Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 391 Internal Power

Chapter 391 Internal Power
"I invite, I invite, Liu Chunhong, let's go over there to eat!

You really have to be more careful with what you say in the future, not everyone can be offended by us. "

Lin Xiaoya saw with her own eyes that Han Xiaochen, who had just beaten someone, had a rare dragon stone pendant hanging around his neck!

Just such a small pendant can probably be worth hundreds of millions. Is this kind of person a person who owns a ZTE company and can afford it?

But what do these top Bai Fumei think now, and occasionally a few come out to pretend, and the poor are willing to eat small stalls.

And even if you go to a big restaurant to eat, you don't go to the private room, but to the lobby.

Is it to experience life?I really can't figure it out!

Anyway, no matter what, the woman in front of me is something I can't afford
The woman just waved her hand lightly, and Liu Chunhong was beaten like this.

That means that the woman is a Lian family, and it is very likely that she is from the Gu Wu family.


I don't care, I must make this woman compensate, I want this woman to go to jail.

what!What's the matter, is it reasonable to hit someone?

This is what happened to the sentence I just said in public?Did I scold you?Did I name names? "

Liu Chunhong suddenly threw up

Mo Qinghan looked at Lin Xiaoya with a half-smile but said nothing.

Lin Xiaoya blushed, Liu Chunhong was too ashamed of herself.

What Mo Qinghan means is that what kind of companion is he meeting now?
"Liu Chunhong, let's go. I'll treat you to whatever you want, or I'll order a few more dishes for you, and we'll pack them up."

Lin Xiaoya is quite generous, this dish costs tens of thousands!
"Mate, what's so great about it, isn't it rich?

Ouch, ouch, I can't do it, I feel bad! "

Liu Chunhong was about to die of anger, feeling that she was too depressed today.

She suddenly remembered that when her grandma quarreled with her mother, how did her grandma clean up her mother?

Liu Chunhong thumped and lay on the ground, "Oh, oh, I can't do it anymore, I have a terrible headache and I'm still dizzy!"

"What's going on? What's going on!

How could there be such a country shrew in such a high-end restaurant? "

"Who knows, the woman I saw might be a girl!
This is trying to help someone who didn't help, so you want to blackmail someone! "

Han Xiaochen looked at Liu Chunhong with a half-smile. He had been clowning around to find fault with him all the time, so he just gave him a slap and taught him a lesson.

But this Liu Chunhong would not change his mind.

No one could see the light, and it directly penetrated into Liu Chunhong's body.

This is a little bit of ability derived from the spatial ability, it will not cause physical damage to people, but it will make people hurt all the time.

"Ouch, it hurts me to death, it hurts me to death!"

Just now I was touching porcelain, just now I thought I was going to blackmail people.

But now Liu Chunhong's whole body is not in a piercing pain.

He yelled so loudly, but it seemed like he was acting!
Han Xiaochen curled his lips, "I said this restaurant is the most upscale for me!
I can't see it all, why all kinds of smelly and smelly things go in.

Who would dare to come here to eat in the future!When you eat and eat, there are rogues who come up to scold you for no reason, and you are not allowed to fight back. Once you fight back, you will lie on the ground and roll around.

tut tut"

"Yes, yes, I saw it just now, that lady was eating well, and this woman came over angrily."

A young man at the next table also spoke out.
How else can we say that in today's society, we respect Luoshan first and then others!
Han Xiaochen had a noble temperament, and because of her supernatural power, her temperament was even more ethereal.

Not to mention that he was wearing a top-level high-end custom-made clothing, and he was also wearing jewelry worth hundreds of millions.

And that Liu Chunhong?If you see through it, it is a street stall, and your behavior is vulgar.

Even when Liu Chunhong was laughing with Mo Qinghan just now.

The guests around here can also hear a little bit, which is not a big deal.

Everyone is condemning Liu Chunhong!After all, those who can come here to eat are all people with heads and faces.

How could they really look down on someone like Liu Chunhong who lives at the bottom of society?

Even in their eyes, a woman like Liu Chunhong would despise her even as a servant in their family.

And such a person is not equal in their eyes.

So, Liu Chunhong was beaten by Han Xiaochen today, so it was for nothing!

"Come on, take this woman away for me."

Mo Qinghan's face darkened, but he finally uttered his cool voice.

Han Xiaochen curled his lips mockingly, and took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills from his bag.

The money was just withdrawn from the bank, and it was 1 yuan for such a deal.

"Your name is Liu Chunhong, right? Even though you were the one who spoke rudely, I taught you a lesson out of self-defense.

But no matter what, you were also beaten by me, and the money will be used as your medical expenses.

You remember for me that not everyone in this world can be insulted by your rude words.

There will be no counterattacks and punishments against you. "

Han Xiaochen threw the hundred-yuan bills directly in front of Liu Chunhong with a snap.

Because of the inertia and Han Xiaochen used some small tricks, the money was poured directly on Liu Chunhong's head like a goddess scattered flowers.

Liu Chunhong's eyes were indeed redder.

"Is it great to be rich? Is being rich enough to insult and bully people like this?
Woman, you are waiting, you shameless woman, don't you know that there is a saying in the world called don't bully the young and poor? "

Liu Chunhong looked at Lin Xiaoya pitifully, but Lin Xiaoya turned her head away and ignored her.

But when she looked at Mo Qinghan for help again, Mo Qinghan didn't even give her a glance

"Hurry up and get this woman away, don't let me talk about the third time."

Liu Chunhong's eyes were red, and he walked out, "Just leave, who cares about your stinky money, aunt and grandma don't want it!"

"Chunhong, Liu Chunhong, listen to my explanation!"

Lin Xiaoya also chased her out. Of course, the main reason was that Lin Xiaoya felt that she had lost all face here, and she didn't know what to say.

And Mo Qinghan didn't know what to think, but Yu Zun bent down like hell, and picked up the hundred dollar bills one by one.

Put it in front of Lai Han Xiaochen.

"Miss, I haven't known your last name for so long, how about my proposal just now, are you willing to accept it?"

Han Xiaochen glanced at Mo Qinghan, "Waiter, this money is considered a tip for you."

"Yes, thank you miss!" Originally, this high-end restaurant had the habit of giving tips, and the waiters had long been used to it.

Or a customer suddenly gave so many answers, which still surprised her.

"You. Go down!" Mo Qinghan waved his hand.

"Miss, let's have a good chat now!"

"Don't call me Mrs. Miss, don't you know that the title Miss is misleading nowadays?

My surname is Han and my name is Han Xiaochen! "

Han Xiaochen leaned on the back of the chair, the man in front of him was a bit interesting!

It turned out to be a martial arts practitioner, and even had internal strength in his body.

But when this man faced the woman's provocation just now, he was so good-tempered that he was much stronger than himself.

"Han Xiaochen, it's a pleasure to meet Miss Han!

Then let me introduce again that my name is Mo Qinghan.

He is the third son of the Mo family, and now this restaurant is a small property under Mo's name. "

What Mo Qinghan said was humble enough.

It even made the footsteps of the manager on duty who had just left almost slip.

Damn, what's wrong with my boss now?

(End of this chapter)

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