Chapter 390

But Mo Qinghan, who was the person involved, just smiled sarcastically.

"Haha! Liu Chunhong, your fucking head is not flooded!"

Sure enough, although Liu Chunhong's so-called aggressive method attracted the attention of the handsome man, it was a pity that the handsome man regarded her as a wishful thinking psychopath.

"Hey, Mo Qinghan, what are you talking about? What's wrong with me?

You don't like me who is single, but you prefer that woman who has a master.

Lin Xiaoya, didn't you say that you don't love Mo Qinghan, but you have always regarded Mo Qinghan as your brother and as a friend of the opposite sex? "

Liu Chunhong's face immediately turned red to the base of her ears.

She was really pissed off, she made up her mind to use an alternative method to confess her love, but Mo Qinghan slapped her in the face without hesitation.

Lin Xiaoya suddenly felt a headache, but if Mo Qinghan was with Liu Chunhong first

And if I really can't get together with my cousin, I might.

You can even go back to Mo Qinghan's side!

It is obvious that Lin Xiaoya regards Mo Qinghan as a spare tire:
"Brother Qinghan, Chunhong just likes to joke, but she is actually quite a nice person.

Or you..."

"Haha, Lin Xiaoya, what's the matter? Are you free to worry about which woman I sleep with in bed?"

Mo Qinghan's voice immediately turned bad, it was as cold as an ice cellar.

"Hee hee, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Mo Qinghan was just joking with you!
We are kidding you! "Liu Chunhong can also be regarded as flexible.

Mo Qinghan glanced at Lin Xiaoya with a little disappointment.
This is the girl I like, and I don't want that girl to be a sister to me.

But suddenly Mo Qinghan's cold eyes noticed it.

Han Xiaochen, who was sitting at the table behind them, looked at him with great interest.

Mo Qinghan's face turned dark at that time, did he become a monkey being teased on the stage?
The little girl was very excited to watch the three of them playing monkey games for free!

"Interesting? You think our performance is okay!"

Just as Han Xiaochen lowered his head and drank the red wine, Mo Qinghan came to him coldly.

"Pfft..." Han Xiaochen almost sprayed Mo Qinghan's body with a sip of wine

Although Mo Qinghan dodged leisurely, but his face was really fake, fortunately he had practiced before, otherwise.

Today this ugly thing is big enough.

"Cough cough cough" Han Xiaochen coughed uncontrollably after being startled by Mo Qinghan
"First, sir!! Cough cough cough

Don't you know that this person is scary and can scare people to death?
We shouldn't know each other, right? "

Mo Qinghan smiled meaningfully, and honestly picked up a chair.

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Qinghan with interest

Not to mention that the man in front of me is really eye-catching!

I just don't understand why that Lin Xiaoya just didn't like the man in front of me!
It shouldn't be said that he didn't know, why did that Lin Xiaoya just take this man in front of her as a spare tire?

Could it be that the man that the woman occupies now is better?
"Don't we know each other now? Mo Qinghan!"

Mo Qinghan's thin lips parted slightly, and the interest in Han Xiaochen's eyes could not be concealed.

"What? You can't empathize with me so quickly, can you!

Hahaha! "

Han Xiaochen couldn't help laughing before he finished speaking.

"Hehe, are you interested? Let's try dating!"

Mo Qinghan was also annoyed by Lin Xiaoya and Liu Chunhong today.

Especially that Liu Chunhong, who seemed to become that heinous scum if he didn't agree to her net's request.

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows, his eyes looked up and down at Mo Qinghan

It's like looking at an item.

But Mo Qinghan didn't mind, and seemed to puff out his chest, which seemed to mean to let Han Xiaochen see enough.

"How do you think my external conditions still meet your eyes?
I can introduce myself to you, I..."

"Mo Qinghan, what do you mean? Aren't you chasing Lin Xiaoya? What are you doing? Did you cheat for nothing? And in front of us!"

Just as Mo Qinghan was about to introduce himself, she was interrupted arbitrarily by this woman, Liu Chunhong.

Han Xiaochen seemed to feel that the woman named Liu Chunhong in front of him was full of deep malice towards him.

"Why does the little girl want to pry her off!
Where did you get the pheasant?If you see a man, hook it! "

"Crack!" There was a loud bang

Liu Chunhong suddenly felt her head buzzing.

The people and objects in front of him seemed to be shaking violently.

She touched the corner of her lower lip subconsciously.

"Ah!" Liu Chunhong screamed again.

She said why does her face hurt so much?The tooth was knocked out, and there is still a lot of blood on the hand, which should be from the face or the corner of the mouth.

"Waiter, why do you let cats and dogs in this restaurant.

Miss Ben is eating here, why is there a mad dog here, and Miss Ben is barking in front of her!
You should be monitored here, right?This woman came to provoke me first.


The corners of Han Xiaochen's lips curled slightly, and he shook the phone in his hand again.

Just now Liu Chunhong came over to provoke her, and even the words scolding herself were clearly recorded.


who are you?Even if my friend doesn't speak well, you can't call it like this, can you? "

Lin Xiaoya frowned, Liu Chunhong was a person who did more than fail.

"Hehe, what do you think? I don't know you two, I'm eating in a good way.

If you come forward and scold, I will make trouble, oh, I remembered, this kind of person should be sent to the police station to queue up. "

Han Xiaochen suddenly realized: "This is a legitimate defense, but it is also possible, a little too defensive.

This means that it is in your country, and this is what is said in foreign countries.

To be offended and insulted by strangers out of nowhere is possible to be beaten to death! "

Han Xiaochen stared, looking at Liu Chunhong as if looking at a dead person.

Damn it, this is going to be in the last days, who would insult me ​​like this in front of me.

I beat her already
Hou, Han Xiaochen, you slapped that girl hard enough.

I guess, I still have to get the teeth fixed first, and the concussion also needs to be treated for a while!
"Of course not, even a restaurant would not cover up such a customer who utters wild words and insults casually.

What's more, for a restaurant like Yehan, the customer group he originally faced was the educated customers from the upper class. "

The duty manager in a black suit wiped off his cold sweat, and trotted over.

"Really? That's good. Please invite this person out. This woman has seriously affected my meal."

Yes, Han Xiaochen came here to really consume.

And the woman Liu Chunhong just now really wanted to come and eat and drink.

But, you want to eat and drink, but the person who treats you is not very willing.

Although people are not short of money,
"Miss, if you don't order, please leave here.

If you order food, I'll change seats for you. "

Mo Qinghan didn't speak, but his expression was obviously partial to Han Xiaochen

The most important thing is that this guy is still looking at Han Xiaochen with great interest, he doesn't even move his butt, and he is still sitting opposite Han Xiaochen!

"Mo Qinghan, what do you mean? Why don't you speak? Don't you say you are a treat?"

Liu Chunhong couldn't bear this face immediately, she is still leaking when she speaks now!

I am a victim, but no one is willing to seek justice for myself.

(End of this chapter)

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