Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 389 Someone behind?

Chapter 389 Someone behind?

"Who pays, of course..."

The man's voice was very crisp and pleasant.

But later, he made a twist of this statement, which seemed to be nonsense.

"As a man, you should pay for it!"

Liu Chunhong said as it should.

However, Mo Qinghan raised the corners of his lips slightly, and glanced at Liu Chunhong with a half-smile.

He obviously came to pursue her best friend.

But this woman insisted on coming over with a stern face.

"Of course it's AA!"

"Hey, aren't you?

You, a big man, said that your family is still a small business owner!
I didn't expect you to be a man with a lot of gold and jade.

Those who come out to eat and ask for AA are all scumbags.

Xiaoya, let's go, this man is not good!
You don't really like this scum who only eats soft food from women, do you? "

Han Xiaochen frowned after hearing what she said.

This woman's words are really ugly, is she a scumbag when she comes out to eat and asks for AA?
You don't have to eat if you don't like it, haven't they ordered food yet?
"Don't don't, Qinghan, don't mind! Chunhong is used to joking with people.

As for the meal, don't worry about the two of you, I'm treating you today, and I'm the host. "

Lin Xiaoya is 28 years old this year. Her father is the owner of a clothing company and her mother is a university professor. She is a proper Bai Fumei!

"Hehe, you're still sensible, Xiaoya!"

Mo Qinghan didn't think there was anything wrong with letting Lin Xiaoya, the woman she pursued, come to treat her to dinner?
He took off his suit and draped it on the chair, and even loosened the cuffs of his own suit.

There is quite a posture of going to a big fight.

"I don't agree, why? Why? Xiaoya, it's not easy for you to make money!

What's wrong with the man now?Why are they all scum?

You can't even afford a meal, what kind of girl do you want to chase after?

You still said that you run a company at home, you didn't expect that! "

Liu Chunhong raised her head provocatively, her eyes were full of wild and provocative light.

Han Xiaochen frowned, why does he feel that the woman who is always jumping around has no good intentions!

Is this a blatant prying corner?This woman should be playing hard to get.

Come on purpose to get that man's attention.

But the man looked polite, but Han Xiaochen could feel it when he saw the man's eyes that were as deep as water.

That man is not a thing in the pool, nor is it that mean woman who provoked him twice.

She can take it down with a little trick.

"Hehe, Liu Chunhong and I have a good relationship with Xiaoya, if we go on a date again, who pays the money and how does it matter to you?
I don't think a man must pay for the meal, right?

Why can't this woman buy it! "

"You, Mo Qinghan, I really didn't expect that!

Just like you, a handsome and dog-like man who likes to eat soft food and take advantage of women! "

Liu Chunhong, this woman is still flamboyant

"Okay, okay, you two stop fighting, I'm starving to death!"

Lin Xiaoya frowned, what is her colleague Liu Chunhong going to do?

Lin Xiaoya called softly, and the service lady came over.

"Miss, here is the order card!"

"Well, give me this and this.

Mo Qinghan, I know you don't like spicy food, but you like to eat it in its original flavor.

How about some salmon for you? "

"Yes" Mo Qinghan kowtowed gently.

"Liu Chunhong, didn't you say you wanted to eat hairy crabs last time? So let me order you two king crabs?"

"Where are two king crabs enough, do you think I'm a bird?
What's the matter, there must be 10 of them.

Also, how could it be possible for Mr. Mo to really ask you to pay the bill!
I mean right?
Mr. Mo Qinghan! "

Mo Qinghan just smiled and said nothing, this restaurant was originally his property.

But well!hehe……

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows, thinking it was quite amusing.

As far as the meals at this restaurant are concerned, every dish is not cheap!
I just ordered four dishes and one soup, which cost me 9 yuan.

However, the ingredients here are delicious enough and the quantity is large enough.

What the chef cooks is indeed authentic, reflecting the umami taste of the ingredients themselves.

But that woman who obviously wants to eat her head, I don't know what will happen in the end!
Han Xiaochen felt that if he was a man, such a woman would definitely not want her even if he gave him a backlash.

It's really annoying!
But isn't he too busy now, how can he read other people's jokes with great interest?
You still concentrate on eating well, right?
How long has it been since I tasted this top-notch food in such a beautiful environment!

"Hey! What's going on with your shop? You're a black shop that costs 2 yuan for just this one dish of lobster!"

Liu Chunhong couldn't help screaming again
"I've said everything about Chunhong, I've invited you to this meal, and this is the best seafood restaurant in our city.

And the price is the most reasonable, let me tell you, the lobsters are all airlifted from Australia! "

Lin Xiaoya pulled her colleague in embarrassment
"Hey! Mo Qinghan, I think the food sold in this shop is too expensive and dark.

It's almost like a black shop, do you agree with me?

Somehow the price of the food here is so dark.

Why didn't the price bureau come to check?Could it be that there is someone behind this boss?
If this is the case, then this shop and the umbrella behind it are considered illegal, right? "

Liu Chunhong's words were full of provocation.

"Hehe, Xiaoya, come and taste this lobster. Just 10 minutes ago, this lobster was still alive and kicking!"

Mo Qinghan gently clamped the lobster in front of Lin Xiaoya with ice cubes.

The tone of this speech is simply extremely gentle.

"Hey, Mo Qinghan, what are you doing? Didn't Xiaoya stop talking? She already has a crush on a man, no matter what, you have no chance."

For some reason, Liu Chunhong's eyes turned red.

"Hehe, to answer your question just now, I don't know if this store is a black one.

But this store is top-notch in every aspect in this city, whether it is taste, taste or hygienic environment.

And do you know how much it costs to airlift the lobster directly from abroad?

Miss, you don't understand anything, please don't talk nonsense.

Our country will have severe punishment for defamation.

I think you are slandering the businessmen who do business, or slandering the cadres of our country.

You are not very clear about this crime, are you? "

Mo Qinghan looked at Liu Chunhong with so complicated eyes.

Ha ha……

Is this woman Liu Chunhong here to seduce him?

Ha ha……

Liu Chunhong's method of seducing her is simply too old-fashioned.

This appearance is still fresh and tender, but it's a pity that it's not my own food.

"Mo Qinghan, what Liu Chunhong said is what I want to say, there is really no possibility for us!
I love my cousin, and my cousin loves me, even if it's...

But I'll keep going with him. "

"Hmph, Mo Qinghan has so many good girls in this world, why do you just like girls who have someone in their heart!

If it's not good for me, I will temporarily be your girlfriend for a few days, so that you can relax! "

Liu Chunhong just looked like Mo Qinghan took advantage of her.

Han Xiaochen was dumbfounded at the time, even if it was a divine turn, it didn't turn so fast.

Are girls nowadays so bold and direct?

(End of this chapter)

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