Chapter 394 Crisis
Chapter 368 Crisis

Li Jiachen frowned, for some reason, he suddenly realized that as long as Mo Qinghan existed, it would affect his status
No, how could I have such an absurd idea!

Mo Qinghan?
What can Mo Qinghan affect him, Mo Qinghan is a little wolf

It's just a tie with myself all day long!
: "Mo Qinghan, which wind blows you here.

Didn't you threaten before that as long as there are people from our Li family here, you will never set foot here? "

Mo Qinghan raised his lips: "Mr. Li! It seems that this piece of land does not belong to your Li family, does it?

Farewell! "

With one kick of the accelerator, Mo Qinghan drove the car away like a provocation
Li Jiachen...


"I'm Han Xiaochen, I'm not here now, please leave a message if you have anything to do.

Important things are said every time, and anyone who breaks into a private house will be killed without mercy! "

Han Xiaochen's different voice message came over.

"I don't know what the master is busy with every day, it seems to be busier than me!"

Li Jiachen shook his head: "Master, I have bought a few more copies of what you asked for, and I put them all in... the warehouse."


After Han Xiaochen returned to the space, of course he wanted to go back immediately.

But suddenly remembered that the big guy who seemed to have something to do with him outside was blocked
Han Xiaochen looked out intently.

Except for a few low-level zombies and some lost animals that seemed to be wandering outside.

The boss seemed to have left, but Han Xiaochen didn't want to go back immediately.

First, they are going back at night by themselves. It is a very risky move to go to the base.

Besides, who knows if the boss will hide in the dark and wait for himself!

As a small animal's sensitive instinct, Han Xiaochen could already feel it.

The boss staring at him is definitely an existence that he can't offend at all!

Han Xiaochen remembered something and found the control system of his own space.

Sure enough, the control system of this space has already taken pictures of the big guy outside.

Although this man looks handsome, but his body exudes a strong dark element.

There is also that thick, no matter how much wind is used, it is impossible to blow away a little bit of evil spirit from the whole body
It's simply...

"Han Xiaochen, where are you? You have been away for a long time, why haven't you come back!"

The news from Mo Yan, at this time, he has been worried about Han Xiaochen for a long time.

Especially after learning that this idiot Han Xiaochen went out to cause trouble again, and even provoked the Millennium Zombie King.

He just had a headache for a while, this woman, I really don't let myself worry.

It doesn't matter how you like to play and make trouble outside, but don't mess with those existences that you can't mess with!

If Han Xiaochen knew that he thought so, he had to complain.

I just want to help the common people clean up more zombies!

"Mo Yan, I went out to find my true love, so naturally I have to return to the base later."

Han Xiaochen's voice was very cheerful.

Mo Yan...

His face is dark, why?seem?Han Xiaochen really seems to have found true love!

"I met your true love so soon!

You are amazing!
How come the thousand-year-old zombie king has become your true love now? "

Mo Yan is so terrifying that he seems to be able to predict everything!

After Han Xiaochen got this knowledge, his face turned pale immediately
How can God be so unfair? Why is a scumbag like Mo Yan so powerful!
It's not fair, it's not fair!

"Of course my true love can't be that zombie king, he's a living human being!

Not only that, he is also the kind of extraordinary life experience.

The most important thing is that he is also an ancient martial arts practitioner with extraordinary handsomeness and gentlemanly demeanor!

There is nothing I don't like about this man, from hair to toenails! "

The corners of Han Xiaochen's lips curled slightly, in this flustered night

It's nice to have someone willing to chat with you.

At least it can give yourself courage!

"Hehe, is that so? Is it so good?"

Mo Yan's eyes are like the ever-changing sea of ​​stars.

This seems to have just been acquired, which seems to be able to shake the good things of today's human beings.

None of them could cause the slightest fluctuation in his mind.

"It doesn't matter how good it is, anyway, it's quite fun, and I'm quite interested.

Come on, why are you looking for me?What's up? "

"Han Xiaochen, where are you now? Are you in that man's arms?
Is he human?
Then what are you going to do when you stay in the lair of the Zombie King, the thousand-year-old zombie?Want to replace this Millennium Zombie King instead? "

A clear smile appeared on the corner of Mo Yan's mouth.

Han Xiaochen is now absolutely alone in the occupied area
During the day, a very powerful team was almost wiped out in the occupied area!

"Him?" Han Xiaochen was slightly taken aback.

"He, he's not by my side, but fortunately he's not here."

"Hehe! Han Xiaochen, you should be hiding in the space, right?
Give you some advice, didn't I give you a formation before?
If you place another isolation formation in your space, that Millennium Zombie King is very powerful.

Even if you are hiding in space, he can feel you.

It will even make some attacks that don't do much damage to you across the air, but can make you mentally exhausted. "

"Would that thing be so powerful? But maybe?
By the way, Mo Yan, I will send you the audio-visual material of that man, you can take a look.

See if the man has any flaws, I have a bad intuition.

That man seems to be more difficult to deal with than Taco, and he is ever-changing! "

While Han Xiaochen was talking, he sent the information about the man he just got to Mo Yan.

Then after thinking about it, I sent a copy to Xiao Ye, Li Na, and Mo Shen.

"Han Xiaochen, you are a space volitionist, and I don't think you will be short of things like food.

Put the formation I gave you, and sleep well in your space!

You are usually busy practicing, and you don't have time to sleep in properly!

Just take this as your rare opportunity to rest. "

"Well, I'm going to set up a formation right now."

After saying this, Han Xiaochen cut off the contact and started to set up formations.

There is no way to cut off the contact, this formation has been placed to be able to pattern any news outside, including the mobile signal!
This isolation formation is not difficult to arrange, and it is also arranged according to the orientation of the five elements and eight trigrams.

But it needs a strong spiritual power and crystal nucleus as support.

And Han Xiaochen can basically do these things.

However, after the formation was finished, Han Xiaochen seemed to have exhausted all the spiritual power in his body.

Well, I have to sleep even if I don't want to sleep now.

Han Xiaochen stuffed a few pieces of chocolate into his mouth, and drank a large glass of healing water condensed for him by Han Zhennuo

He went back to the bedroom, covered himself with a soft quilt, and closed his eyes.

In fact, this space is like spring all year round. Even ordinary people can't catch cold even if they don't cover the quilt.

But there is no way, Han Xiaochen, who has lived for more than 20 years, has already gotten used to it, and must sleep with a quilt.

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen just set up the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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