Chapter 378
"Why not? I knew you were unhappy the first day I saw you.

He is very defensive towards anyone, and the door of his heart is never open to anyone!

Han Xiaochen, it's true that people's hearts are separated, and everyone can't believe it.

Then it's not good for you to follow the hedgehog like this!
You see how much Ye Junzhi liked you back then, and you knew that godbrother, but don't you see that they are all far away from you now?

It's not that those people changed their minds quickly, but that you have never given them a chance! "

Zhao Ye exposed Han Xiaochen's truth without hesitation.
Han Xiaochen: "I..."

Zhao Ye coughed lightly: "Han Xiaochen, regarding Mo Yan, whether you are willing to accept him is your business.

But it's not a good thing that your mentality is always so cloudy and always so unhappy.

Originally this is the end of the world, we all have today but no tomorrow, why do you let yourself be like this!
Since you came back, you haven't even contacted Bao Jingming, and you haven't asked him if he's okay, right?
If I hadn't been with you for a long time, even I would have mistaken you for being indifferent.

It's hard to get along, and you can't talk to anyone! "


Han Xinnuo felt that her husband had talked too much.

Zhao Ye coughed slightly in embarrassment: "Ha! Look at how a big man like me is such a mother-in-law.

You two girls, talk to yourself!

As for me, I'm going to be busy outside, Han Xiaochen, you did a good job this time!

Han Xiaochen, I have to give you a piece of advice. This person is not afraid of being used, but what he fears most is being useless.

Look at me, didn't I hide my hand at the end?

I even took out my own healing ability. If anyone really needs it, I have to save them.

Otherwise, do you think there are so many supernatural beings in my regiment, and there are so many advanced supernatural beings, why should they join my mercenary regiment?
Why are you all loyal to me wholeheartedly?
Naturally, I can give them enough sense of security and enough benefits. "

Of course, there are those secrets at a deeper level, Zhao Ye naturally refuses to say it.

"Han Xiaochen, think about it, isn't my wife's healing ability just burst out to serve everyone?

Do you think my wife's status is not high enough now?The more you do this, the less anyone dares to take your idea, okay?

Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, you two girls talk! "

Zhao Ye said goodbye and left.

Han Xiaochen frowned, then smiled.

"Han Xinnuo, look at these crystal nuclei, take away any you can use or not."

Han Zhennuo shook his head: "Han Xiaochen, I still have a lot here, enough.

It's not easy for you to purify the crystal nucleus. I know that everything needs to consume energy. "

"Cut, Han Zhennuo! You are so innocent, how could you marry Zhao Ye!

But there is only a pure, kind and satisfied woman like you who only likes Zhao Ye.

Only then can he really stay with someone like Zhao Ye for a long time, right? "

Han Xiaochen sighed lightly, sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

And Zhao Ye no matter what the reason is!
Anyway, as long as he is willing to treat Han Xinuo well, isn't it great?

Han Xiaochen directly threw the crystal nucleus that Zhao Ye had just given him into the space, and went there for a circle.

Now that this function has been upgraded, even if Han Xiaochen is not moving, he can make the crystal nucleus rotate around these two interfaces by the way.

This time 0.1 seconds are useless.

"Han Xiaochen, I've been feeling in a mess lately.

To be honest, we are surrounded by zombies outside, although we are safe for the time being, but in my heart. "

Han Zhennuo patted his chest, thinking that his ability level is still high now.

But he was still helpless in the face of that behavior.

"Han Xinnuo, I want to try, I want to see if I can destroy Taco!"

Han Xiaochen made up his mind whether he could retreat to the house or not.

Han Qinuo was so frightened that she almost jumped up.

"Han Xiaochen, don't make a mistake!

Do you think you can handle a taco?

I don't care, and I don't allow me to save you after so much effort. I will never allow you to be in danger again. "

Han Xiaochen held down Han Xinuo with his hands

"Han Yinuo, I've been thinking about this for days.

Originally, with this ability, as long as I can touch any item, I can kill him with a light tip!

Since I have this ability, why don't I use it? "

Han Xinuo looked at Han Xiaochen with a face full of shock, but shook his head,
"I know what you mean, and I thank you for trusting me so much."

Han Zhennuo smiled at the seemingly puzzled eyes.

"My husband is pretty well connected...

But I think you are taking too much risk.

As far as your ability is concerned, Mo Yan is not unaware, but if it is true, you can easily deal with taco dialogue.

Now you wouldn't let Taco be out there as our base for so long.

He takes you into his space, and when he asks to enter, you won't be able to bear it anymore, and you haven't done anything for so long. "

Han Xiaochen frowned, why didn't he know this?

And I'm not that generous, I'm not that holy, but I feel that the only one who can deal with Taco is myself, right?
"Han Xiaochen, don't be impatient, everyone will come up with a perfect solution.

In fact, you really have this idea, and you should discuss it with everyone.

To be honest, I don't understand anything, but those people have rich combat experience! "


Li Na, Mo Shen, Xiao Ye, Mo Yan Zhaoye, and Han Qinuo sat together again.

The atmosphere seems very serious

"Everyone is so familiar with this, let's talk freely if you have any ideas!" Mo Shen spoke first

Indeed, the external affairs should be resolved, and Taco's patience is almost exhausted now, and his strength has been consumed by himself a lot.

Han Qinnuo pursed his lips, and said what he had always planned.

"I thought I'd find a chance to re-enter that space at Taco, and then I blew up his space.

As you know, I also have a space that I can enter by myself. The moment I want to explode again, I enter my own space to hide.

I'll see if I can destroy Tacona Space directly.

Anyway, I think so, right?The reason why Taco looks awesome now.

The main reason is because he has the space to use those controls to control these advanced zombies and the supernatural beings they catch.

I even felt that his space was going to be invalidated, and he couldn't control those things anymore. "

Zhao Ye frowned fiercely, he really didn't want his wife to take risks.

But the first time my wife insisted on saving Han Xiaochen, it almost exposed her ability.

Of course, the most important thing is that his stupid wife insists on...

"Honey, I still don't agree, you don't think about yourself, you have to think about me too, right?

With capable men like us, there is no need for a woman like you to go out and die.

And as a man, I can't even save my own woman's life, so what do you think I am the leader of a mercenary group! "

"It's really too dangerous outside now, and you, Han Xinuo, can't just enter his space just because you want to.

But I think there should be nothing in the space of Taco.

But no one can guarantee that he won't feel it the moment you enter his space.

You are also a space power user, so someone broke into your space, wouldn't you feel it?

(End of this chapter)

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