Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 395 Years of Friendship

Chapter 395 A Millennium Friendship

"Huh? This makes the little mouse a bit capable!
What's going on here, why can't I suddenly feel her. "

Ye Han narrowed his icy, unmechanized eyes, and smiled coldly
"Hehe, little mouse, you can run the first day of junior high school but not the fifteenth day!"

Who would have thought that the voice of the thousand-year-old zombie king was the same as that of a human being!

In fact, not only the voice of speaking, but also the appearance is really indistinguishable from human beings.

Of course, you have to not touch his heart and pulse.


Mo Yan frowned while looking at the information.

With his current strength, he can't deal with that Millennium Zombie King!
It turns out that there has always been a well water and a river water here and there.

Han Xiaochen must not make trouble like last time again.

If there is another mess, I am too embarrassed to ask Moshen to take in and rescue Han Xiaochen again.

However, this time Han Xiaochen got into too much trouble


"Husband, what do you think about this matter!"

After Xiao Ye watched the video, he immediately reported it to Li Na.

Li Na came over here and took it, and took it back after looking at it
As for the time here, it's better to save yourself a little bit.

Mo Shen frowned: "Wife, isn't this a woman with great luck, who is also very capable of causing trouble!

Now that I think about it, the most obedient one is you.

If that woman Han Xiaochen falls into my hands, it is absolutely impossible for me to let her out.

It's all right now, I have caused such a big disaster again, and I have been imprisoned again.

This time, there is no Han Zhennuo who risked his life to get into the Zombie Emperor's space to save her, right?

After all, the external cause of death is not Han Xiaochen, which dimension is he in?

It's the Millennium Zombie King who is blatantly threatening our base here! "

Mo Shen used to frown, it should be called this, right?

After all, Mo Yan, that nagging guy, thought he was a thousand-year-old zombie king.

It seems that they have found out all the names, what is Ye Han.

"That's right! What's wrong with this woman, Han Xiaochen? Going outside is just to practice, to collect some supplies, and to cause such a big disaster.

How could this millennium zombie king be lured out by her?

And what kind of bad and lethal weapon is used. "

Li Na's eyebrows were also furrowed tightly, Han Xiaochen seemed to be flustered for a while.

That's right, suitors who think they have extraordinary abilities and are as powerful as Mo Yan can't ask for him.

In addition, my skills are good, and I feel that I still have a hole card behind me.

Han Xiaochen doesn't even know what his last name is!
This obviously has no knowledge or nothing, but she has to challenge more than once with her incredible ability, which is far better than those powerful existences whose strength is many times her strength.

Han Xiaochen, don't think about yourself, you also have to think about the population of this base.

Just last time, if it wasn't for her, would the base have been besieged by zombies for so long?

"My wife is not the time to think so much, let's wait and see what happens!

For the time being, I don't plan to make a move.

It's a joke, Han Xiaochen is not me, Moshen, I care about her life!
No matter what happened this time, she couldn't put so many people in the base in danger again just because she was alone. "

Mo Shen sneered.

"Well, let's wait and see what happens first. Anyway, Han Xiaochen can live in her own space, so let her punish herself and put herself in confinement."


Mo Yan frowned, trying to contact Mo Shen, but was rejected.

In desperation, he had no choice but to find Xiao Ye.

But Xiao Ye just looked at Mo Yan with a half-smile
"Mo Yan, how is your woman related to the base?
As far as your woman is concerned, she has the ability to purify crystal nuclei. Look at what she has contributed to the base.

Not to mention, how much loss was caused to the base because of her last time.

Our leader and his wife are in a critical stage of cultivation, so don't disturb them. "

What Xiao Ye said was so blunt.

She made up her mind to teach Han Xiaochen a profound lesson.

Mo Yan frowned deeply, he felt that he had tried his best to endure
: "Xiao Ye, I'm here to discuss with them, not to ask them to do something."

"I know! I know you came to discuss with us.

But you don't just want to hear our opinions, you don't need our help, do you?

Let me just say it again, I didn't lie to you, we are the leader and the leader's wife are indeed at a critical stage of cultivation.

Then everyone is a high-level ability user, and they all know how important this practice is, especially when it reaches a critical stage.

Why do you come here to be aggressive?
Mo Yan, please remember that neither I nor our leader and his wife owe you or your concubine Han Xiaochen at all. "

"You, you, you are simply unreasonable." Mo Yan felt that he had never been angry before, but he was successfully irritated by Xiao Ye.

"Haha, Mo Yan, look at you, before I said anything, you immediately turned into anger.

Even if we forcibly interrupt the cultivation of our leader and the leader's wife, can this discussion lead to any results?

I can't see it all, can I?

In this way, I will explain to you, if this can save people, we will definitely save people if we find a way.

But, not now, I think that Han Xiaochen has been too drifting recently, too ignorant.

Xiao felt that it was absolutely necessary to teach her a profound lesson. "

Xiao Ye looked at Mo Yan with such eyes that seemed to be able to see everything.
"Mo Yan, in fact, you should know better than me.

What a powerful protective effect Han Xiaochen's space had on her.

With that space in Han Xiaochen, it is impossible for that millennium zombie king to hurt her.

But it will be closed for a while.

But the confinement was no big deal.

Both of us should be able to understand how much food and daily necessities are in Han Xiaochen's space.

As far as Han Xiaochen is there, I guess it will be fine for 12 years.

Just use this period of time to sharpen Han Xiaochen's unbelievable temperament. "

Xiao Ye hooked his lips, Ye Han?

Millennium Millennium Zombie King?

Ye Han, has it really been a long time since we saw each other?
But in the blink of an eye, you have become so unrecognizable.

Do you know that you are contaminated with human blood, and if you want to advance to a higher level after practicing, it will be a hundred times and a thousand times more difficult than before.

Even the suffering you have suffered will be a hundred times and a thousand times more difficult than what you have suffered before?

However, Xiao Ye licked the corner of his lips seductively.

Ye Han, I really didn't expect that we would be able to be in the interface of the end of the world.

Meet again, so close to each other again!
"You're right, it's true that Han Xiaochen has to grind hard on Han Xiaochen's problem of being alone.

But Xiao Ye has met such a strong opponent, how can you still make such an expression of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai? "

"Haha, Mo Yan, the two of us are foolish. Haha!!"

Xiao Ye hasn't smiled so brightly for a long time.

It can be heard that the old friend from the past is on the same interface as me, and even very close to me.

Han Xiaochen is also considered small, and he can make up for it a little bit!

(End of this chapter)

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