Chapter 384

Of course, these were all scraped off by Han Xiaochen unceremoniously.

For some reason, Han Xiaochen even put away those paper-based documents that seemed to be important documents.

Some of them are housing title deeds, and some are actually important technical information.

Han Xiaochen thinks that this thing may be used in the future, maybe it is!

Perhaps it is true that gold, silver and jewelry are not very valuable nowadays.

Although these can also be used in exchange for food, no younger brother is willing to take the risk to come to the city center to search for these banks.

But, Han Xiaochen's mental strength is not perfect.

There are some, and the safe cannot be opened no matter what.

Han Xiaochen smashed his tongue, seeing that the encryption measures of these safes are still so good.

But something quite important to some people.

That being the case, Han Xiaochen twitched the corners of his mouth, waved his hands and put them all into the space.

Her behavior now is like locusts crossing the border, leaving no armor anywhere.

That's right, these things are really of no great use.

For some teams, this kind of place-taking and little value is directly ignored.

But who gave Han Xiaochen a space that can be placed infinitely!
Even so, Han Xiaochen was exhausted after collecting all the safes.

Han Xiaochen sat here to rest for a while, and absorbed Jing Ke for a while before feeling better.

But he felt something was wrong, this could be regarded as a well-known bank in the Imperial City.

It stands to reason that they should have a more secret secret room here.

Han Xiaochen used the real eye to see through it carefully again.

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen felt that there was a bigger safe on the opposite side.

Since there was no one here, Han Xiaochen threw a grenade with a little bit of nuclear energy at it.

Of course, Han Xiaochen also entered his own space in an instant.

What a joke, my own flesh and blood can't stand it!

Such a big movement in this bank has also attracted the attention of many beings in this fallen city.

One of the tall and handsome men slowly opened his bloodthirsty eyes in a villa.

"Ha ha……

Goose plucking...


The man slowly closed his eyes again, probably because he felt that Han Xiaochen was not worth letting him go out.

What's more, he couldn't feel Han Xiaochen's breath while feeling the explosion.

Han Xiaochen was also a little ashamed, he actually completely blew up the wall.

And the rows of safes inside were shining brightly into her eyes.

This weapon is really easy to use!

It's just that Han Xiaochen has already felt in the space that there is a lot of energy gathering here.

It seems that his explosion was so loud that he attracted big guys again.

When Han Xiaochen came out of the space, he immediately teleported to the safe and waved his hand, and entered the space with the safe.

It seems that I should rest in this space for a while, haha...

But I'm really curious, what kind of stuff will come to see me?

Sure enough, a group of advanced zombies came first.

Yoho, it's quite important for these things, there are actually several zombies in this group, all of them are at level eight or nine.

This is the awesome rhythm that can wipe out those ordinary teams!
In fact, if these zombies come out less, you can also come out and fight them

But if there are so many now, forget it.

Han Xiaochen is so beautiful in the space. After taking a bath, he brought a lot of delicious food, and observed the situation outside while eating.

The group of zombies didn't know what was wrong, but they refused to leave.

After a while, many mutated animals that looked like corpse turtles appeared again.

The mutated animals are still alive, but have you ever seen a two-meter-long corpse?

Immediately afterwards, the zombie fought with the corpse beetle
All kinds of abilities flew around, hitting this zombie, which was obviously not the opponent of the corpse.

Well, just before that, the corpse weeter was a terrible insect.

Although it is not as powerful as it is said in the Tomb Raiders Notes.

But as long as it is an animal they are targeting, it will soon be turned into water by their drug addiction.

And when human beings encounter them, it will be bloody bad luck.

The scene in front of him was like purgatory.

It really became a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood again, Han Xiaochen curled his lips, and decided to sit here and watch the tigers fight.

I didn't go to that meeting to hang out anymore, hehe, when they are almost finished fighting, I will make a profit for myself.

Just these two crystal nuclei that exist on my body are very greedy!
And these two fighting methods can also be used for reference.

"Hey, boss, let's run!" A young man screamed.

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows, heh!Is it possible that someone still comes here to cut off the bullshit?
My luck is really bad, but are they sure they can deal with the existence in front of them?

And then Han Xiaochen was fortunate enough to see all kinds of human supernatural powers indiscriminately, as well as the scene of various hot and cold weapons fighting.

"Run? Can't run anymore? Prepare to fight."

One of them was a man who was tall and tall, his muscles were tense, but his body was depleted of flesh and blood.

It can be clearly seen that it is their head. With a clear eye, one can see that this man's fighting power is very extraordinary, and his body is full of evil spirits.

If it weren't for the death and loss of too many people in his hands, this person would not have such a strong evil spirit.

Even though his face was covered with blood, he could still tell that this man had a face like a knife and an axe.

Not to mention this man's sinister eyes, which make people tremble just by looking at them.

What kind of eyes are those?It's like the millennium-old ice, fierce and untainted by any emotion.

What this man is clearly saying is that I am not easy to mess with, and whoever dares to mess with me, I will instantly make them ashamed.

But it is obvious that the opponent they are facing now is even stronger.

This man also lost his strength.

But even so, Han Xiaochen didn't plan to come out of the space and make a move.

The situation is too chaotic now, if you do it yourself, you may lose your life.

This wave of people is too greedy.

"Give me an organized and slow push, you go there, fatty, you go there.

As for me, after breaking up here..."

The man's voice sounded like a cold spring.

Han Xiaochen is also very anxious, if he throws a big special grenade outside, all these outside can be wiped out, but there are human beings with supernatural powers.

I'm not that ruthless, but the situation outside is too tragic now.

If you go out by yourself, it is also the rhythm of death!

This wave of people!

Han Xiaochen silently ordered a spicy stick for this group of people in his heart.
Even more frightening things happened, but they were not actually frightening.

This kind of thing should be said to be very common in the last days, but Han Xiaochen couldn't accept it.

This man full of evil spirit directly threw a seriously injured wooden supernatural being next to him.

It was torn up and thrown into this place where the zombies are dense.

Sure enough, this method of attracting zombies worked well, giving them time to retreat.

Although several supernatural beings were killed, they were still allowed to escape after all.
And those supernatural beings who were caught one step behind were instantly torn to pieces by the high-level zombies and cadavers.

(End of this chapter)

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