Chapter 382
The rules of the last days are like this, whoever gets the thing will have the opportunity.

Naturally, everyone was not interested, and went to inquire about the things they got.

Can you come up with something fun?

Han Xiaochen saw that these people were going back to the base, "Um, you go back first, I want to go out for a walk!

She's been bored recently, and she's not in a good mood! "

"Then you go, be careful!"

Li Na naturally knew about Han Xiaochen's ability, let alone when he was in danger.

If Han Xiaochen was on his own, he would not have to worry about his teammates, he could just get into his own space.

Han Xinuo's lips moved but he didn't speak, and went back with his husband.

Mo Yan's eyes flickered, forget it, he has to go back to solve some things collectively, and chase her after the resolution is over!
Han Xiaochen waved her hand directly, and an off-road vehicle appeared in the open space. She got on it and stepped on the accelerator, and then ran away.

Li Na's eyes flashed, she wanted to find a mutant animal to protect her

But Mo Shen stopped her: "Honey, she misunderstood you for doing this, and you watched her.

With that girl's ability, if she goes out by herself and suffers a great accident, she will be able to get out of it unscathed. "

Li Na was a little frustrated, "Okay then, let's go back!
It's better to announce today's good news to the people at the base, otherwise, no matter how long it takes, I think we will not be able to suppress those people. "

"Uh, Li Na, did all those people in Taco Space sacrificed before?
I mean he captured our teammates who were on missions before. "

These few people were silent, and no one spoke.

Finally, Zhao Ye patted her on the shoulder: "Honey, you can't save everyone, and this is their fate.

Don't feel uncomfortable, but it's just those high-level zombies and high-level supernatural beings who escaped.

Maybe if it is too far away from Taco, it may be less controlled, right?

Look at how many we have wiped out today. These high-level zombies and high-level supernatural beings were all human before the end of the world! "

"Oh..." Although I understand this truth, it is so tragic to lose so many people all at once.

Han Zhennuo still couldn't accept it for a while, even now Han Zhennuo's heart was still beating violently.

It seems that everyone easily defeated Taco.

However, everyone knows what a huge price we have paid.

What's more, Taco didn't die either, but just temporarily hid in his space to recuperate.

"Mo Shen, send that woman Jia Ningxiao to the research institute to see if she can research something of value.

This can be regarded as that woman made up for it a little bit. "

When he first entered the base, Mo Yan said
"Well, that's exactly what I mean." Mo Shen's expression was indifferent.

Although these people appear to be in good spirits, in fact, they all suffered internal injuries to varying degrees.
The most seriously injured was Xiao Ye who was the main battler.

"My wife, these are all for you." As soon as he arrived at the residence, Zhao Ye gave the gift he had shared to his wife.

"Husband, are you really giving it to me? Don't you think that maybe there is such a special treasure here!"

Han Chunnuo bared his teeth and smiled.

"I never believed in these things, but if there is a real chance, if you get the wife, don't I get it?
What is the difference between us?What's more, if there is any chance, then you need it even more.

And I just need to be strong myself. "

That's right, Zhao Ye's original ability is strong enough.

There is really no need to use some external embellishments.

"Hee hee, my husband, I'll wash these up in a while, try it out.

But since this kind of thing who can say it well!
I don't know if Han Xiaochen's words have any meaning?Is there really something good in here!

I wish there was a large storage space in there for you.

It feels like the space ring in your hand is too small, and it is not very convenient for you to go out many times! "

"What do you want to miss about that kind of dead thing? It's a treasure?" Zhao Ye sneered.

He could feel somewhere that his wife's intimacy with this treasure was much higher than his.

This is like what Mo Shen said to himself that day, sometimes some people are born with good luck.

And as a couple, if the other party has good luck, it means that their overall luck is very good!

And Zhao Ye also deeply agrees with this point of view.

He did feel that after meeting his wife, his luck has always been very good.

Going out and doing missions is almost always beneficial, and my ability has been growing very fast and solid.

"Hmph! You're the only one who is upright and virtuous, okay? If you have good things, you don't want them anymore.

But even I can't say which of these will be treasures. "

With a wave of his hand, Han Xinuo put all these things into the space.

Han Zhennuo curled his lips, it seems that there should be no treasures in these, right?

Didn't it mean that treasures shouldn't fit into the space?

"What's the matter, baby, look, you can hang an oil pot with your pouty mouth!"

Zhao Ye laughed at his wife's pitiful and disappointed look.

"Husband, I think this pile of things we collected may just be ordinary items.

There will be no golden fingers. "

"What are you thinking, wife!" Zhao Ye took out his big palm and rubbed her head
"Original chances are something that can be encountered but not sought after, but these things may become good training materials in the future.

After all, it's just that kind of thunder, even the fire can't burn it! "

"Well, I hope so!" Han Zhennuo curled his lips.

I stretched hard again, really tired.

"Husband, I'm so tired, I'm going to take a bath, take a good bubble!"

"You go, I'll go take a good bubble bath in a while too!
But I still have to hold a meeting for the regiment.

There are many things that need to be told to the team members, although the group of zombies outside has withdrawn.

But that doesn't mean we're safe. "

"Well, you can go, but now is when Mo's may be safe, is there still a safe time?"

Han Qinuo shook his head and ran directly to the bathroom
This took out the essential oil that Han Xiaochen had given him before, and the dried roses, and filled them with warm hot water into the bath.

(⊙o⊙) Wow...

Just soaking in the bath like this, all the fine hairs on this body are dancing, it is really so comfortable!
Zhao Ye couldn't help laughing, he could feel his exuberance through the door.

This is really...

Forget it, who made me work hard!
"My wife, don't soak for too long. After soaking, you should have a good sleep. I guess, many people will come to you for treatment again."

These people in this base have been insane for so long.

But if he ran out suddenly, he might have to seek abuse again.

After all, for a while, the zombies outside seem to have upgraded again!
Why!Why does it feel that the human beings are not as fast as the zombies and mutated animals in growing their abilities!

Now there are not many human beings left, but those outside.

This wiped out one crop and another crop...


"Xiao Ye, how are you? Are you feeling better now?
This internal injury is really fatal. "

Li Na returned to her small villa, still treating Xiao Ye's internal injuries with the power of light
After such a short period of time, her ability has been exhausted.

But Xiao Ye's face was still as pale as paper, and he could clearly feel it.

The effect of this treatment is not good!

(End of this chapter)

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