
Well, the taste is not bad, it's rare that you can still drink this now.

Xiao Ye also poured himself some red wine, and said while slowly tasting the red wine

"I was almost forced to death by my mother back then, living in that environment since I was a child, you should know better than me what it would be like.

Later, when I grew up, my mother squeezed out every penny I earned. It can even be said that even though I made money later, the wages were not low, but I never bought myself a new dress.

Even when my younger brother was about to get married, my mother forced me to marry a very tyrannical man who even killed two ex-wives.

I refused, I refused life and death at the time, so my mother started treatment with me.

By the way, in fact, you may have read that report, but you don’t remember.

In order to force me to submit, my mother climbed to the top floor and committed suicide. At that time, many reporters and various spectators were attracted.

I naturally disagree, I also went up at that time, mainly because I had to go up at that time!

There are so many people staring at me, if I don't go there, if I don't care about my mother, I'm not filial.

In fact, my mother didn't really want to die, but for some reason, it made such a fuss that she rolled down the stairs with me.

My mother died then, and I almost died then too.

But what I didn't expect was that when all the doctors announced that I would die soon.

Li Na came here when she heard the news, maybe she felt sorry for me, she spent a lot of money to rescue me.

Later, I followed their husband and wife wholeheartedly, you know?My younger brother is in our base.

But I never recognized him, nor did I give him any preferential treatment.

Maybe I was a little angry, because at that time my mother forced me to help him find a wife.

But I just didn't plan to take care of him, just treat him as a stranger.

Do you think I'm cold-blooded?Even if I am not the deputy leader of this base, I can make him live well with my ability, and it is very easy to raise him.

But I never thought of taking care of him. In my heart, he had already died with my mother at that time. "

When Xiao Ye said these words, the colorful lights hit her delicate face.

Her delicate and pretty face immediately became alluring and charming.

Han Xiaochen looked at Xiao Ye in a daze again, and it took a while before he recovered.

My god, Xiao Ye is too deceptive.

She is still a woman, so she was stunned to see him.

"Xiao Ye, I don't think you should care about that kid.

If it were me, I wouldn't care about him, and I would treat him as if he didn't exist. "

Xiao Ye heard that the corners of his lips were getting bigger and bigger, and even hooked the boys in the bar to see him crazy.

And the one who accidentally fell and bumped into other guests
The bar suddenly became more chaotic.
But no one has the guts to disturb Xiao Ye here
There is no need to reveal their identities, the coercion of these two high-end supernatural beings has not been suppressed
Those people know that these two women are something they can't afford

"That's all right, so what are you worrying about?
You were originally Han Xiaochen, you are an independent individual, what kind of acquaintance?
Now, do you have any acquaintances in the last days?

Even if these friends meet, it is only when the strengths of the two parties are similar, right?

Have you seen that ordinary person who has become friends with a supernatural being?
Even if they were friends before, but the disparity in strength between the two sides is too great, wouldn't it be impossible to be that shitty friend a long time ago? "

Han Xiaochen drank the red wine in the glass and suddenly smiled.

"Xiao Ye, thank you, I feel that the haze in my heart has been swept away.

It seems that the whole body is much lighter? "

"Han Xiaochen, you are a very talented girl.

Don't be tired of the trivial things in the past, let alone the so-called love for children.

That's what this man is all about, don't take them too seriously.

The last days are even more cruel to us women, so don't regard those love affairs as the mainstream of life.

As for that man Mo Yan, he has done so many things to sorry you in the past, anyway, in my opinion, he is not considered your beloved.

Of course, now that the end of the world is over, we can't say that there are good people and bad people.

If you really want to accept him, you should test it out.

The difference in strength between the two of you is too great, if you are really together again, you must be in a weak position again.

This man Mo Yan is very capable, not even worse than our leader.

But look at how our leader treats his wife! "

Xiao Ye stared at the bright red wine in his glass in a daze.

This thought also drifted back to a long, long time ago.

She seemed to have had the kind of partner she liked before.

They are different from humans, but they have also been betrayed.

(End of this chapter)

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