Chapter 393

"Hehe, Mo Qinghan, I think it's better for us to test it.

You believe in me, I don't believe in myself yet!

Anyway, I can be regarded as a small success in cultivation.

If this is because of occasional interest to practice this ancient martial arts.

On the contrary, if I use up my own practice, then the gain outweighs the loss. "

Han Xiaochen covered his lips and smiled, it was obvious that Han Xiaochen was only interested in practicing ancient martial arts for a while.

"That's fine, in fact, it's not a big deal to test the root and fruit, I'll do it tomorrow.

Not to mention tomorrow, I will take you to test it when you are free. "

Mo Qinghan bent the corners of her lips, Han Xiaochen is still too young, too gullible

If she is malicious at this time, no matter how skilled this girl is, does she think she can run away?
But no matter how much Mo Qinghan thinks about it, he won't think of it.

Han Xiaochen is a person with dual abilities of space and wood.

It's even the kind of supernatural being who can cultivate spiritual power and travel through time and space.

With such a woman, there is nothing he can imprison!

"I don't have any good gifts to give you when we meet Xiaochen for the first time, so how about this card for you?
I can feel that you are a girl who has a deep pursuit of every school hour! "

I saw him pull out a top vIP black gold card of this hotel from the wallet he carried with him.

As long as you hold this card to eat at any of his restaurants and hotels, it's all free.

What Mo Qinghan said is quite skillful, if you just say that you can tell at a glance that Han Xiaochen is a foodie, wouldn't it be enough?

Han Xiaochen was also a smart person, so she didn't hesitate to put the card away.

"Mo Qinghan, thank you, I won't be rewarded for nothing, although we are trying to date, but I can't take advantage of you like this.

In this way, this thing is for you. This long-term wearing can have a very good adjustment effect on the body! "

Han Xiaochen directly took out such a low-level water system crystal nucleus from his handbag.

Although this water system crystal nucleus is only three-level.

But it is crystal clear, and it also exudes energy, which really has the effect of regulating the body and mind of this ordinary person!
"Xiaochen, what is this?
Is this rhombus-shaped water-blue object a gemstone? "

Mo Qinghan originally refused, but he didn't say the words of rejection.

He was attracted by the water blue crystal in front of Han Xiaochen's eyes.

This crystal is the size of a grown man's fingernail.

The key is that the whole body exudes a very comfortable energy breath.

I can actually see such a treasure in my lifetime.

This Han Xiaochen is really generous enough for the restaurants under his banner.

Although it is said that whether it is ingredients or instructions, they all choose the best.

But no matter what, this value cannot be compared with the water-blue crystal in Han Xiaochen's hand.

"Mo Qinghan, I said that you think too much, this thing is not what you think.

It's just that it contains this thick and pure water energy.

Now that there are too many kinds of pollution in this society, I said that if people wear it for a long time, it will be good for the body. "

Han Xiaochen sighed softly, did he shock the man in front of him?

Maybe the man in front of him will complain silently in his heart, thinking that he is more stupid and has more money?
But this thing is really no big deal to me.

Of course, the main reason is that this low-level water crystal nucleus is of little value to him.

It's useless for Han Yinuo, okay?

"Xiaochen, Qinghan felt the faint energy emanating from your crystal.

It's just that Qinghan doesn't know how to return your gift after getting such a precious priceless treasure from you.

Although Qinghan's family has more money in the common world, but thinking about you, you may not be able to appreciate it.

How about you look like this?This puts you at a disadvantage, and I always can't bear it.

How about I promise you with my body. "

Mo Qinghan gritted his teeth before saying these words.

It seems that he has been wronged so much, but the playfulness in his eyes is getting deeper and deeper.

"Bah! Pfft" Mo Qinghan's words immediately spit on Han Xiaochen who was drinking water.

He, a man, promised himself with his body, and he seemed to have suffered a lot.


Could it be that the world is changing so fast that I can't keep up for a while?

"Mo Qinghan, you think beautifully, and you are the only one who promises it with your body!"

Han Xiaochen couldn't help coughing twice, but was happy.


"Xiaochen, don't laugh, haven't you been attracted by me just now?

I, Mo Qinghan, are not that bad, okay?There are a lot of daughters who are all trying their best to chase me, and want to have a good time with me!

Then those vulgar fans, Qinghan just don't like any of them! "

This guy Mo Qinghan is addicted to acting, so he put on such a look again.

She was very innocent, and seemed to have been hurt a little bit.

"Hahaha, Mo Qinghan, I feel that my biggest achievement today is meeting you.

Haha, I haven't been this happy for a long time!
As for the crystal, I will give it to you if I say give it to you, but this crystal is for me!no big deal.

It's no problem to give it to you, a friend who hit it off at first sight.

It's like you just gave me the highest-level card in your store.

It makes sense for me to come to these restaurants and hotels of yours for free all the time.

Perhaps for the little things that are not worth mentioning between us, it is also mutually beneficial to switch us! "

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll keep it.

How could Mo not accept this beauty as a gift. "

Mo Qinghan's eyes became wilder and wilder.


The two hit it off right away, and they really chatted for a long time!But maybe these two people are usually too lonely.

When Han Xiaochen saw that he had to leave with only half an hour left, he reluctantly bid farewell to Mo Qinghan
But Mo Qinghan insisted on sending Han Xiaochen back home so shamelessly.

But Mo Qinghan came to Han Xiaochen's house, and looked at the super luxurious mansion where Han Xiaochen lived.

His eyes couldn't help but flicker, and he accidentally picked up Bai Fumei, the top of the cultivation family!

"Mo Qinghan, I'm sorry, I really can't let you come to my house to do it today, we will meet later!"

Han Xiaochen was still ruthless and directly rejected Mo Qinghan who seemed to want to enter the room
"Han Xiaochen, why are you guarding against me!

I can't beat you again, if the two of us are together, there is really a disadvantage.

It seems that I, a handsome man who is loved by everyone and whose flowers are blooming, have become this disadvantaged group instead! "

Mo Qinghan left in a very gentlemanly manner despite such a sentence.

This is because everyone has their own secrets and their own living habits.

Mo Qinghan can definitely understand and respect this point.

Even deep down, he still admires the more conservative girls.

"Mo Qinghan, what kind of wind is this, it actually brought you here."

As soon as Mo Qinghan started his ultra-luxury sports car, he ran into Li Jiachen, a tiger.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Li? Look at my memory, your family used to live here!"

Mo Qinghan's skinny smile

Li Jiachen, an old fox, has been tripping up his own business a lot recently.

But after being discovered by myself, I also repaired it several times severely.

(End of this chapter)

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