Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 379 The Final Battle

Chapter 379 The Final Battle
With Taco's ability, he can definitely kill you instantly.

And the real reason you were able to get someone out last time was that Taco was too arrogant.

I didn't take you seriously and now you have already frightened the snake, and you have lost the advantage of the first time.

If you get blown up for the first time regardless of the losses and people in his space, you may succeed!

But now it's not that I look down on you, but that I think your sacrifice is completely unnecessary. "

Mo Shen looked down at Han Zhennuo, a strange color flashed quickly in his dark eyes.

But he immediately shook his head. This method is too risky and the success rate is too low.

Do not use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

It's better to reserve a talent like Han Xinnuo to play a role at critical moments. It's such a waste, and it's a pity to sacrifice it!

"What about me? Can't I use my method?
As long as I touch Dao Taco, it may be wiped out in an instant! "Han Xiaochen said unwillingly

"Han Xiaochen, we are very happy that you two are so kind.

But I don't want you to sacrifice in vain!
Taco is too evil, he is much higher level than you, this kind of level suppression is not a joke.

The moment he finds you again, he will kill you in an instant, so how can you use your big move! "

Li Na shook her head. If Taco was so easy to deal with, she would go out and kill Taco.

If I guessed it right, Han Xiaochen's space is so huge that he can drag any objects into his own space, and at the same time make those objects lose their lives, right?

How can there be any big tricks?It's just using space.

"Mo Shen, the formation you took out last time is also very useful.

Even better than mine, but do you have a higher level. "

Mo Yan was speaking for Mo Shen, but he stared at Li Na with burning eyes.
"Mo Yan, there are higher-level ones, but who of us can install that formation!

Do you think you can?If you can, then..."

Mo Shen looked at Mo Yan with a smile that was not a smile, and immediately returned to Mo Yan's army

"Mo Yan, now is not the time to keep secrets. You see, we have shown all our housekeeping skills."

Mo Yan was silent for a moment: "Han Xiaochen's method may not be completely unfeasible.

Even the method mentioned by Han Yinuo is actually somewhat feasible.

But it's true that we might accidentally put them in two rooms and can't hurt Taco! "

Xiao Ye shook his head: "Mo Yan, you take it for granted, you haven't seen how these real big men with high cultivation level hurt people.

No matter you have all kinds of skills, but with a coercion or a look from someone, they can wipe you out in an instant.

Do you think that you have any big moves that are useful for those opponents who have absolute levels to suppress you? "

Isn't this what Xiao Ye was in his heyday?It only takes one click from the air to wipe out the opponent, and they will be wiped out.

And what skills do you have, and you can't use any skills.

Egg is useless even if sent out
Zhao Ye coughed twice, signaling for him to speak out
"I have an idea, I think, these supernatural beings in our base should not go out to attack.

But we really can't sit still like this anymore.

Find a few particularly powerful ones and put on that special invisibility cloak and go out to the base first.

Then we use hot weapons to blast as many of these monsters as possible outside.

Now is not the time to be reluctant to give up weapons, and try to eliminate them as soon as possible.

Waiting for them to react, our trick won't work.

We can even try heavy weapons! "

Mo Yan frowned fiercely, and looked at Mo Shen
In fact, this method is not impossible, but even if the loss is serious, it may not be able to achieve any good results.

Mo Shen was silent for a while, and he accepted Zhao Ye's proposal.

"I think the idea is not bad, I will take out all the most destructive ones in the base.

I know, you two have quite a few too.

Especially you, Mo Yan, I know you have a powerful weapon in your hand."

"Han Xiaochen, Han Xinnuo, don't you two want to contribute something? You two also put on the stealth machine and come out...

But you must be obedient, and your wife, you wait in the base and don't come out! "

Li Na shook her head: "Husband, I will also go out and hide in the space.

Otherwise, how can I trust you, don't worry, I don't want to part with my life, and I won't let myself worry about things. "

It is not the time for Mo Yan to hide his secrets until now.

After all, so many people are facing life and death,

It's just that the good things in his space, especially those weapons still make everyone's eyes dim.


The dark clouds were dense, the thunder was rumbling, and the lightning in the sky looked like a long snake.

It rained suddenly in the sky, and the fire of spring exploded among the zombies.

Even if he was mentally prepared, he listened to the howling of the advanced zombies and advanced abilities controlled by Taco here.

Taco didn't expect the missile to be so powerful.

It happened so fast that he hadn't reacted yet.

But his current casualties are too great, and he watched helplessly that his subordinates could explode one by one.

Although he, the zombie king, has long been used to seeing death, but a large number of his men are missing arms and legs.

Ta Ke's eyes are getting redder and redder, "Ah! Ah!"

Taco let out a shrill howl towards the sky.

what happened?How did they get out?Why didn't I notice it at all.

There really was not a single blade of grass growing under this **, and even some zombies became shadows directly.

But it is strange that this destructive power is so powerful.

But it didn't hurt Jiji in the slightest. What kind of crazy manipulation is this?

That's not all, Taco felt like he was locked by something.

Although those things couldn't hurt him, they were locked on by them and attacked again and again
Taco also felt very restless, and when he became restless, he wanted to enter the space immediately.

After all, not only humans have space, but also high-level zombies who hide in it when they are in danger.

But what frustrates Taco the most is that he can't get in.

Taco was furious and waved his hand, and all the supernatural beings and zombies left in this space also came out.

Even the people inside include that woman Jia Ningxiao

Mo Yan, who was wearing the most advanced protection and invisibility cloak, rolled his eyes.

This woman Jia Ningxiao just disappeared out of thin air!

"Ah! Help, I don't want to die, don't die!" Jia Ningxiao shouted desperately
Han Xiaochen frowned while hiding in the space, that woman Jia Ningxiao has a god-level space.

Now that this space is given to Taco again, who knows what the two of them are playing?
Could it be that there are two hosts in one space?Or Jia Ningxiao contributed all the good things in his space to Taco
How can Taco be so powerful!
I really wanted to go out and have a look, but Han Xiaochen also knew that Taco yelled at the sky if he didn't say anything else.

As soon as I leave the space, my eardrums will be shattered, and even my brain will be shattered.

Damn, this guy Taco is simply against the sky.

If it is not eliminated, this human being really has no hope of living

(End of this chapter)

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