Chapter 369
"Xiao Ye, thank you, I understand what you mean.

If the strength between a man and a woman is too strong, the weaker side will have a difficult life no matter what.

Moreover, both men and women will not have that kind of equality in the practical sense. It's okay for this man to spoil you.

One day he will get tired of you, and if you don't want to deal with it, you may fall into a situation beyond redemption.

After all, the so-called equality is when the strength of the people is about the same.

And you are like an ant in front of others, and they can kill you if you just shove them away.

Then how can we talk about equality in this way? These people all have a temper, and no one even knows who will be in a bad mood one day and will lose their temper randomly.

If this kind of problem arises between young couples of equal strength and similar strength.

It's just bickering, or even if you do it, you won't do anything to anyone.

It depends on the difference in strength, if the disparity is too great, then it is hard to say.

Isn't that what the ancient emperors did to those concubines?
When I like you, I can pamper you in any way, but when I don't like you, I will put you in the cold palace with a wave of my hand.

This may also directly kill you, and even ransack your family and exterminate your family.

A companion is like a tiger, if you find a partner who is too strong.

In fact, it is probably similar to marrying an emperor like a woman in ancient times, right? "

"Yeah, that's what I mean, and you, I can see that you have high potential.

There's no point in not allowing yourself to improve twice because of that so-called love.

Look at that friend of yours, he seems to understand this truth, isn’t he cultivating almost desperately for a long time?

But do you see your friend free?

I don't think she is very free, and it even depends on Zhao Ye's face.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Ye is too powerful, and in the process of protecting it, he can also crush her to death.

Such a girl with extraordinary ability, why worry, why marry so early.

The man Zhao Ye did provide her with a lot of crystal nuclei for cultivating supernatural powers.

But in fact, which team, even the mercenary group of the base, has such a high talent of Han Xinuo.

They will definitely receive preferential treatment, not worse than at Zhao Ye's. "

Han Xiaochen actually understood what Han Xinuo was thinking?

"Xiao Ye, Han Zhennuo didn't go to school for a few days, and she also joined other mercenary groups and teams at the beginning.

Now those places are not only not reused, but also bullied.

Moreover, Han Xinuo himself likes Zhao Ye very much. The two of them are relatively happy now that they have this way of getting along with each other, right?

But of course, there are many hidden dangers for the two of them.

I also feel that this man Zhao Ye is very dangerous and mysterious, and sometimes I worry that maybe one day Han Xinuo will be framed by him.

After all, our water-type and wood-type female supernatural powers, the higher the level of cultivation, the easier it is for the higher-level male supernatural powers to be used as furnaces. "

Why?Han Xiaochen doesn't want to find a partner now, and he is even less willing to forgive Mo Yan for the real reason.

Han Xiaochen is afraid!This person who has been ruthlessly abandoned once knows that the so-called love is not so indestructible.

Maybe because of a little monster or stimulation, he may be ruthlessly abandoned or even betrayed by his partner.

What's more, she still has so many secrets, yes, she really doesn't have the guts to accept any man.

"Yeah, that friend of yours has no ambitions, but such a woman is also the most likely to be abandoned or even die the worst.

As far as how many women in the base institute believe in their lovers after being injured.

They were sold to research institutes by their families, and many people were even willing to be brainwashed by their families.

But do you think there is any man who is willing to pay for his family and even be studied by slices?

There are so many research subjects in the base research institute, but there is only one man.

That man was originally an ordinary person, but he was seriously injured and disabled because of framing his family. "

Xiao Ye sometimes sighs a little, whether it is in the animal world or in humans.

It seems that the female is always softer and more emotional than the male.

In addition, the female is physically weaker than the male.

This makes the female's life in the last days even more difficult.

It is not obvious before the end of the world. After all, if men and women participate in work, that kind of hard work is rare.

Everyone is mental work, as long as a woman does not have children, it is impossible to say which one is stronger, or which one is weaker.

But it will be different in the last days, women are born with less strength than men.

Even the proportion of men awakening abilities is higher than that of women.

Otherwise, why are so many women treated as resources and resold back and forth.

Yes, there are many women who have become resources, just one of various goods.

But Xiao Ye has nothing to do with this phenomenon.

Because there are many women who objectify themselves, how can the base help them?
There are even many women who think that men can live as long as they wear clothes.

It doesn't matter what kind of humiliation and abuse they suffer, as long as they are not allowed to go out to fight zombies and perform tasks.

Xiao Ye and Han Xiaochen chatted for about two hours before going out to wander around.

It's strange that the shop in Han Yunuo Lane has not closed yet.

After Han Xinuo and Xiao Ye went in, they found that there were still many people eating.

Han Xiaochen shrugged: "Why don't these NPCs sleep at night!"

"Heh, during the day, these people need to work at the base, so naturally they come to you to rest at night.

What's more, these lunch boxes you made are really delicious, and you cook more dishes.

Didn't you see their sign?They took pictures of all the various styles you made and enlarged them. "

Xiao Ye raised his eyebrows,

"Yeah, then I'll go to the kitchen and put these down for them.

I really didn't expect the business here to be so good and so hot today! "

"Then you go, I'll wait for you here for a while."

Xiao Ye sat on the small table which looked clean.

I also ordered a pineapple chicken popcorn for myself.

Xiao Ye tasted it, although the pineapple chicken rice crackers were made with ordinary ingredients this time.

But the taste is surprisingly good, but it seems that the ratio of these various ingredients and seasonings is too standard.

Xiao Ye suddenly laughed, now he understands that something is wrong.

How could Han Xiaochen really have time to cook these dishes?

The so-called behavior of cooking there when you are free is simply a nonsense excuse, okay?
It seems that this woman Han Xiaochen has more secrets than I imagined!

But it's okay, such a delicious meal can appease most people in this base.

It's just that I have accumulated such a great merit for myself, so can I recover faster, faster!
Slow, really too slow.

Although in the machine, in the eyes of those supernatural beings, Xiao Yewo has become an existence they long for and cannot reach.

But Xiao Ye is not satisfied with herself, think about what she was like in her heyday.

And now?Let alone 17 left, they don't even have 1/10 of the previous strength.

How can this make her not anxious or anxious!

"Xiao Ye, I'm fine, for this, let's try it out!"

In just two minutes, Han Xiaochen went to the kitchen to explain.

In fact, where is there a kitchen? It's just that those people move the dishes out of the kitchen for the people here to eat!

(End of this chapter)

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