Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 388 On the Importance of Mentality and the Great Mother

Chapter 388 On the Importance of Mentality and the Great Mother

"You are a good mother!" Han Xiaochen's eyes were a little moist.

This masseuse may not be a good woman in the traditional sense.

But just from what she said to her, it can be felt that her daughter is very happy.

"Hehe! What a good mother I am!
I ignored everyone's opposition at the beginning, regardless of my daughter's inability to have a complete family.

After confinement, I divorced my husband.

But now that my reputation returns to our countryside, people will throw rotten eggs at me.

But I don't regret it, instead of being humiliated for the rest of my life in the countryside, even the daughter I gave birth to will be disliked by the family all the time.

I might as well choose to live comfortably in this present day!

Of course I hid my daughter very well. I lied to me. My daughter said that I was a manager in a place.

Can earn more than 2 yuan a month! "

Wang Lili didn't expect that she would chat with a beautiful little girl for so long today.

Of course, the main reason is that she has been doing this for so many years.

She can clearly feel, what attitude does this customer have towards her?
And the customer in front of her didn't have the slightest bit of disdain or rejection towards her.

Even with a trace of respect for himself.

It's been so many years, it seems that no one has had this kind of respect for me since I can remember.

Even her own daughter has very little respect for herself.

"I think it's not bad for you to do this, sometimes ignorance is a different kind of happiness!
Your massage technique is very good, I feel very comfortable and relaxed.

I think if your technique is to remain so good, there will be no shortage of customers in the future.

But I think it's better for you to save more money, the best, and buy some properties.

After all, I think this money is getting harder and harder to earn.

But for a woman or even a mother.

As long as you always have money in your pocket, you can live comfortably and save face forever! "

According to this woman, no matter how good her massage techniques are, she will not be able to serve these high-end customers if her face is not pretty.

Well, to put it bluntly, this woman is considered to be a youth.

Of course, this does not rule out that when middle-aged and old age, there will be those who just want to find someone with a particularly good technique to give him a massage.

But no matter what, the money she made at that time was definitely not as much as when she was young and beautiful.

"I know about this, let me tell you secretly, I have already saved a lot of money.

A while ago, I had secretly bought a small shop.

But I don’t have it yet, I plan to go into business, after all, it’s very difficult to start a business at the beginning, I can’t make money without thankless work, and now there are so many.

But that's a way out for me, isn't it? "

Wang Lili blinked her eyes, this is indeed a quick way to make money.

"Hehe, that's good! But you can stop, my time is up, and there are other things to leave here?"

Han Xiaochen felt that the time was almost up, so he stood up.

"Well, welcome to come again next time." Wang Lili helped Han Xiaochen tidy up very skillfully.

It's been a long time since I served such a well-behaved female customer who respects me very much.
It stands to reason that the massage master and the customer are considered equal.

But this massage shop wants to add some unspeakable, even not very legal, little content to this place.

"This is a tip for you. Goodbye." Han Xiaochen took out a few hundred yuan bills from his bag and put them down for Wang Lili.

"Miss, you don't need it, this tip is actually...


Wang Lili felt that she was facing such a pure girl, and now she felt a little speechless.

"I'm tipping you because I think your massage technique is very good, and I feel very comfortable, nothing else.

I know that no matter who comes to this store, you have to tip.

Otherwise, I won't break the rules. Goodbye. When I have a chance, I will order you to give me a massage. Your technique is really good! "

Han Xiaochen waved to the woman with a smile, packed up and went out.

Li Lili counted some money after watching Han Xiaochen walk out of here completely.

God, this little girl really is a veritable Bai Fumei.

I even gave myself a tip of 2600, which is auspicious enough, I really like it!

Han Xiaochen sighed for a while in the car.

This woman is actually a very unfortunate woman, even worse than her biological mother.

But this woman is so optimistic and treats her daughter very well.

But what about his biological mother?It is how to live in the state of complaining every day.

And how does he treat himself as his punching bag every day!

Why!Han Xiaochen, what's wrong with you?Why do you think of that woman who should have been forgotten long ago.

Han Xiaochen shook his head fiercely, hoping to shake off the thoughts just now.

The car drove for less than 1 minute, and Han Xiaochen arrived at the destination.

But even though she had already controlled Li Jiachen herself, when Dao Han Xiaochen collected the blood, she still looked left and right to make sure that there were no cameras here at all.

Only after entering this warehouse, these fresh animal bloods, which were vacuum-packed, were collected into the space.

Of course, Han Xiaochen had already thought about the role of these fresh blood.

This is a universal baby!
If people are hungry, they can take the blood outside to coagulate, and then make various delicacies.

This is going out for a mission, you can use it to attract zombies.

When the time comes, the zombies will gather together, enduring a grenade with an electric property and going down.

Then it's not too fun to deal with zombies!

Soon, Han Xiaochen collected all the animal blood prepared by Li Jiachen.

And went to the next warehouse to collect those supplies.

Han Xiaochen sometimes wonders if he is a porter between the two realms!
I have brought wealth to this interface, and also stimulated the farmers in this interface to grow more grain.

And in that interface, I brought them the urgently needed rations to survive!

There are many people who say meritorious deeds, but this is also considered meritorious deeds, right?

Count yourself as doing this in the form of doing business.

But this does not mean that it will not benefit the common people?

After all the supplies were collected, it was already dark.

Han Xiaochen went to a top seafood restaurant and had a feast.

Although the seafood in this interface is not so good, but it is cooked by a chef with a characteristic and a taste.

After all, no matter how delicious the food made in the kitchen of this space is, if you eat the same kind of food every day, it will make you want to vomit, okay?

"Hey, let's make it clear, who will invite us for this meal!"

Han Xiaochen ate in the lobby of this hotel this time.

Han Xiaochen usually feels that he is too lonely and has no companions.

So, even if the single room is great!
She is not interested in locking herself in a room to eat

No matter what, there will always be more people in the lobby of this hotel, and it will also make it appear that she is not that lonely.

Isn't that right, the horse is coming in front of me, two women and one man, come to eat at the table in front of me

The one who spoke just now was a beautiful but slightly mean girl.

It was obvious that when she spoke, she was addressing that tall, refined man.

(End of this chapter)

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