Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 397 Dedicating Everything for Humanity

Chapter 397 Dedicating Everything for Humanity

But so what?Han Xiaochen knew it in his heart.

What is this called not killing Boren Boren but dying because of me.

No matter what, if he hadn't escaped back then, at least Taco wouldn't have besieged the base so quickly.


"That's the thing, that's what it is.

Han Xiaochen would never have thought that she would be so unlucky to meet the thousand-year-old zombie king.

Thanks to the two of you who are awesome in this space, if you encounter ordinary space powers, you may be wiped out at that time! "

Zhao Ye naturally had to explain this matter clearly to his wife.

Otherwise, with his wife's inquisitive nature, she couldn't sit still.

However, this space power user still has the kind of space where he can hide his body.

Now that I get the exact news, there will be no more than 8 people in the world! !

Ha ha……

"With such a husband, Han Xiaochen is quite unlucky.

Who would have thought that there would be such a thousand-year-old zombie king stationed in the city center that has been collecting supplies for a long time!
But it’s not right, how do you know that it belongs to the Millennium Zombie King! "

Han Zhennuo asked curiously while putting the healing supernatural water into the bucket
"What's the point? With the smell, and the various behaviors of that thousand-year-old zombie.

And we can analyze all the news we have now.

This is because Han Xiaochen ran too fast, and we didn't have any definite news about the thousand-year-old zombie at the time.

That's why there was such a big mistake, otherwise Han Xiaochen wouldn't let...


Why do I suddenly feel that Han Xiaochen seems to have an inexplicable heroine aura.

Every time she caused trouble, but everyone was unlucky.

But those who have the halo of heroines attract those men who are useful to her and can be called elite kings!
But look, tsk tsk! "

Before Zhao Ye finished speaking, he was amazed.

Han Zhennuo burst into laughter: "Husband, I hate you, I don't want you to spoil people like this.

Could it be that in your opinion, Mo Yan is not the king of elite men?

But it's just that Mo Yan's reputation is too bad, and his character and conduct are really too bad, he can be regarded as a real scumbag! "

"Hey, looking at it now, only Mo Yan can be regarded as relatively normal.

Of course, that Bao Jingming can be considered a normal person.

However, Bao Jingming is still recuperating from his injuries, and inexplicably shows that he is no longer interested in Han Xiaochen.

But look, the one who was interested in Han Xiaochen later was either the zombie king or the zombie king, tsk tsk tsk...

Perhaps one day, Han Xiaochen will have to dedicate everything to the peaceful coexistence of us humans and that zombie! "

Hearing what he said, Han Zhennuo immediately became angry and refused to release the water.

He went to beat Zhao Ye at first, but Zhao Ye didn't hide, he actually hit his wife solidly.

"Zhao Ye, you bastard, you stinky mouth, you're talking nonsense!

Han Xiaochen is my best friend, sisters, do you dare to arrange him again?

Be careful, I will clean you up after you fall asleep in the middle of the night. "

Han Zhennuo waved his fist at Zhao Ye in protest, and resumed the work at hand.

Treat this dead horse as a living horse doctor!But don't be cheap with these extremely high-concentration healing waters, those who have nothing to do with them.

It's a pity, this thing can't be sent directly to Han Xiaochen, or he can go to fight directly with him!

Judging from the meaning of the base, if they were not completely sure, they probably would not have sent someone out to rescue Han Xiaochen.

Right now, I can only hope that this scumbag Mo Yan, who is still obsessed with Han Xiaochen for the time being, will quickly come up with a good solution.Hurry up and find a way to rescue Han Xiaochen.

"Husband, will this time be as safe and sound as last time?"

Han Xinuo said softly.

"Last time? Are you sure you passed the last time without any danger?"

Zhao Ye laughed mockingly: "Except for Han Xiaochen and Bao Jingming, look at the large group of members who were arrested at the beginning and came out.

How dare you say that it was a near miss? ?
Not to mention anything else, just because of how much our base suffered that time.

Right now, some low-level supernatural beings are asking Xiaoshen to want to let the chicken team keep them again, and they are arguing that they don't want to go out to do missions! "

Han Xinuo's expression was a little sad.

"Husband, if I have that ability, I will definitely save them all.

But it's obvious that Han Xiaochen was discovered by Taco just after he came out. "

Zhao Ye shook his head, walked to his wife's side, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Honey, I don't mean anything else, let alone blame you, what you did was already great.

If you want to blame, you can only blame those people for their bad lives, if you want to blame, you can only blame this opponent for being too powerful and evil. "

Han Xinuo's expression was still a little downcast, but even so, he still tried his best to maximize his healing ability.

And the water is released faster and faster.

That's all I can do now.

The Millennium Zombie King who can instantly kill people.

Han Xiaochen is really sorry, I am really powerless to save you this time.

And you, now ask for blessings!
However, Han Xiaochen, nothing will happen to you, right?

You will be the same as before, no matter what you encounter, you will be very happy.

Yes, it will definitely be the same as before, no matter what kind of danger you encounter, you will get through it without any danger.

Put away the healing energy water, carefully put it into the space ring, and handed it to her husband.

"Honey, I'm in a bad mood and want to go out for a walk!"

"Then you go, I happen to be going out too, so hurry up and give this water to Mo Yan.

But be careful when you go out, take the two of you with you.

Now that your power is almost exhausted, it is very dangerous to meet someone who has ill intentions for you. "

"Yeah, man, I know.

That being the case, I'll eat something to recover, and I'll go out again!
Nowadays, I am also very timid and fearful. Maybe the higher the level of the ability on my body, the more timid I am? "

That's right, Han Xinuo has cultivated to the present state, and her lifespan has been extended to 220 years old
That's as long as she doesn't suffer that fatal injury.

It would not be surprising to live that long.

This is still in the case that her ability level will not increase in the future!
"Hehe, wife, I think it's better for you to be less timid.

I don't expect you to be able to say how much meritorious service you have achieved or what.

As long as you can be safe and secure by my side.

As for Han Xiaochen who keeps having accidents one after another, I feel a toothache!
Even if she didn't mean it, she doesn't know many things.

But it is obvious that all these things now were caused by her, Han Xiaochen, indirectly or directly. "

Zhao Ye put down these words, took the interspatial ring and walked out.

Now Mo Yan has gone outside and even brought Dabo's people to collect the fresh blood of the mutated animal, okay?
And when you go out by yourself, in addition to helping them, you have to hand over this space ring to Mo Yan as soon as possible

After all hey! !
This guy Mo Yan has a lot of adaptability and hidden abilities.

And now this woman in prison is the one he, Mo Yan, has been desperately pursuing with guilt.

Hehe, no matter what I do, I can't steal the limelight from this guy Mo Yan, can't I! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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