Chapter 387
Han Xiaochen dared to guarantee that the boss who went to the world that day was definitely not right.

It can't be human, but what is it?Zombies don't mean that this interface doesn't have apocalyptic atmosphere.

Could it be some ghosts or something?
Don't you say that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they are not allowed to become elites?

Forget it, don't care, anyway, the monster is gone, and the things on this interface have nothing to do with me.

Han Xiaochen believed that someone had often said to himself before.

Say what is none of your business.

If you manage things indiscriminately, you may hurt yourself and mess up many things.

Han Xiaochen sighed: "Li Jiachen, are you there? Help me order some fresh blood from various animals in vacuum packaging.

I am useful! "

"Well, this is easy to handle." Li Jiachen was in a meeting at this time.

But as soon as he received Han Xiaochen's call, he immediately came out.

"But does it have to be fresh? Do you want the kind that can be vacuum-packed directly after slaughter?"

"Yes, I want that kind. You have to pack it up and put it in a fixed place for me, and I will collect it."

After Han Xiaochen finished speaking, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

If I want this thing myself, will people mistake me for a vampire?

Li Jiachen didn't think about these messes, "Hehe, now this forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

Two hours and two hours later, I had these delivered to Warehouse 1. "

"Well, you sounded like you were busy just now, go get busy!"

Han Xiaochen hung up the phone directly
The mood is not very beautiful now, so Han Xiaochen came to a hot spring where he can relax.

Here is one of the most top service.

Of course, Han Xiaochen felt a little uncomfortable about being raped by a man, and what he wanted was a woman.

Not to mention the top service is good.

Han Xiaochen monopolizes a luxurious pool

That's the service lady, she has a great figure and looks.

His facial features are really exquisite, even the corners of his eyes are amorous.

Not to mention the bulging figure.

And even when they saw that their employer, Han Xiaochen, was female, they didn't show any displeasure at all.

Han Xiaochen climbed up after soaking for 40 minutes.

Holding a glass of top-quality red wine in one hand, he drank it slowly while enjoying it.

The services of super beautiful women of this top vIp.

Not to mention that the woman pressed her quite comfortably.

Han Xiaochen silently wondered if he would go back to the base and see if this ordinary woman had a good massage technique.

If there is, it would be nice to let her massage herself and relax herself.

And that kind of ordinary people, if you want to hire them, it's 10 cents cheaper, as long as you give them these two big steamed buns, everything will be solved!

The only feeling is that the beauty behind her is a little bit bad.

This is the kind of famous plastic surgery girl.

This woman's eyes, nose, mouth, even chin.

They all used knives.

Even the breasts and buttocks were made, and even the ribs were taken out of the waist.

These people are crazy for beauty.

Han Xiaochen could even foresee that this woman's body would collapse rapidly after 30 or [-] years.

"Beautiful lady, your figure is really good, and how do you maintain your skin.

It's crystal clear, just like the shelled egg. "

Wang Lili couldn't help sighing while giving Han Xiaochen a massage.

The girl's skin in front of her is so good, it's not even worse than that of a newborn baby.

Besides, there's not a single blemish that can be seen from top to bottom
"Hehe, I said I was born with it, do you believe it?"

Han Xiaochen smiled, who doesn't like to hear something nice.

Even Han Xiaochen is like this!
"You are not bad, I think you have a delicate face, just like the big star on TV.

What about this figure!That's even more so.

You see, you look bulging where you should be, and you are thin where you should be thin! "

Wang Lili's smile continued unabated, and the work in hand never stopped.

"Beautiful lady, I am far behind you.

You said that I have had knives all over my body and plastic surgery.

It's too hard to earn money nowadays.For someone like me who has no education, no culture, and no good looks, if I don't treat myself harder, I will struggle to live!

Now that the economy is bad, it's even harder to find a job. "

"Ah?" Han Xiaochen was surprised now. In fact, the plastic surgery cost a lot of money.

Wang Lili could tell what Han Xiaochen was thinking at a glance?
"As for me, my massage techniques are inherited from my ancestors.

I dare not say the whole country, at least in our city, my massage techniques and intensity are absolutely one-on-one.

It happened that I was in poor shape and ugly in appearance, and it was even difficult for me to survive!

Actually, I don’t tell you, you know, it’s like this top-level hot spring club.

Behind the scenes, it's normal for some indescribable things to happen to this customer and our massage staff.

As for me, neither men nor women are willing to hire me, just because I don’t look good for one reason.

Later, a new beauty salon opened, but there were no customers.

In order to attract customers and advertise, they say they are willing to give people free plastic surgery and plastic surgery.

Just that made 5 places.

It just so happened that my boss knew that my craft was good, so he directly recommended it to me.

At that time!I have also struggled mentally for a long time, but I thought that if it is not beautiful enough without plastic surgery, eating will become a problem.

Gritting my teeth, I did it. You don't know that I have succeeded with these 5 free ones.

Just those 4, they made them look like ghosts! "

Wang Lili also felt scared when she said this.

"Actually, forget it, I won't say it!"

Han Xiaochen heard that he must work in this kind of place?Or go somewhere else.

To put it bluntly, it is still easy to make money here.

Especially since she has the appearance of such a top-notch beauty, and her ancestral craftsmanship is good.

I can definitely make some deals with some big guys behind the scenes.

To put it bluntly, this woman still wants to be vain and worship money.

"I know what you're thinking if you don't tell me, but I don't care.

Speaking of plastic surgery, I can imagine that after decades of this body, there will definitely be serious side effects.

But so what, at least I have been brilliant and likable.

Miss, just looking at your background is very good, you don't know how uneducated and ugly women like us who come from other places or the lower class survive.

Although I sell some now, the ones I get are enough for my future retirement.

Rather than suffer poverty and hardship all my life, I would rather turn into a beautiful butterfly.

At least you can live freely and unrestrainedly when you are young. "

"Everyone has their own ideas and choices. I think it's fine as long as you feel happy."

This Wang Lili spoke out her occupation and the things behind her in a panic.

Han Xiaochen really admires this person, a cheerful woman who occasionally works as a part-time worker.

Who says it has to be annoying?

It is said that flies do not bite seamless eggs, you can't blame the existence of flies in this world, you can only say that there is a problem with the big itself.

"Yeah, I feel very happy right now, I have the money to send my daughter to that kind of noble school.

I can also buy a beautiful house for my daughter, and the family may even hire a driver to satisfy my daughter's big vanity.

Let her live a small life like a little princess. "

(End of this chapter)

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