Chapter 383
"Li Na, I don't want to hide it from you, I've only recovered [-]% now.

And the healing ability of your light element is the best and strongest. "

Xiao Ye frowned, the human body is too bad.

"In this way, I will call all the healing power users in the base, and let them heal your injuries one by one with healing power.

You are my factory for the sake of the base. Without you, these people would be imprisoned here! "

Mo Shen said directly
"Is this a bit too much, let all the healing powers come over!"

Xiao Ye hesitated
"What's the matter? You are the deputy leader of this base, and they have to listen to us.

As for me, I will go to my space to search for it, and when their energy is exhausted, let's use some things in the space.

But to be honest, these healing powers are still useful for healing injuries. "

Li Na said bluntly, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, those people enjoy protection and peace.

Naturally, you have to pay when you have to pay.

And let them know how much Xiao Ye has paid for them for the peace of the base?
"Then wife, go back to the space to recuperate, and I'll call those who heal abilities right away.

The ones outside have just been disbanded, and I've been watching them here for a while.

It is estimated that someone will be eager to move. "

Mo Shen waved to his wife.

"Then husband, be careful, you want to go back, you inform me.

I have to go back to the space and sleep for a while, I can't rest outside here. "

Li Na is also very weak now, after all, it is no fun to run out of power.

She entered the space in a flash and soaked it in the Lingquan.


Han Xiaochen was driving the car, and he didn't know where he was going.

The only thing she should be content with is that her own car is definitely well equipped.

Even later, some good things were obtained from the base for this car, and it was re-equipped again.

This is basically the car if it is not a zombie above level 10.

It's totally impossible to attack
Although there will be some zombies above level 10, they are still in the minority after all.

But it's been a long time since I've been on a mission alone, and now the urban area is apart from zombies and those mutated animals and plants.

Almost all the usable supplies were packed away by the various mercenary groups.

Han Xiaochen didn't know what he was going to do here, and felt that the road was quite congested, so he got out of the car.

Directly waved and threw the car into the space.

I started walking. The protective clothing that Li Na gave herself was indeed very convenient.

This ensures that you don't have to be injured by those unsuspecting accidents.

My own strength is still not strong enough, when will I be strong, don't worry about my secret being discovered by others!
Such capable protective clothing is obviously like something from the cultivation world, but he has the guts to give it to him.

As for myself, I don't have the guts, not even the so-called ability to purify crystal nuclei, to tell everyone how I did it.

Han Xiaochen sighed softly, and now she doesn't care about the zombies coming towards her at all.

Just waved the Tang knife and came one by one, and those zombies moved their heads directly.

She has no plans to put on the invisibility cloak for herself, otherwise the zombies would not be able to find her
Han Xiaochen came out alone, but for some reason, he felt that there was an evil fire in his heart that he couldn't get out.

And now these zombies just happened to be a punching bag for her to vent her anger on.

In a short time, she almost killed all the zombies in this area.

Some even suffered a slight loss of intelligence, and even ran away.


Han Xiaochen was slightly taken aback, it's a pity, he can't let go of those zombies who are a little bit wiser

I used to be too kind, but what happened?
Not all the people in Taco Space died in the end.

Rather than...

But even now, I still can't be cruel, and really blew up that space under the circumstances at that time.

Of the many people there, only Bao Jingming and himself were rescued, and it brought such a huge loss and crisis to the base.

Han Xiaochen took a breath and took advantage of the space, gathered all these funerals together and threw them out.

Use a knife to pry open the crystal nuclei one by one, and put them away, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

Then sprinkle gasoline on it, and throw a lighter directly into the space in an instant.

The burning smell of the joke is also very bad,
Han Xiaochen quietly watched the huge pile of zombies burning again in the space.

I don't know if there are some strange discoveries after all this pile is burned up!
A few mutated cats are eagerly coming over here!

The fat and strong one over there is as big as that chubby little piggy.

But their sharp eyes and long bloody paws clearly tell you that they are a group of out-and-out cold-blooded killers!

The higher the level of this mutated animal, the more animal instinct it has.

With so many zombies dead, none of the eager ones dared to come over there.

Han Xiaochen looked at them playfully in the space.

Yimao over there only made two noises, and somehow ran away too.

Han Xiaochen twitched his lips, it's really boring, isn't even the cat willing to keep it for himself to practice?

But my hands are really itchy!

She vomited for a while, and that pile also burned to ashes.

Han Xiaochen came out with a blower that was more than twice the size of the hair dryer in the space.

Open the maximum gear and rush towards the group of ashes.

Sure enough, there were some things left in it, probably gold, silver, diamonds and emeralds.

However, you can’t ask for jadeite, there is no other way, this jadeite is afraid of fire, and diamonds are not very good when encountering fire.

Of course, if there are really valuable ones, such as glass-type jadeite or top-notch large diamonds.

It can't be hidden from Han Xiaochen's real eye, she will definitely show it before.

Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are, and Han Xiaochen doesn't dislike them.

Take out a piece of animal skin of a mutated rabbit and pack these things together.

Curly and curly, I threw it into the space first.

There was nothing here, so Han Xiaochen got out the motorcycle directly, and rode the motorcycle to the bank.

Maybe the bank will slip through the net, anyway, I just came here to practice, even if I don't have anything, I don't feel bad.

The start of the motorcycle attracted some zombies, but they were all low-level ones.

Han Xiaochen can use the space blade from the air to wipe out the unavoidable ones that are coming towards him.

Now this urban area is too desolate, and it has become a veritable dead city.

Who would have thought that this place was the capital of Dongsheng Kingdom before!
Han Xiaochen shot with the eyes of reality first, and there was indeed no one alive in this bank.

Otherwise, she sneered again, this is real life, not a novel.

No matter how powerful the supernatural being is, he doesn't have the perverted hobby of surviving in this occupied area!

Not many people rummaged through this bank, but Han Xiaochen was not too polite.

Go straight to the bank's most confidential safe deposit box.

Now that his mental power is strong, he still has a space blade
It is easy to break open these safes.

Not to mention, there are quite a few gold, silver and jewelry in full bloom here.

(End of this chapter)

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