Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 396 Turned out to be an old acquaintance

Chapter 396 Turned out to be an old acquaintance

Yes, over 1000 years ago.

Xiao Ye was able to communicate with this guy by chance.

Of course the real reason is.

Xiao Ye discovered that there were many funerary objects in Yehan's tomb that were good for his cultivation.But those were of little use to Ye Han.

At that time, Xiao Ye had the idea of ​​being a good fox who paid attention to five things and four beauties.

Not only did he not eliminate Ye Han to silence him, but he also shared resources with him.

However, Ye Han's ability at that time was not as strong as it is now.

He can only come out at night when there is no starlight and moonlight.

Only now, the situation is not optimistic.

But yes, it has been more than 1000 years, so it is normal for Ye Han to grow up.

But Yehan, we can't come out, have you regained the nature of bloodthirsty, cruel and indiscriminate killing of innocents in your lifetime?
Xiao Ye actually knows everything, but there are some things he can't say.

Before Ye Han was reincarnated as the emperor, he was originally a well-known fierce god.

So it's normal to have that nature, but there are still too many evil things he did during his lifetime.

Only then did his soul be deeply trapped in the shell of his room.

But who would have thought that now that body has become the famous Hanba!

"Xiao Ye, how can you deal with that thousand-year-old zombie king?"

Mo Yan could tell at a glance that Xiao Ye, the zombie king, was not afraid at all.

"Hehe, Mo Yan, you're thinking too much, I was wondering if I could negotiate with that zombie king.

We human beings have at least a superficial balance with them.

Let's see if we can talk about how he can release Han Xiaochen! "

Xiao Ye's expression became more and more unpredictable.

"How...how is this possible?

The minds of people who are not of our race must be different, not to mention that this zombie does not belong to the category of living creatures! "

Mo Yan spoke with difficulty

"Han Xiaochen would be able to teleport out the moment he came out again.

I'm just worried that the Zombie King's movements are faster than hers! "

"Hehe, I think that Zombie King might have his eye on Han Xiaochen.

Otherwise, Han Xiaochen's daoism would have been wiped out by the zombie king in an instant!
Besides, your family Han Xiaochen has always been a kid, maybe she has some good ideas now! "

Xiao Ye forced the corners of his lips to curl up, making Mo Yan, who has always been indifferent to women in front of him, feel a little dazed
"Xiao Ye, will this Millennium Zombie King also be attracted by blood?"

Mo Yan didn't know why, but suddenly such a sentence popped into his head.

"Almost, if the blood is fresh enough and the amount is large enough.

Even, that blood doesn't necessarily need her human blood. "

Xiao Ye blinked at Mo Yan.

Now she can be regarded as doing good deeds every day, which can be regarded as pointing out a way for Mo Yan to survive!
"But Mo Yan, you have to remember, those must be fresh enough, and the quantity must be large enough.

And even if the Millennium Zombie King was attracted by the large amount of fresh blood, it would definitely not last longer than 1 minute! "

Mo Yan frowned, picked up his phone and sent a message to Han Xiaochen first.

He sent that passage to Han Xiaochen verbatim.

Although he knew that Han Xiaochen's signal was cut off now, so it was impossible to receive his message.

"Mo Yan, by the way, my mobile phone is good, the millennium zombie king should not be able to leave the occupied area.

They must be like their kind of dead creatures who have cultivated their spiritual intelligence, and the way of heaven will always have some fixed rules for them.

But if the Millennium Zombie King reached the top level.

Then there is almost no existence in this world that can fight against it.

If that's the case, we humans and even all creatures on this earth should be extinct. "

But what Xiao Ye didn't say was that even the zombie with the highest level had that ability.

But no one will really do that, because after all, if someone is really powerful enough to kill innocent people indiscriminately and stain too much blood.

Then Tiandao will never let him go, and the only thing waiting for him is to be directly wiped out by Tiandao.

When Yehan was a fierce god, he was relegated to the mortal world to be the emperor's unfavored prince because he went too far.

But even if he lost his memory, but his nature is still there, he is so bloodthirsty and brutal to the extreme!

"Okay, I get it, if that's the case, then I'll take my leave."

Mo Yan nodded, and sent what Xiao Ye just said to Han Xiaochen
After all, no matter how powerful the opponent is, it is better to know yourself and the enemy!

Just in case, in case a chance is found!

"Mo Yan, where are you going? Are you going to break into the tiger's den?
Are you sure you are confident enough that you can deal with that millennium zombie king? "

Xiao Ye looked at Mo Yan in surprise.
Mo Yan smiled wryly at her: "Xiao Ye, I'm going to collect more blood from that mutated animal."

To put it bluntly, it is to go out to fight monsters and upgrade, specifically to pick up mutant animals, catch them one by one, let bloodletting one by one, and then put that mutant animal into the space!

This is not a good method, but Mo Yan's method is very slow.

"In that case, then I won't keep you, and I have to give the base a good order.

It would be good to hunt more mutated animals. This human can save a lot of rations, and also reduce a lot of threats? "

Xiao Ye nodded in satisfaction.

"By the way, I have to remind you that if the blood is mixed with some supernatural water with that strong healing energy.

It would be even better to use them to attract the Millennium Zombie King!
Not only that, but the healing water can also bring some damage to the Millennium Zombie King! "

There is a poor way of immortality in this way, hehe Yehan, don’t blame me if you didn’t contact me when you came out

"Hehe, if that's the case, then I really have to collect it quickly."

While Mo Yan was speaking, his figure disappeared.

Xiao Ye...

You are bullying my old lady, you don't know how to do this, right?

Xiao Ye also disappeared in a flash.

It was as if these two had never been here before.


"Han Xinnuo, maximize your healing ability and collect more of your healing water.

This is waiting for a life-saving use! "

Han Xinuo had just woken up when Zhao Ye dug him out of the bed.

"???" Han Qinnuo looked at Zhao Ye in a daze
Zhao Ye touched his nose in embarrassment.

"That good friend of yours, Han Xiaochen, is in jail again, waiting for your bastard to save his life!"

As for your water, put it away and fill it directly for me.

Really looking forward to using it urgently! "

As Zhao Ye said this, he threw Han Qinuo a space ring newly developed by Mo Yan and the others.

The space of this space ring is not large, only six cubic meters.

But this is what they researched with the greatest effort. You must know that this interspatial ring can be kept fresh.

"Okay." Han Qinuo nodded hastily.

To tell the truth, she is still confused.

Still very curious, of course there is also a trace of anger mixed in this heart.

Han Xiaochen, you can't be more honest, why are you always getting into trouble?
And what trouble did you get into this time?

Han Xiaochen sneezed several times in his own space.

"Who is talking about me??"

If Han Xiaochen knew that those people outside the space paid so much attention to her, she would be wronged.

If she knew that she might provoke this millennium zombie king.

Even if you kill her, she won't come here to collect some damn supplies, okay?

Obviously, I came out this time to experience some experience, and I obviously wanted to do some good things for the base.

And as for the last time, I was also implicated by others.

It wasn't intentional to be taken away by Taco!

(End of this chapter)

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